Recommended games for the upcoming holiday season.

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Level 5
Jun 10, 2004
Since its time of year again, I thought I'd help make the season merry by recommending games to get for it. (For either yourself or people you know that are interested in the genre of game its in). You can also use this thread to make recommendations yourself.
-For you RPG fans out there, there's few games that recently came out (besides FFXII) that I'd recommend more than Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories. Sure the graphics (technical) are primitive, but it has really impressive game play. There's so much stuff to do in this game that you will literately need a strategy guide in order to find every last secret. The game is also hilarious, containing everything from talking penguins that explode when tossed, a perverted, cowardly talking frog with a French accent, villians that get more angry about being called flat than with people that oppose her plans, to items that have sarcastic descriptions. The VA is also decent as well. It came out 4 months ago so it should also be easy to find.
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