the only reason recolors looks good is that blizzard employees made the icon with love, devotion, and hard work, that's why the default icon rocks so much. basicly when you recolor it, it's still the default icon, with same shading, but not same colors, but its completly still the default icon. if you had to do icons from scratch, you would look smart don't you recolorers?
recoloring takes nothing more than a command, that does it all for you. artists in older times did not had this, and that's how you learn, by doing it yourself, not with a machine. You learn absolutly nothing by recoloring.
Ignore the poll results, these peoples will be better without recolorings, where recoloring be restricted, it's better for their learnings and developement.
Please, restrict recolors, on my daily commenting, it's a hell to comment recolors, some people might know what i'm talking about.