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Im quiting the hive cause sincerely the new "originality" rule has crossed over the "use" rule in the artowrk. U may have seen my icons in the hive, im tired of the mods to say that they are just recolor, when i take the time to changue each icon and totally changue the background. They do not count it obviusly.

Baff im quiting =P but first ill upload 50 icons to see what they do...it will be funny xD..

3. Icon Quality
Quality is really very important: making a scratch icon will not be enough if it is poorly done. Throwing in some filters will generally not produce an acceptable result. Make sure that the final icon is detailed (not blurry or badly resized) and looks good in the game. Icons lacking an active alpha channel will not be approved.

4. Recolored Icons
Recolored versions of (author created) icons are allowed as long as they are made for certain purposes- such as potions.

5. Original Work
Stealing shall be severely punished with -25 reputation/icon. Stealing up to 2 pieces of art will result in a temporary ban (1 week). If the stealing continues, any offender shall be permanently banned.

oh btw. post that 50 icon and lets see what happens :D
it will be really funny
Darkfang... SERIOUSLY. Just upload one icon and attach a ZIP file to your post with all sorts of variations and recolors of it. If you're gonna upload 20 icons of the same type, you're just wasting space, making other icons less visible and are making it more of a hassle for the moderators to moderate all your stuff.

Im going to upload, but not recolor.. in two weeks ill upload 50 different icons ^^
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