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Icons Forum Posting and Submitting Rules

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Level 11
Jul 20, 2004
Icons Forum Posting and Submitting Rules:

Below you will find the rules regarding posting messages in the Icons Forum and submitting resources to the Icons Section. Please take a moment to review these:

If you find a post or resource that violates these rules, then please PM Daelin.

1) Posting Rules
• Posting threads on questions already answered in this section is just a waste of space. Do it too many times and you'll receive a warning or even worse.
• Read the FAQ before posting a thread. It might help you answer your question.

2) Submitting Rules
• Plains recolors are prohibited. Simply taking an already existent icon, either from blizzard or any other user (that includes yourself, I don’t want to see five identical icons, in different colors) and recoloring without any further changes will lead to the deletion of that icon. A negative example is this, while a positive example is this

• Shallowing editing of already existant icons (yes, this includes your own icon) is not accepted. Such techniques include rotating the icon, recoloring it, and playing with the contrast/brightness. There should be some noticeable changes of an already existant icon for it to be accepted.

• Simple copy-paste, also known as icon merging must be very good (so the result is different than the original icons) or else it will not be accepted. Here is an example of good merging.

• Stealing is prohibited. If you take someone else’s icon and change it, you MUST give credits to the author, even if it is Blizzard. To give credits attach a readme and/or post a comment just after you submitted the icon, for the credits.

• Don’t post icons from the Warcraft 3 mpqs even if they are hidden in WE or not. Posting such icons will immediately result into a warning and the deletion of the icon.

• Taking someone else’s icon and making it from a form of it to another is not allowed. Forms known are active, disabled, passive, autocast and infocard. If you are the author of the icon, and you want to post for example all active, passive and autocast version, you are allowed to make a submittion with active and passive version, and another one with the autocast version in place of active, for that submittion. This is not allowed if you are not the author of the icon. Yes, this includes Blizzard icons. This rule applies even if you would give credits to the author.

• As a further suggestion, I would like to mention that instead of the DISPASBTN you could put the autocastable version of the icon. In that case, you could avoid posting twice the icon and so, keep it in a single submittion.

• Posting icons of a building/unit is prohibited, unless it is available on the site or in blizzard's mpqs for warcraft 3 (either ROC or TFT) as well, either in the form of a skin or a model. Moreover, that icon should either be a screenshot (with the face in the case of the units) or freehand. It can be a recolor of an already existant icon as long as you give credits to the original owner.

• Screenshot icons are prohibited, if they are not made for a non-blizzard building/unit. This includes screenshots for items, as an example diablo 2. Exception make screenshots of custom items, in the form of a model (again non-blizzard), and just like in the case of building/units, the item should be available on the site, either in the form of a skin, or a model.

• Icons without or with poor shading are unaccepted. As an example, this one doesn’t have any shading, but this one does. The difference is obvious.

• Icons which don’t represent anything, the image itself is not detailed or are very blurry, so that they cannot really be used for something, are against rules. Since this might be a relative area, we won’t be extremely strict here, but don’t post too many times icons in the same style, when we told you once that the icon doesn’t represent anything, because you will be in trouble.

• Icons only with disabled version are prohibited. Your icon must have the disabled version, but also either passive or active. You can of course put instead of passive an autocast version, or instead of active an autocast version, since there is not a third field for autocast versions.

• You are not allowed to take icons from other games and put them in warcraft, by adding the metal border. However, if you really want to do this because the icon looks incredible, give credits to the author, and make sure they look good. For example, don’t bring 42x42 icons resized to 64x64 so that they fit the warcraft 3 size. They will look blurry. If we discover that you brought icons from other games and didn’t give credits, you will be banned and the icons will be deleted.

• Make sure that the icons have the warcraft 3 metal border. You may try to be creative and add your own border to the icon, but if it doesn’t look good you will be asked to add the classical border. Icons without a border are prohibited. Oh, and just adding a custom border to an already existant icon without any further changes is considered shallow editing. Further changes should be more than other shallow editing techniques though. You can post only the border as an icon, so that others can use it in place of the warcraft border.

• Copy and Paste from cartoons, movies or real life pictures are also unaccepted.

Note: I don't take any responsability for the loss of your icons. If you post a rule-breaking icon on the site I will delete it with no backup. It's your responsability to keep a backup of your own icons.

3) Requested Icons Rules
Since people may request some icons which do not follow the rules above (and somebody may indeed want just a recolor or a screenshot) here are some notes.

• Under no circumstances are you to post an icon that breaks atleast one of the rules above and give as a reason that it was requested. If you do so, you will penalized and the icon will be deleted.

• You can email the icon set to the person requesting it or make an account on Photobucket and submit the icons there.

If you have any complains, questions or suggestions please PM me and I will do my best to explain/implement them.

Level 9
May 7, 2005
"Posting icons of a building/unit is prohibited"

i didnt quite understand this part

good changes anyway
Level 9
May 7, 2005
i read it all man

i just cant understand why you would make some, in my point of view, nonsense rule

this means if i want to do a different version of a barracks for example (according to all other rules, fully freehanded and such) i cannot submit it because there is no such barracks avaiable in wc3sear.ch (even if i plan to make a skin)?

not fair
Level 4
Aug 21, 2004
Raiju said:
i read it all man

i just cant understand why you would make some, in my point of view, nonsense rule

this means if i want to do a different version of a barracks for example (according to all other rules, fully freehanded and such) i cannot submit it because there is no such barracks avaiable in wc3sear.ch (even if i plan to make a skin)?

not fair

I think Daelin means (correct me if I'm wrong) that for example, someone posts an icon of, say, a picture of Gondor from LoTR Battle for Middle Earth, and there is no such building in wc3sear.ch or the MPQ. Now that's useless.

Bottom line is (I believe) no icons for anything on wc3sear.ch or war3.
Level 9
Jul 7, 2005
Does this mean that your icons for RotHE also have to go?? seeing as i dont know if you have models ffor them its just a question.
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