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Reasons why American Troops should stay in Iraq.

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Level 6
Jul 28, 2008
It's not like Al-Qaeda will be stopped anyway, they're too many and too hard to be tracked. Besides they aren't merciful to the people they catch. I found an awful movie of a soldier got his throat cut off. It was no good looking. Felt bad a long time after that. So just get them home!!
Level 5
Jun 8, 2008
As far as im concerned there should not be any war in Iraq, it is a war for oil and nothing else.

However, since the US have allready destabilized a country full of oposing clans they would be complete jack asses to just leave it to its own fate. Right now the only thing keeping a civil war from happening is the foreign troops stationed there.
Level 5
Aug 11, 2008
i wouldnt mind stealing oil. Sadly, the prices are still high.

the soldiers in Iraq aren't there to stamp out terrorists. That's afghanistan. The war started because George thought there were WMD. Now i support the US and it's military and all, but i think KEEPING the soldiers there is pretty pointless. Like 70% of the people there want them out and 50% of ppl here want them back as well, but if u really need a reason for why they should stay, here are some:
Stabilizing a country
Preventing terrorists from operating in Iraq
....that's about it.
Level 19
Jul 19, 2006
They want the oil, but that's probably one of many stuff, I don't know but at least oil is one thing.

The war isn't over oil, it's over preventing a future '911' incident from happening. Incidentally we'd probably be better off if Sadamn were still in power, as all he was was a dictator, and a slightly aggressive one at that. They did not have weapons of mass destruction, they only have the weapons we gave them to protect themselves from Iran -.-

The god damn idiots in charge of the US republic have obviously been put in a situation that no one alive today has the experience to resolve. Not John McCain, not Barack Obama, not even (urban) Abraham Lincoln could end the conflicts in the middle east.

From all of my friends who have come back from Iraq and Afghanistan, the two suggestions have been this:

-Get the hell out, and put in two reasonable dictators.
-Input a massive surge of almost all of the soldiers we have at our disposal, thus outnumbering the insurgents, and slaughtering them all. Once the insurgents are dead, we can move on, murdering the Al Qaeda, putting an end to the threats in Pakistan and Iran, and making the US the UBA of the world once again.
Level 13
Apr 19, 2007
Or, you know, nuke Iraq and Afghanistan. Everyone's already pissed off at us for the economy plummeting. Things are bad enough as is, might as well make things worse.
Level 19
Jul 19, 2006
Or, you know, nuke Iraq and Afghanistan. Everyone's already pissed off at us for the economy plummeting. Things are bad enough as is, might as well make things worse.

I believe nuking is a lot more harsh then electing reasonable, decent dictators to rule these countries. If we could resume the situation prior to '911' without Al Qaeda as a factor, the world will be a much better place.



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
I like politics, and I've heard of McCain and Obama debating that several times, but since I do not know the pros or cons of ordering the American troops to return, and overall I do not know much about war, I won't be saying "this or that should be done".

However, nuking won't resolve anything. It's as ethically wrong as it sounds, and nobody would approve.
-Input a massive surge of almost all of the soldiers we have at our disposal, thus outnumbering the insurgents, and slaughtering them all. Once the insurgents are dead, we can move on, murdering the Al Qaeda, putting an end to the threats in Pakistan and Iran, and making the US the UBA of the world once again.

Al-Qaeda is a guerrilla, not an army! Theres no way to send an army to destroy a guerrilla, since they can disguise easily, and in open confront, they always will use innocent people as living shields. The only way to defeat a guerrilla is with massive bombardments, or nuclear strikes, what would kill many innocent people. So, theres no way to stop Al-Qaeda.

All that U.S. Army could do is to stop Saddam since Iraquian army could be a threat to other middle east nations. Now that Saddam is dead, there is no more reason to stay. Even IF they find a way to kill Bin Laden, Al Qaeda will find a new leader to replace him easily.
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
i wouldnt mind stealing oil. Sadly, the prices are still high.

the soldiers in Iraq aren't there to stamp out terrorists. That's afghanistan. The war started because George thought there were WMD. Now i support the US and it's military and all, but i think KEEPING the soldiers there is pretty pointless. Like 70% of the people there want them out and 50% of ppl here want them back as well, but if u really need a reason for why they should stay, here are some:
Stabilizing a country
Preventing terrorists from operating in Iraq
....that's about it.
Bush saying that there were WMDs there doesn't mean he thought there were WMDs there.

If you want to support it, just look at it from the economic perspective of Cheney and his cronies.

Oh, and what does everyone have against Saddam?
Level 18
May 27, 2007
Bush saying that there were WMDs there doesn't mean he thought there were WMDs there.

If you want to support it, just look at it from the economic perspective of Cheney and his cronies.

Oh, and what does everyone have against Saddam?

His state of life, or lack thereof.

Anyhow, they need to stay there until the Iraqi forces can maintain control. Just like pulling out won't prevent pregnancy, it won't prevent more turmoil.
Level 5
Jan 13, 2008

I would love to tell you all why American was right to go into Iraq. But I wont, because I have a feeling the mods (who admited to disliking me) would delete this post. But what ever.

A reason why the soldiers should stay?

Easy. When they leave, there will be a bloody civil war. Most likely one of the sects will kill the other off completely.
Level 5
Jan 13, 2008
LOL. The reason we went in was because most people thought that Sadam had WMD. He even admitted he wanted people to think that.
Level 13
Apr 19, 2007
I know, that's the reason.

But a lot of people nowadays think it is for stuff like the oil. I personally think it was the main reason and that the US really didn't care if Saddam had WMD seeing as a nuke is only devastating if it hits, it's not that effective if blown up during its flight here.
Level 14
Dec 9, 2006
"The consequences of leaving Iraq prematurely could be a radical Islamic regime funded with oil revenues, an unfettered platform for terrorist attacks, destabilizing the Middle East and threatening America itself. Know the enemy. Zarqawi has a long history of terrorist activities. He organized the assassination of Lawrence Foley, a U.S. Agency for International Development official, in Amman in 2002, he planned terrorist attacks in Germany a year later, and he plotted last year to attack Jordan’s intelligence service and prime minister’s office, as well as the U.S. and Israeli embassies there. Three al Qaeda operators crossed from Iraq into Jordan, smuggling seven Katyusha missiles in the underbelly of an aging Mercedes with a hidden second gas tank. Moreover, Jordanians discovered a warehouse of chemical substances and 20 tons of explosives. The 71 types of chemical substances included nerve gas and substances that cause third-degree burns and asphyxiation. Ultimately, the terrorists were diverted, but this is the kind of mayhem we can expect if al Qaeda is permitted to establish paramountcy in Iraq. This year, of course, it was Zarqawi who masterminded the suicide attacks on the three tourist hotels in Amman in which dozens died."

"In short, we must stay. What may have been originally a war of choice is now a war of necessity. So we must stop all this destabilizing talk about withdrawal. To withdraw to some timetable divorced from reality on the ground would grant militant Islam a huge victory, and Arabs who want to democratize and modernize would know they could not count on America to stand by its friends. Whatever the cost of our staying may be, the cost of retreat would be much higher. It would hardly persuade Zarqawi and his fellow terrorists to stop pursuing Americans around the globe. For those who think it was a big mistake to go in, it would be a bigger mistake to quit now."

"Indeed, a withdrawal would be presented across the Arab world as a defeat of the American infidels by the jihadists who would inflate the glory of victory and attract many new followers. It would also undermine our strategy of hitting terrorists hard abroad, while loyal allies and new friends around the world would find themselves leaderless in the global struggle against Islamist radicalism. A loss of nerve and a humiliating retreat would seriously undermine America’s role in the world. Indeed, what a foolish time to talk of getting out, just when we are getting our act together with the accelerated and improved training of Iraqi troops, and just before an election when Shiites and Sunnis are working to form the sort of institutions required to build a nation and quell the low-level civil war. After all, the insurgency is not destined to succeed. They are not fighting for a clear ideology; they lack any great power backing; they lack a positive agenda; they lack a charismatic leader; they have no territory of their own; they lack the support of the Shiites and the Kurds, as well as a significant portion of the Sunni population.
When America has prevailed in foreign ventures, it has been in the places where it stayed–in places like Bosnia, Kosovo, East Timor, Afghanistan, never mind Germany, Japan, and South Korea; in the places where America left too soon–Haiti, Somalia, and Vietnam–the results speak for themselves."

Level 5
Aug 11, 2008
Al-Qaeda is a guerrilla, not an army! Theres no way to send an army to destroy a guerrilla, since they can disguise easily, and in open confront, they always will use innocent people as living shields. The only way to defeat a guerrilla is with massive bombardments, or nuclear strikes, what would kill many innocent people. So, theres no way to stop Al-Qaeda.

There is a way. The reason the taliban and Al Qaeda can hide so easily is because the citizens support them. The civillians of afghanistan and Iraq probably hates the US occupation in their countries so why would they help the US and rooting out those that are trying to kick the US out? If somehow we win the hearts and minds of the innocents, the insurgents will have a harder time operating in those countries. Think about it, if people stop scouting for them and tell the military about all their bases and guys, it would be a lot harder to get together and attack in an organized attack.
Level 20
Apr 22, 2007
I beg to differ. Here's a neat conversation (100% legit btw):
(American)- Hey, do you know where I could find Osama Bin Laden?
(Afghan civilian)- Wha? Who's Osama Bin Laden?
(American)- He's a terrorist who killed many people in America.
(Afghan civilian)- Fuck Osama Bin Laden. Fuck America

Also, guys don't stop praying for Jesus because he's protecting all of the Americans in the heat of battle. Because Jesus hates the middle-east.

Level 19
Jul 19, 2006
In the mind of a US marine:
Level 9
Apr 5, 2008
I don't care how the war was started but if we pull out of Iraq now it would be bad, very bad, I don't care if it was for oil or because they discovered a freaking ring world that could destroy earth but honestly we got into a war and we can't stop now because 1) they wont stop and will invade America or 2) they will go into a civil war and kill each other, either way people die and it's bad. also aside from that, we are making life for those people better, our troops are literally driving up and down roads and waiting for people to attack them, while others are just arresting people, that's it, they aren't running around shooting at everything that moves.
Level 13
Jan 18, 2008
Ah, interesting article indeed. He way be right about the consecuences but... what right did USA initially have to assault Irak? And what right does it have to stay there?
And I felt quite intrigued when I read the quote:
Lt. Col. Kurilla said:
"You see -- there are 26 million people in Iraq whose freedom we are fighting for, against terrorists and insurgents that want a return to power and oppression, or worse, a state of fundamentalist tyranny. Some of whom we fight are international terrorists who hate the fact that in our way of life we can choose who will govern us, the method in which we worship, and the myriad other freedoms we have.
Why not, I agree. Some citizens are radicals, but this occurs in every country.
Lt. Col. Kurilla said:
We are fighting so that these fanatical terrorists do not enter the sacred ground of our country and we have to fight them in our own backyard."
I smell... something similar to hypocrisy...

Victor Davis Hanson said:
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005

I would love to tell you all why American was right to go into Iraq. But I wont, because I have a feeling the mods (who admited to disliking me) would delete this post. But what ever.

A reason why the soldiers should stay?

Easy. When they leave, there will be a bloody civil war. Most likely one of the sects will kill the other off completely.
That's an easy way of making it look like you have an argument when you really lack one, you know.

Perhaps you could be a Republican VP candidate!

LOL. The reason we went in was because most people thought that Sadam had WMD. He even admitted he wanted people to think that.
Under torture or not? And if the reason most people thought he had WMDs was because the government spammed them with propaganda until they believed it. That's hardly a good reason.

I don't care how the war was started but if we pull out of Iraq now it would be bad, very bad, I don't care if it was for oil or because they discovered a freaking ring world that could destroy earth but honestly we got into a war and we can't stop now because 1) they wont stop and will invade America or 2) they will go into a civil war and kill each other, either way people die and it's bad. also aside from that, we are making life for those people better, our troops are literally driving up and down roads and waiting for people to attack them, while others are just arresting people, that's it, they aren't running around shooting at everything that moves.
Some of them are doing good things. Others are doing the opposite.

As for a civil war, let them. It's the best thing you can let them have right now. Better to have a bunch of death and then have the country stabilize than have a bunch of death and have the US still occupying the country, with the situation exactly where it was.
Level 17
Aug 20, 2007
I smell... something similar to hypocrisy...

Not really... The radical terrorists are wacked. And they would rather kill civilians for religious reasons rather than doing other things.

I remember when my nation was ruled by Japan. 1940s I think. My country was pure Roman Catholic.

The Americans retreated from my country and the Japanese, thinking that they should make other people praise Japan and their culture, started occupying her.

The Japanese started killing many of us for one reason... We didn't reject our faith.

Of course this was years ago, so don't go thinking that I endured this. :grin:

See, what if Al-Queda had control of their place? Or worse, a part of America?

Many innocent people will die because of their beliefs.

Many radicals are dying because they started shooting at the troops.

I suck at making essays... Even posts... :grin:
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
Not really... The radical terrorists are wacked. And they would rather kill civilians for religious reasons rather than doing other things.

I remember when my nation was ruled by Japan. 1940s I think. My country was pure Roman Catholic.

The Americans retreated from my country and the Japanese, thinking that they should make other people praise Japan and their culture, started occupying her.

The Japanese started killing many of us for one reason... We didn't reject our faith.

Of course this was years ago, so don't go thinking that I endured this. :grin:

See, what if Al-Queda had control of their place? Or worse, a part of America?

Many innocent people will die because of their beliefs.

Many radicals are dying because they started shooting at the troops.

I suck at making essays... Even posts... :grin:
The troops are also killing a lot of innocent people. It goes both ways.
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