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Really strange virus...

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Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
Well I just got this really stupid virus on my computer that is a Trojan Adware and what it does is bring up popups for antivirus software. Ironic... :xxd:
Well so I want to get rid of it and am downloading norton antivirus hopefully it will work...

Edit: As I am a bit stupid as far as viruses and malware go, is there any way to get a virus from a warcraft 3 map? I think that might be how I got it...
More edit: I found out what the virus was! It was a misleader virus which according to Norton it does nothing really but it makes you think that your system is under attack, and tells you that you need to restart your computer or download programs (that you need to pay for, of course).
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Level 22
Aug 27, 2005
Thats what's known as Sods-Law :p

I use McAffee on my PC, and will do for as long as I can afford to pay for the bloody thing.

It's a tad bit expensive, to say the least. But, as of this moment, I've yet to find something that'll gets rid of viruses, Trojans and the like to the degree that McAffee does.
Level 8
Dec 11, 2006
I've never ever payed for or exentensively used any kind of anti-virus program and I never had a Virus problem. I used a freeware spyware/adware/virus detection software that i ran once in a while. Only detected one or two unharmfull things that didn't even notice i had.

Anyways I switched out my windows laptop with a Mac and I ported to Ubuntu on my desktop a while ago.

I have used Opera and Firefox as long as I've owned a computer so i never had a problem with popups and that kind of stuff.
Level 11
Feb 18, 2004
Edit: As I am a bit stupid as far as viruses and malware go, is there any way to get a virus from a warcraft 3 map? I think that might be how I got it...

There is no known exploit that could give you a virus from a WC3 map, aside from importing an executable in to it and hoping you extract and run it. (AFAIK.)

Also, I tried the free trial of Norton that came with my PC, and I have this to say about it: Its the biggest pile of shit money can buy. Considering AVG Free picked up on viruses Norton missed... Also I must note just how... unfriendly and bloated most "Norton" branded products are.

In any case, if you actually get viruses a lot, you're doing something wrong. I don't mean doing something illegal. I mean you're doing something wrong. The only viruses I've gotten in the past few years have required explicit action from me (e.g. running a .exe from a less than reputable source) or where gotten from crappy P2P networks such as eDonkey. (Thus why centrally tracked torrents are <3)
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