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Random Unit table

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Level 18
Aug 23, 2008
This is probably a very dumb question, but I want to make a Random Unit table, containing only Child, Child (2), Villager (Female), Villager (Male) and Villager (Male 2). I placed a Random Unit from Player 3 (Teal) --> Neutral --> Campaign --> Cityscape, I dubble-click it, choose Random Unit --> Random Unit Type --> Use Custom Table, and I click on New Unit.
At this point, I only have limited choice. When I go to Neutral --> Campaign --> Cityscape, it only shows a Goblin Land Mine and 3 levelled Spirit Beasts. I also tried making custom units and look in Neutral --> Custom --> Cityscape, but they don't appear there either. This is the first time I use tables, and I can't seem to find anything useful on Altavista (there's something wrong with my Google :gg:)

How can I add those units to the list of available random units for a custom table?
Level 12
Apr 15, 2008
Edit those unit in Unit Editor, changing the field "Editor - Display as Neutral Hostile" to true. Then they should be aviable from the list.
You can change the field back to false after you add them to the random group, but since this is a "Editor"-category field, it shouldn't have any effect on the gameplay if it remains changed.
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