For the projectile problem: Find your unit in Object Editor and play with "Art - Projectile Launch - X", "Art - Projectile Launch - Y" and "Art - Projectile Launch - Z" fields.
These fields set the point from which the unit shoots the projectile. So basically if all fields have values 0,0,0, the projectile will fly off from center of the unit and in terms of height it will fly from ground.
The X, Y and Z stands for X, Y and Z axis, with Z-axis being height, so you will most likely play a lot with the X and Y ones.
You can put both positive and negative numbers in there to offset in in one direction or the opposite one.
Try for example putting number 30 only for the X axis and watch from where the unit shoots the projectile... then determine if you need to modify the X and/or Y axis and how much.