Questions And Suggestions

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Level 5
Dec 27, 2011
Two things that I would like to discuss.
First, The Druid's reviving capability. When will it be implemented?

I know that the druid's original role was to be an off-healer, but seeming how healing druids are more popular nowadays; I believe this ability should be available within the next hotfix. (if there is one)
And it should be available in the beginning levels. Basically, have two playable healing classes instead of the just one.

Honestly, if zwieb wants to make the druid another main healer, then this should be a priority. I think it would help complete the game class setup, beginning and the end.

Second, The Bard's instrument dependent abilities.
My question is this: If you need an instrument to play one of the support songs, then dont you need to always have the instrument on you? You know, to maintain the buff.
As of right now, Bard's can buff an ally and then unequip the instrument. And even though the instrument is off, the ally retains the buff. Whether this was intended or not, will it be changed or stay?
Level 7
Apr 16, 2014
Well addressing the bard issue at least, I hope the instruments I created should be good enough to want the Bard to keep them on at all times when in a group of 5 or more.
Level 7
Apr 16, 2014
I think this is just a matter of instrument items generally not being powerful enough. Although some of them grant pretty wicked auras...

Eh :p. When you're in a small group, like a berserker, Bard, and Bishop, the auras are quite poor. +5 int hardly benefits the bishop and +15% mana doesn't really benefit the party much either. I've done some dual purpose auras though that the instruments will benefit caster classes AND physical classes at the same time.
Level 1
Sep 30, 2014
Can anyone tell me where do I find whitepine mountains.I cant even find them on single player with iseedeadpeople,but read that they are somewhere in Ankhramon.Anyone can help?
Level 21
Mar 27, 2012
Mountains are at the bottom of the map. The mountains themselves belong to a new area that is not yet playable, but the foothills are playable and contain 4 bosses, of which 1 is designed for hardcore players and not necessary for progression at all.
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