Quarhodron 3

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
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60 normal game maps made in 1.26a editor. PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING:

- the descriptions on most of the maps are made to have an interesting story and does not change the standart gameplay in any way!

- there are no crazy suprising things, but you may find the map Treasure Islands may have a preferable tactic to rush the middle orange camps as the trolls there drop gold coins. This is very unique, and only happens there and at Treasury in Forest but in less quantity.

- maps are made very even, however in FEW of the maps chance for loot is at random - one such map for 1v1 is Treasury in Forest, there the red camp with the eredars have 20% chance to drop artifact item and 80% chance to drop nothing, if it happens only one of the player to have such item it does not mean the map is disbalanced, he only had DESERVED luck in that game, as he had a hard fight to reach such reward.

- no of the maps contain items placed on the ground as a free reward, everything comes from the camps, some maps give good rewards other smaller level quallity.

- one of the maps is called Canyon River and the final expansion gold mines are more close to the bottom side players, however the way to there is heavily guarded which means they can be reached in very end game. The pathes to there are equal length, however a flying units will reach them faster from the bottom side. This means a specific tarcics needs to be used there with more flying units or more guarding on those mines and it may look like a strange map to someone, if you find a map strange this doesn't mean all are, just try another one!

A Hatred For All (Map)

Abandoned Paladins Resort (Map)

Amazonia (Map)

Ashenvale (Map)

Azshara Delog (Map)

Black Market (Map)

Canyon River (Map)

Caverns of Time (Map)

Cold Water Reservoir (Map)

Conflict Burning Steppes (Map)

Conflict Stranglethorn Vale (Map)

Conflict The Barrens (Map)

Conflict Winterspring (Map)

Dark Voodoo (Map)

Deadskul (Map)

Divine Risings (Map)

Dragon City (Map)

Dragon City 2 (Map)

Dun Morogh (Map)

Endless Blue Forest (Map)

Farcap Crown (Map)

Felwood (Map)

Footmen Fields (Map)

Gardens of Life (Map)

Gold Runs (Map)

Hide & Seek (Map)

Improvised Keep (Map)

Jungle Fortitude (Map)

Kamchia (Map)

Lordaeron Spring (Map)

Moonglade Dew & Felwood Pit (Map)

Newland (Map)

Northfar Garrison (Map)

Orcland (Map)

Overtake (Map)

Overtake 2 (Map)

Overtake 3 (Map)

Paladins Resort (Map)

Purple Hills (Map)

Quarhodron (Map)

Quarhodron 2 (Map)

Quarhodron 3 (Map)

Revenant Grave (Map)

Revolver (Map)

Rich River (Map)

Rogueskul (Map)

Shimmering Well (Map)

Silverleaf Forest (Map)

Spaghetti Kingdom (Map)

Spring (Map)

Spring Catch (Map)

Stormlords (Map)

Sunny Garden (Map)

Teldralsi (Map)

Treasure Islands (Map)

Treasury in Forest (Map)

Trees on Lava (Map)

Twisting Nethers (Map)

Weed River (Map)

Winterspring Demon Invaded (Map)


Map Reviewer
Level 24
Nov 2, 2013
That's a lot of maps :D
I appreciate the work you put in all of this. Unfortunately, my impression is that it is quantity over quality. All of the maps suffer from multiple issues that make them essentially unplayable in a "serious" setting, such as battlenet or w3c ladder.
Some of these repeated issues are:
1. Bad main base layout: Often, the trees are too far away from the spawn location of the main building. Or the the bases are so open that creating any of the usual wall-ins is not possible.
2. Gaps between trees: There should be no gaps at all between trees. Check with "p" and "ctrl + d" and compare your maps to standard ladder maps. On standard maps, the forest locations are nearly 100% purple, whereas on your maps, there are countless gaps. Trees should be placed exclusively with the size 1 or 2 circulat tools, and only by individual clicks such that new trees align perfectly with existing trees. Do not plant trees by "holding and dragging the left mouse button".
3. Nonstandard item tables: One should almost never use any item drops other than the preset "100% chance for class X and level Y" item tables, or make only very small deviations to them. Otherwise, there is too much luck, the item drops become hard to remember, and the chances are high that some new imbalances are introduced.
4. Apart from that, the value of the item reward should be correlated to the strenght of the creepcamp from which it drops. Generally speaking, the itemdrops on your maps do this somewhat right, but there are still too many creepcamps where this isnt the case. Look at standard ladder maps to find out what is accepted as appropriate.
5. Creep placement: Ofthen the creeps are placed in such a way that the players will unintentionally run into them while moving their army across the map. This should not happen.
6. With very few exceptions, creeps should always be set to "camp" except when they are defending gold mines.
7. Neutral buildings: Every melee map needs a Tavern a Goblin shop, otherwise it can never be balanced. Some other buildings are also recommended to make the maps more interesting, but there can indeed be valid reasons to omit them.

There are probably some other issus that I havent noticed. The general layouts of the maps is sometimes good, but sometimes not, for example when there are too many too narrow choke points. While I like that you have tried a lot of different tilesets, in terms of decoration and visuals many of the maps are also relatively basic, but some are alright. You also did well to avoid any of the often-seen technical bugs with ramps or the melee map status. The map files could have better names though.

On a more positive notes, the following maps look to be promising, if not for the aforementioned issues:
-Revolver: Memorable layout nicely supported by corresponding visual design.
-Felwood: Always nice to see som high-player-count maps.
-Dark Voodoo: Unique layout, could in principle work well in a competitive setting if not for the issues mentioned above.
-Hide & Seek: Positively crazy layout.
-Jungle Fort: Fewer/less pronounced issues compared to the other maps, most of the positives of the other mentioned maps. Unfortunately not enough space for 12 players to move around as a team without getting into each others way.
-Lordaeron Spring (like the name, though it the tileset is almost 100% Lordaeron Winter?): See Revolver.
-Spaghetti Kingdom: Funny vulcano usage. Also one of the few map where I think the visuals are in an overall close-to-acceptable state.
-Stormlords: Slightly fewere issus than on most other maps. While not many doodads are there, it still doesnt look as bland as some other maps.

So what does this mean overall? Unfortunately even these better maps are still some steps behind what a "normal" melee wc3 player would expect from a melee map, and fixing them would be a lot of work; and for the other maps even more. Therefore I cannot approved this bundle and I'll set it to useful/simple. Sorry.
Level 12
Dec 24, 2021
useful/simple is very nice for this budle i appreciate it. maybe you can find 1-2 maps that may be good for a ladder but I mainly made them so players can have unique fun in melee standarts without crazy unexpected things. Jungle Fortitude is supposted to be FFA map only but 6v6 can also be played if armies move in lines together instead all blocking in one spot.
as for the file names it happened like this because my game dont read long names so i had to modify some
about trees i didnt really know because i played a lot of dota and it was normal to use gaps between trees there to escape or gang