Halo 3

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
this is my first time uploading a map on here and i made this map to let people know that im map maker but i aint the best but i hope you like and i wasnt sure how to give credits but thanks to hive workshop for the models and this map about role play and im working on afew other halo maps and i want like you're feed back. enjoy the map

halo role play

Halo 3 (Map)

21:05, 9th Mar 2014 Hell_Master: Fix your descriptions. Either use Map Description Generator (requires java) or Map Description Templates. Set to Awaiting Update.
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
Even if it is a demo, it's a cheap map. Here is what I think:-

- Your terrain looks futuristic and that's good. However, it lacks of futuristic doodads and ornaments which lets your terrain look empty. Also, I don't understand why the area of Pelican is made with Cityscape tiles while it should be with the futuristic tile you used in the whole map
- When the game starts, the unneeded heroes die immediately by surprise. Not professional in my opinion
- Lack of sounds which makes the game dull. When my units attack, there isn't any rifle sound. This is a problem of the creator of the model who didn't implement the sound in the model. Still, you can do something for that (see suggestions)
- Why does the unit I hire at the Pelican cost 1 gold only while I start with 10000 gold? Oh, talking about the Pelican, it's too overscaled (too huge I mean)
- No quests that tell me what to do
- The icon of the hero turns green when I pause. I guess you used the blp icon included present with the model downloaded
- Unfitting icons like the one of the rifleman with the unit I buy at Pelican and Divine Shield for the item Armor Lock
- No interesting actions occur when I play which makes your map even more boring than it is

I'll stop here with the bad things to tell you my suggestions:-

- Add some futuristic doodads to decorate your terrain. Search them in the Models section, I'm sure there are some useful doodads
- Whenever a unit of mine attacks, you might play the sound "GyrocopterImpactHit1 and 2" or "RiflemanAttack1 and 2" via triggers. That's going to make the game more vivid and lively
- For the icon turning green, if you used a blp icon included with a model, then there is NO solution. If you used an icon downloaded from the Icon Section, then import its DISBTN, remove war3imported\ from it and replace it with ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtonsDisabled
- The unit hired at Pelican should cost more
- Pelican should be smaller
- The unneeded heroes should vanish, not die in front of me
- Add a quest that tells me what is my objective in the game
- Some hints via messages would be handy while playing
- The icons should fit the models or type of item
- Make the game have unexpected events to impress the players

All in all, this a lacking map which requires a lot of work and effort. I'll give it 1.5/5, rate 2 and vote for REJECTION!