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Proper ultimate for this hero? (Raider)

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Level 4
Jun 16, 2009
This is what I have so far.
Raider hero using the Orc Raider model.

Ensnare: Throws a net in the target direction that moves quickly at first, and slowly loses moment as the distance increases. This net will ensnare the first target struck. If the Raider is gets close to the netted target, he will drag the net behind him for the duration of the ability. If the netted target takes over 150 damage in a single strike, the net will break preemptively.

Pillage: Grants static splash damage, an increased attack speed at the cost of a 50% damage reduction. Lasts for a short duration.

Rundown: If prowling is active, or if the raider is standing in the same spot for an extended duration, Rundown will charge. When Rundown is charged, the next movement will grant the Raider increased movement speed, no collision, and deal slight aoe damage to nearby targets. If the Raider stops moving when Rundown is active, the effect will end.

Innate Ability - Prowl: At the cost of movement speed, the Raider can become invisible. This invisibility breaks if he gets within 300 distance of an enemy unit.

Now, what I had in mind for his ultimate... was simply, having a bunch of units ambush the target area from all sides and kick the crap out of people for a bit. I don't really like this, I think it's kinda whack.

His moves are synergistic right now with things like.
+ While Pillage is active, it increases the damage you are putting out, but dulls down the damage per hit so much that it will not break an Ensnare for a single strike.
+ Rundown allows for grabbing an ensnared target, and quickly leading them through allied units to get them trapped.
+ Prowl lets you charge Rundown... and then dish out some damage with a Net+Rundown combo before the enemy has enough time to even think about what's going on.

That said.

Given these four abilities, he is an incredibly useful and powerful hero as it is.

But his ultimate.
I need something that can either:
+ Go well with his current synergy.
+ Be a standalone ability that helps him in his lacking areas (he's frail.)

Best ideas get +rep.

EDIT: And because I 'know' someone is going to want to mention it. No, I'm not going to use the "Bonecrusher" model, however awesome it may be, as I'm trying to keep the filesize down as much as possible. This means no "The Raider dismounts and etc etc etc..."
Level 7
Feb 21, 2009
hmm how about...

Mass Grab Net
Description : The Raider grabs all units near him with nests and then starts spinning untill his spead his very high. When the speed is high he will realese the nested enemyes throwing them back, dealing X damage and dizzing the targets for X seconds (Dizzy reduces the movement speed of the enemyes).

lol looks kinda crazy ! :p if you choose this, i wish you good luck with scripting it cuz i have no idea how to do that :D.

The "X" is for you to put the numbers. Good luck with your project.
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
Charge - requires Rundown charged. Quickly rushes to the target, dealing XXX damage to the target and XX damage to all enemies in the way. Deals 150% damage to the target if the target is bound by a Net
Level 4
Jun 16, 2009
Charge - requires Rundown charged. Quickly rushes to the target, dealing XXX damage to the target and XX damage to all enemies in the way. Deals 150% damage to the target if the target is bound by a Net

That, my friend, is a great idea.


The only complaint that I had would be that it acts like Rundown itself. And I mean that, the hero itself would be better off, or equally well off, if it just charged a Rundown, ran through the enemy creeps dealing damage along the way, via Rundown's aoe damage, to the target, and wail on it with Pillage after Netting them from point blank.

So in a sense, it's just a condensed version of what he can accomplish with his standard abilities, with some additional benefit, of course.

I do think you're on to something though... and it actually gives me some ideas.
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
maybe increase damage caused to main target and remove damage to enemies in rider's way for charge? it will turn it ti a simple single-teraget ability
Level 13
May 11, 2008
give him a slight movement speed aura for an ultimate. he'll still be frail, but his strong allies will be able to keep up with him better. plus he'll be that much faster with it.

or wait...something a little more creative and makes more sense would be...

something like a safety in numbers wolf pack aura.

so the aura works like it doesn't boost raider's speed since he's already fast, or maybe it gives him half the boost or some other fraction. also what it does is it's an aura that boosts according to how many units are nearby...you can make it regular allied units add a very small movement speed boost to the aura, all of those units will thus move faster and faster the more units are there. then the allied heroes may add even more movement speed boost to the aura. this also sounds like your ultimate idea of ambushing with a lot of units. that's basically what this will do, but it wouldn't use summons but existing units.

edit: the name for this ability might be "The Leader of the Pack"

if movement speed boost is a bad idea you can go for damage boost or armor boost or something similar like hp boost or whatever.

other names for it could be like The Wolf Pack or Pack of Wolves i guess.
Level 4
Jun 16, 2009
give him a slight movement speed aura for an ultimate. he'll still be frail, but his strong allies will be able to keep up with him better. plus he'll be that much faster with it.

or wait...something a little more creative and makes more sense would be...

something like a safety in numbers wolf pack aura.

so the aura works like it doesn't boost raider's speed since he's already fast, or maybe it gives him half the boost or some other fraction. also what it does is it's an aura that boosts according to how many units are nearby...you can make it regular allied units add a very small movement speed boost to the aura, all of those units will thus move faster and faster the more units are there. then the allied heroes may add even more movement speed boost to the aura. this also sounds like your ultimate idea of ambushing with a lot of units. that's basically what this will do, but it wouldn't use summons but existing units.

edit: the name for this ability might be "The Leader of the Pack"

if movement speed boost is a bad idea you can go for damage boost or armor boost or something similar like hp boost or whatever.

other names for it could be like The Wolf Pack or Pack of Wolves i guess.

While I dislike having multiple passives on the same character (for learnable abilities,) I do like this one. It makes good sense, and would give him something to benefit his teammates, and improve his overall synergy as it is (movement speed is good for this character.)

Very cool.

Still open to ideas, but very cool indeed.

EDIT: What I might do here is...

Leader of the Pack.
The Raider inducts allied targets into his pack, increasing their base movement speed depending on how many targets are affected. Will prioritize heroes over non-hero units. Hero units increase movement speed by 15 while non-heroes increase movement speed by 7. Number of total units affected increases per level.

Level 1 - Increases the movement of up to 4 targets.
Level 2 - Increases the movement of up to 6 targets.
Level 3 - Increases the movement of up to 9 targets.

So, assuming you have 4 allied heroes on your team to boost movement speed...
The first level provides 60 movement max.
Second level: 74 movement max, (since the rest of the bonus would have to be non-hero units.)
Third level: 95 movement max.
Or if there are no allied heroes nearby.

Looks like reasonable numbers.
I'd probably allow the ult to last maybe a minute, or 30 seconds. With maybe a 12 second cooldown.
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Level 12
Feb 7, 2008
A raider huh?

I noticed that you said ''being ambushed'' in the first post, so i made something for it.

-- Under Pressure --
Type: Cast/Passive (i made 2 versions of it).
Cast version effects: The raider goes on panic, making him increase attack speed and damage but lose controll of himself for a moment. As he kills the guys, he begins to calm down and eventually relax. After everyone except about 1-3 guys are left, the raider uses Ensnare on them to prevent from running away and (player decides) either lets them go or kills them.

Passive version: The more the Raider is being attacked, the more damage and attack speed he gets. If there comes more than 10 foes at same time, he loses controll and goes on a very big panic and gaining a very high attack damage and movement speed so he could either run away in fear or attack them, depending on your luck or the situation. If he panics, the more enemies there comes (11+), the more movement speed increases and damage decreases and chance to run away increases. If he decided to fight, when the enemies are 5-7 left, he calms down and regains controll and gains back the bonus of pressure (like 1 enemy: low increase and 5 enemies: medium increase, 9 enemies: high increase) also returns.

I hope those were any good, i got plenty of ideas but those came in mind first.
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