therefore my codes are perfectly flawlessly free of glitches
Please link or direct me to
anything in
any of my code/triggers in
any thread we've both posted in that contains glitches as you see them that are not due to a syntax error, with an explanation of what "glitch" you see and how I should have fixed/avoided it.
- Actions do not consistently cost energy, creating units cost more energy to perform.
- When a trigger uses too much energy, world editor will force the other actions to be skipped.
What the hell are you talking about? There is no such thing as trigger energy or any other finite resource that triggers have to use up before things like
Target Unit of Ability Being Cast begin to randomly fail. The only thing I can think you
possibly mean is the op (operation) limit, which people
sometimes hit in Map Initialization triggers, deeply complex systems using large data structures, or things that pick all destructables in large sized maps. Please explain further what you think you are talking about.
- Which bring me to my next point, Target Unit of Ability Cast will be totally ignored if editor wants to run the next trigger that handle the event.
This is bologna and I absolutely will not believe it until you can show me a test map that confirms this behavior. Even if only <1% of all users ever encountered this behavior it would be wildly posted about on this forum and in the tutorials because people would need to know to avoid it. I've built many, many long and complex spells using just GUI before I learned how to program and not once did this ever come up as something I needed to do. In our 11 years here we would have both heard about it but I have not.
Nobody has, because it doesn't happen and you're imagining it. Provide a map.
- I do understand JASS solves all of these issues but in GUI it happens and from what I am aware OP uses GUI so I am totally valid.
What you see in the GUI is literally converted to JASS and compiled into the war3map.j when the map is saved. They are
literally the same thing underneath the hood; you should know this if you consider yourself to have "years of experience with the world editor or programming in general." You know what GUI stands for, right...?
Interface (for JASS). If something applies to JASS it de-facto applies to GUI too unless it is about a feature you can't access in GUI (local variables, TimerStart(), PlayerIds starting at 0 instead of 1, BJ global variables GUI can't refer to, etc.). What you are saying makes no sense.
I was being both comical and serious when I responded to that other ridiculous rambling post of yours from yesterday with only a comment suggesting you not mix drinking and HiveWorkshop-ing. It doesn't make you look good
or help anybody.