Im trying to implement auto cast for my TD map but im having problems. I'd like to have the net spell auto cast from my tower i did it like that :
- Created a dummy auto cast net(from slow and i also tried from web and heal), what i need here is just an ability that the AI casts often and that has no other effect beside cooldown and mana cost
- Then i created a dummy unit and i made a trigger with event : Unit begins the effect of an ability
condition : Ability being cast equal to dummy auto cast
action : Create 1 unit for player XX of type dummy unit
Add ability Ensnare to last created unit
Wait 0.02
Order last created unit to Orc raid - Ensnare
Wait 0.02
Kill last created unit
- But im not getting the wanted effect, all i get is a slow effect on my target which i dont understand why :?
- I dont understand why is that the slow effect comes from my dummy auto cast maybe but then how come i only get slow effect and not slow and ensnare.
Please guys i need help for this just realised that making spells is harder than it appears, im not too sure about having the unit cast the ensnare ability from orc raider is a good option? i actually dont really understand these presets could anyone show me the light ?
i could easily post my map somewhere its tiny with just 1 hero to test the spell.
- Created a dummy auto cast net(from slow and i also tried from web and heal), what i need here is just an ability that the AI casts often and that has no other effect beside cooldown and mana cost
- Then i created a dummy unit and i made a trigger with event : Unit begins the effect of an ability
condition : Ability being cast equal to dummy auto cast
action : Create 1 unit for player XX of type dummy unit
Add ability Ensnare to last created unit
Wait 0.02
Order last created unit to Orc raid - Ensnare
Wait 0.02
Kill last created unit
- But im not getting the wanted effect, all i get is a slow effect on my target which i dont understand why :?
- I dont understand why is that the slow effect comes from my dummy auto cast maybe but then how come i only get slow effect and not slow and ensnare.
Please guys i need help for this just realised that making spells is harder than it appears, im not too sure about having the unit cast the ensnare ability from orc raider is a good option? i actually dont really understand these presets could anyone show me the light ?
i could easily post my map somewhere its tiny with just 1 hero to test the spell.