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Project Recruitment - Life Of a Terran

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Level 4
Dec 8, 2009
hey, i think this project could be very interesting, but i think the walls must be custom models instead of elevations, cuz elevation walls ocupate too much space, i also think there must be separate areas of the city: a central area with very concentrate buildings and the surrounding areas could be possibly agricole areas, ah! ive got a idea, farming! a player farms carrots and sells it to the restaurant wich gets some ingredients for cooking 'something', that '' is selled to anyone and it restores health, gives a atribite...
another idea: hunger: the energy is the hunger you have, if it falls to 0 you start loosing health, you restore energy or health by eating or drinking something. related idea: going to gym costs energy.
another idea: go camping or fishing in a rural place away from the city: river, forest, lake, mountain or... ancient ruins? museum(extra), amusement arcade(extras), supermarket(buying food), bank(work on bank, stole it or put money on it) many fans of warcraft 3 have many good ideas for this LoaM
Level 4
Dec 8, 2009
my idea(hunger) eample: recipe for simple salad: 2 lettuce, olive oil, vinegar, 1/2 tomato and some olives(10-15, they must be easy to collect), heals 50 hp and restores all energy(hunger).
how to grow lettuce: need lettuce seeds and water(1 per (game)day) need 5 days to grow lettuce ( 5 lettuces for example)
olives: same procedure, 10-15 olives grown in 4 days or something, thats a example for the grow, sell, cook and eat system :)
Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
No, it's not. Apply to become a member on the site, and if you get accepted, THEN brainstorm in a new Docs sheet, or on LoaT Notes if it applies.
Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
Please, be considerate to others in the future, and instead of double posting, use the
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Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
Well, apparently, I was kicked from the team due to inactivity, even though I've been working on LoaT constantly in the notes for the past few days. I suppose you guys only care about TT now. I personally never understood TT, so I didn't really want to mess it up. Plus, I was never approved for a team member by you guys, even though I sent all my requirements in, and so I wasn't even allowed to work on TT in the first place.
Level 4
Apr 21, 2006
Yes. You were kicked, for many reasons.

First of all, direct answers to your post:

"even though I've been working on LoaT constantly in the notes" ?
Yeah. You wrote 6 lines of text in two months.

"I suppose you guys only care about TT now
Incorrect. We still care about LoaT more, and still need much more brainstorming. It's just that we asked the brainstormers to help us come up with ideas for the rounds.

"even though I sent all my requirements in"
Wrong. Your requirements are still not finished. All your jobs except Transporter were rejected, because you didn't rewrite them into the 6 template fields, and because of the lack of content.

And the other two reasons why we kicked you:

After over 3 months, you still haven't replaced your signature at Hive.

Everytime a person joins the team, we've told everyone to Follow them on Twitter. You never did.
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Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
Alright, fine, it would just be nice if you specified more than just me being inactive.

Also, I had been looking for quite awhile, and could never see the THW-friendly signature on the site until I just looked today.

Whatever, I'm out.
Level 4
Oct 15, 2006
I hear something about the need for ideas? Ideas are my specialty: I would be glad to help. I'm afraid I know too little about the Galaxy editor as of now to accomplish getting much work done, though. However, I may still provide ideas and I am willing (wanting) to get some galaxy help and become more functioning when it comes to such if I am recruited.
Level 4
Apr 21, 2006
@ 1)arkdemon: If you really are interested in joining our team, fill out and send this form. We need people who just brainstorm and come up with ideas for LoaT and TT too. And yes, we will help you get on your feets with Galaxy Editor. ;)

@ tleno: Yes. We will use those civilian models for NPC units moving around in the city. Just to make it feel more alive.
And yes, we do have a miner job, that will use different digging tools.
Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
Just answering for the team here, even though I'm no longer on, yeah, some jobs will support more than one player doing them, like the miner for instance, but not all will. It all depends on the job.
Level 1
Sep 13, 2010

will you make a zerg scientiest that allows you to have your own pet zerg... i always wanted a cute zergling D:
Level 1
Sep 13, 2010
the way i imagine a zerg scientist (my idea hope u like it :p) allows you to cause,spread and cure diseases lets you cure infestation,breed zerg (which should be very slow not 1 day and a army to take over the world) and lets you enchance certain parts of ur body( legs arms etc)
Level 4
Apr 21, 2006
I am glad you are interested in our map Arkazon, and your idea is interesting.

We are working on a Scientist job that will do... different kinds of science, and we could make it possible to research about genetic zerg transplantation to buff different aspects of the player's character.

We do have a similar job named Cyborg Engineer, who can "upgrade" unit's bodyparts with robotic technology. The scientist could basically do the same things, but with other types of enhancements.
Level 1
Sep 13, 2010
hmm also question i looked at that draft idea things and one part said youll be saving levels and another that you wont D: i think it needs a bit of a cleanup its confusing
Level 4
Apr 21, 2006
@X-OMG-X: Unfortunately, there will many weeks before we will show screenies. We are currently more focused on finishing our second map Terran Troopers, which is a MUCH smaller project that we made just to learn the Galaxy Editor.

@Arkazon: You are absolutely right. I will clean that up. Thanks for reporting!
The levels will NOT be saved, due to the imbalance it would cause.
Level 1
Sep 13, 2010
i played teh terran troopz . its nice but i think you should make roaches drown in moat or make em go through the main entrance .also storm warriors 2 i noticed you change your avatar on a weekly basis. either that or ur just lookin for a new look XP
Same thing was happening with my project.
Half of the members left, we reorganized, and are now making twice the progress.

The heigharchy throws people off tbh. Alot of people want into projects, but htey dont understand that theirs wok involved, not enough people join to make somthing like that useful unfortunatly... :/

Well i wish you luck in your future endeavors.
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