What is Project Kaliron? That's a good question, and I'm leaving it kind of a secret, but at the same time, I'm sure people can figure it out if they think hard enough about it.
So yeah, this isn't for TKoK3x but this is for something to do with Kaliron, and I'll leave it at that. Here is a video description:
This is a mini boss that I been working on. He only has 2 abilities, but one of them is semi complex and has multiple parts.
Wrath of Avnos is the void zone he starts off with, simple randomly placed fiery void zone that lasts 12 seconds.
Firestorm is the 2nd ability. He will fire off 8 fireballs which target random players (obviously only me in the video). The fireballs leave a fire trail behind them and when they reach their location, they explode into a Vortex of fire. After all the Vortex's spawn, they will also pick a random player and fly at their location, also leaving behind a fiery wake.
While I will say, what you are about to watch is NOT for TKoK3.0, but it is for something within the Kaliron universe.
Keep watch for more to come!
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