Professions in adventure maps

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Level 4
Jan 10, 2011
I am thinking about jobs (the professions) inside of adventure maps. Those things can make map slightly longer, in order of farming materials for certain items.
Professions like blacksmithing, leatherworking and other sorts of equipment making professions seem to be quite inappropriate since player as he is going to fight beasts and human mob types is counting on kind of reward which should be item that is gathered as loot, or a quest reward. Professions like alchemy or cooking could be interesting since if player is already traveling he could look around to pick some herbs or kill beasts for raw food so he could empower himself temporary. Third type of profession as i think it would be imbuing already owned items, something like magical forging or enchanting. But again, enchanting scrolls would be making player happier if they were rare and if they come as a reward by looting some king of boss or some mage-type quest reward.
The main thing that troubles me would be...what is player expecting to do at his side story, which would be hole filled with professions. Is player going to have fun with hours of farming some materials in goal of making slightly better gear than it can drop, or farming herbs so he could make him self a drink. Or on other side buy special drinks at some bartender or black market and do something else what is not creative profession.
All replays would be very much appreciated, as soon as it is possible.
Thanks in advance.
Level 14
Sep 17, 2009
Your question kinda reminds me of Fantasy Life, what is about farming the map and do a little RP meanwhile.
The thing that worries me, is how easy would the game be. Because in my opinion if it is hard to learn, and after learning it you still have to go trough difficult sessions, it might take ppl's verve.
Otherwise, if the game is easy to learn, and you can explore places while seeking for better gears, it would be fun I think. But what is the point in getting better items, if there are no Great enemy to use it on. There should be always a bigger and stronger boss to fight, unexplored dungeons. (If its not PvP)
So with the professions, you would have to create a whole mmo around it - What is hard and energy burning.

Well these are my opinions, hope I helped. As i read trough, my comment wasnt so positive.. :p But thats maybe because im quite pessimistic these days. Anyway, I'd love to see this map around, because the idea is awesome!
Level 4
Jan 10, 2011
I already made one which contains leatherworking profession, you can see how it looks like right here: Earthsong II. It is single player so that kind of skill does not have much of use, however i did not make many items that will be collected from mobs or quests so it is someway balanced.I would like to see how players react on it. I made cooking, same way as that leatherworking in new map. If you try it please report me, if something else would be better to be there instead any kind of profession, or to place profession to the camps. On example you enter village, find chef's building enter it and there is a npc or table who supports you with recipes and if you have certain materials you can make (purchase) desired food, or drink or what ever that profession is about.
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
You can try something like Archaeology from WoW - it would yield powerful artifacts, but the parts would not be farmable, instead they would be hidden somewhere and there should be clues to where they are hidden
Level 4
Jan 10, 2011
You can try something like Archaeology from WoW - it would yield powerful artifacts, but the parts would not be farmable, instead they would be hidden somewhere and there should be clues to where they are hidden

I like this, thats what an adventure needs, a mystic item which gets revealed from secret. But i cant use my profession panel for that one. It is just about to have 1 shovel and plenty of maps which should guide player. I will think how to make it.
Level 7
Jun 19, 2011
Well, you can have all the old stuff, like Leatherworking, Skinning, Blacksmithing, Mining, Jewelcrafting, Engineering ... :goblin_sleep:

Yawn. Or, you can have a bunch of original ideas built off the others. Of course, you'll need to have all (or most of) the above to have a standing game.

BUT ... take WoW for example. Yes, they had all the old stuff, but then they had Runeforging, Inscription and Archeaology. The last two are still not very original but they are when you put them into a game. Other RPG's, MMORPGs and stuff never use the last two. There's probably, like, one or two that I can name other then WoW.

Here's a few ideas I'd like to see in a MMORPG, or in this case an RPG or whatever your doing. Some are commonly seen, others aren't:

- Woodworking (or Carpenting) : Working with wood to make bows, arrows, crossbows, and perhaps even furniture (if your going to have purchasable houses?)

- Arcane Forging (enchanting) (okay, then, here's a questline. This requires a few proffesions, so you'll have to have help from either other players or NPCs (if you have Profession limits). You need Woodworkers to make a Long Branch. Take this branch to some wizard. He tells you to go infuse it with this special orb so something. Boom, go do that, and you got yourself a staff. Then, later on, another quest comes in to upgrade that staff, and eventually it turns into a super legendary weapon for casters.)

- Repairing (okay, maybe not so common as a profession but for good reason, too. You'd need to have a whole new gameplay mechanic to enforce this. For example, PvP battlegrounds with tanks and stuff. You could repair them when they get damaged with Spare Parts. Or, you could make stuff for engineers. Or, you could disarm mechanical enemies or traps.)

I'll probably either update this, PM you, or make a new reply. Anyway, have fun making this!

Goodluck :ogre_hurrhurr:.
Level 14
Nov 17, 2010
I always thought treasure hunting would be cool. Have a cartographer in the map that sells maps. When you use the map it pings the minimap. Then once you find the spot you can dig or whatever to find the treasure.
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