Economy Orpg

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Level 7
Jun 1, 2006
I have been working on a unique orpg and need ideas!

Now of course, everyone thinks there orpg is unique, but in the end it's always just about killing stuff, leveling up and getting epic lootz. The only thing that is ever different is how you kill, level and loot.

In my orpg however, I am basing it completely on economy.

Your toon will die unless you skill up your profession and make money selling your good to markets/other players. And by die, I literally mean you have to start him over again.

Anyways I need people to come up with creative professions, each player may only have 1 (none of this secondary, primary profession bullshit :p) and I want some to be unique. Although most of the orpg is played in the massive city, 'Behemoth', you can go to the outskirts to mine, cut trees, etc.

Right now I have these:

Miner- Mines ores (can be used by blacksmith).

Blacksmith- Turns ores into useable weapons and armor (players can only use armor, as there is no combat, the town guards will have use for weapons though). Also can help to repair town walls.

Methodist- Makes bandages and practical medicines. Heal wounded civilians/ players inured by marauders.

Herbalist- Gathers Flowers and Herbs used by methodists and apothecaries.

Lumberjack- Harvests lumber used by carvers and, sometimes, blacksmith.

Carver- Uses lumber, skins and rare ores to create tribal weaponry and beneficial idols.

Skinner- Skins animals for furs used by carvers and methodists.

Tailor- Uses skins to create magi apparel.

Repairman- Uses various materials to repair damaged houses and buildings. Cannot repair walls, like the blacksmith.

Apothecary- Creates elixirs, poisons and questionably effective medicines by use of herbs and demonic idols made by carvers. Medicines aren't consistent like a methodists, and may end up killing taker. Apothecary can also be used to make poisons to assassinate wanted AI's.

Arcanist- Uses herbs and apothecaries idols to create enchanted artifacts (crystal balls, etc), beneficial tomes (+ movement speed, armor, profession skill. or if your selling to AI's +damage, agility, etc) and scrolls that can teach other players defensive spells.

Salvager- Breaks down made good into raw materials that can be sold.

Innovator- Improves on crafting professions plans and can create new ones to sell.

Woodworker - Uses lumber from the lumberjack and metall parts from the blacksmith (nails, screws, bolts and such) to make arrows, bows, crossbows even waggons that can be sold and/or hired by other players for movement of big amounts of material, for an example a miner wants to get a bigger profit for each run to the mine he can hire or buy a waggon dragged by a horse that can carry more ores or whatever needs to be carried.

Animal breeder- As the name applies breeds animals used for diffrent things, horses for transport or waggons made by the woodworkers, pig/cows/chickens and such for food (pork, meat, milk, eggs etc.)

Farmer- Creates farmlands where the farmers can grow diffrent types of plants, could also be able to build fences to keep animals from running away.

Actor- It would inhabit the theater and create happiness in the town, which would affect the morale of the city guard, making them tougher. Actors play at theaters. The higher skill level of acting you have, the better theaters you can play at. The better the theatre, the more costly the admission. When players watch a performance they get extremely beneficial buffs that help them to skill up.

*Crafting classes can now make armor for players that is not only defensively beneficial, but also helps them to become more leveled in there profession.*

Note- Classes must in some way benefit from other classes (ex: miner ---> ores ----> blacksmith). I want classes to have to trade with each other, and for certain classes to depend on others. Although you can buy and sell to AI's, it is far more profitable to trade with other players who are desperate to skill up and prosper.
So if a blacksmith wants to sell the armor he made to the cities militia, have at 'er, but if he wants to make a big profit, sell it to the player who keeps getting harassed by oncoming marauders who will pay much more for it.

Also the marauders are AI's who come into the city and destroy buildings and walls as-well as kill guardsmen and wound players. Wounded players must see methodists or apothecaries to not die, just as repairmen find there work repairing shit the marauders broke. Keep this in mind when thinking up classes.

Anyway gimme some proff ideas!
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Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
hmmm, interesting.

my suggestion:
Recycler (bad name, i know) - destroyes items, turning them into materials used to make that item. (example: a blacksmith makes a chain mail, but nobody wants it. instead of haveing the metal wasted, he gives the mail to the Recycler and pays him a little tip. Recycler tirns the mail into back into metal (some metal may be lost in the process) and gives it back to teh blacksmith)

Jewelcrafter (or Goldsmith) - as name implies

Architect (or Stonemason) - using stone and wood makes simple walls and such (anyone would prefer to meet marauders sitting behind own wall, won't he?). Can help repair town walls
Level 10
Feb 13, 2009
Arcanist - Uses medicines, herbs and other healing and magical stuff, and creates magical explosives and staffs.

Also, why don`t you add bandits?!
Bandits steal money and material, and sometimes even damage players.
Here are some bandits
Moneyslasher - Steals a lot of money, but can easy flee. Has much HP.
Burner - He wants to destroy. Burns many things, but he`s not effective. He needs about ten minutes to destroy something. He has low HP, so he can be killed.
Murderer - He kills players. Invisible at night, no matter is he walking or not. He also have low HP, but very high damage to players.
And so on...............
Level 6
Oct 4, 2008
Innovator: improves on blueprints for the other professions, or create new ones. ex, the blacksmith comes to the innovator with a chainmail and want it improved, so the innovator makes an innovation check, and invents a better way to make chainmails. or, the innovator makes an innovation check to make a blacksmithing blueprint, and then invents a katana, and gets a 'blueprint item' for the katana, which he sells to the blacksmith, who can use it to learn how to make katanas.
Level 7
Jun 1, 2006
All really good ideas.

Recycler- I'm gonna rename to salvager, and he will do what you said, turn made weaponry/armor back into the raw materials. +Rep and credit given.

Jewel Crafter- I considered this before your post but didn't want to many wow proffs, I may add it in later.

Arcanist- Good idea, I'm gonna make it so it uses apothecary idols and herbs to create beneficial tomes, magical signets (crystal ball, etc) and scrolls which teach defensive spells to players. +rep/credit, ty

Bandits- This game is strictly AI combat and players can only be defensive, otherwise everyone would roll bandit and lol kill people, taking away from the economic aspect.

Innovator- Super good idea thats gold dude. Using it. +Rep/credit
Level 7
Jun 1, 2006
Lol, I don`t mean bandit as class, but as AI-controlled enemy.

Oh, ok.

The marauders do everything you described a bandit would do, however marauders only come every so often, so I could install some bandits who are always in Behemoth wrecking stuff. Good idea! :p
Level 10
Sep 6, 2008
I've got some "classes" that could be usefull.

Woodworker - Uses lumber from the lumberjack and metall parts from the blacksmith (nails, screws, bolts and such) to make arrows, bows, crossbows even waggons that can be sold and/or hired by other players for movement of big amounts of material, for an example a miner wants to get a bigger profit for each run to the mine he can hire or buy a waggon dragged by a horse that can carry more ores or whatever needs to be carried.

Animal breeder - As the name applies breeds animals used for diffrent things, horses for transport or waggons made by the woodworkers, pig/cows/chickens and such for food (pork, meat, milk, eggs etc.)

Farmer - Creates farmlands where the farmers can grow diffrent types of plants, could also be able to build fences to keep animals from running away.
Level 6
Oct 4, 2008
aand another one!
Tradesman: when selling stuff to people, a tradesman gets more gold. the payer doesnt actually pay more, the tradesman just gets gold. so, the other proffesion dudes come to him and ask him to sell their stuff for them, then he keeps some percent of the bonus himself.
Level 7
Jun 1, 2006
I've got some "classes" that could be usefull.

Woodworker - Uses lumber from the lumberjack and metall parts from the blacksmith (nails, screws, bolts and such) to make arrows, bows, crossbows even waggons that can be sold and/or hired by other players for movement of big amounts of material, for an example a miner wants to get a bigger profit for each run to the mine he can hire or buy a waggon dragged by a horse that can carry more ores or whatever needs to be carried.

Animal breeder - As the name applies breeds animals used for diffrent things, horses for transport or waggons made by the woodworkers, pig/cows/chickens and such for food (pork, meat, milk, eggs etc.)

Farmer - Creates farmlands where the farmers can grow diffrent types of plants, could also be able to build fences to keep animals from running away.

Those classes are gold. Im using all of 'em. I'm gonna install land plots as we speak for 'farmer'.

Edit: For the Lumberjack I'm wondering if I should make preset trees that don't actually get cut down, but that you can only cut from so often.

Ex: Player cuts tree, cannot cut same tree for 5 mins


You actually cut down the tree and they re-spawn every so often.

only problem with that one is the terrain won't be preset which i dont like.
Level 4
Mar 23, 2008
How about:
It would inhabit the theater and create happiness in the town, which would affect the morale of the city guard, making them tougher.
Additions to Tailor
Tailor could make fine clothes and masks for the actor, which would increase the morale per act, from silk and wool from tradesman and farmer.

This might be kinda tricky to make, but hey it's as good as I can make it :)
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
to solve ur concern with trees u can add a
Forester - plants differnet kinds of trees, also provides food (eggs, mushrooms), also some herbs for other classes
Level 8
Dec 7, 2008
Recource Manager - Can get more out of recources. When they use their inspect recource ability they may notice, for instance, that the 3 pieces of light leather someone has skinned has some medium leather properties, so might end up with 2 light leather, 1 medium leather.

Innkeeper/Brewmaster - Can create fine ale over time in their distillery. Once complete, they can sell them, and ales give strange buffs to players and NPCs.
Other objects - wine, beer, kebabs
Level 7
Jun 1, 2006
How about:
It would inhabit the theater and create happiness in the town, which would affect the morale of the city guard, making them tougher.
Additions to Tailor
Tailor could make fine clothes and masks for the actor, which would increase the morale per act, from silk and wool from tradesman and farmer.

This might be kinda tricky to make, but hey it's as good as I can make it :)

Both of your ideas are excellent! Actor is being added in, you pay to see his shows, the higher the level of acting the more extravagant of theaters he can preform at, and the more extravagant the theater the more expensive the admission price.

I'm also aplying your equipment idea to all classes, ie: blacksmith can make mining gloves that allow you to mine faster. This way equipment isn't all just for defense. I'll update main post when 'i get off this god forsaken laptop.

Level 8
Mar 28, 2009
Baker Just medieval profession: Bakes bread (or other things) to feed the townspeople. This would add another aspect (that i will suggest here, too): the Food. The Baker uses floor (add mill-worker as another class :D) and some other recources to create a well smelling bread.

Priest (another medieval, however rather non-economical class): Heals people with his White Magic or does divine servises to get income with donations.

Alchimist Potions created through experimenting with different chemicals. Use with caution ;)
Level 7
Jun 1, 2006
Baker Just medieval profession: Bakes bread (or other things) to feed the townspeople. This would add another aspect (that i will suggest here, too): the Food. The Baker uses floor (add mill-worker as another class :D) and some other recources to create a well smelling bread.

Priest (another medieval, however rather non-economical class): Heals people with his White Magic or does divine servises to get income with donations.

Alchimist Potions created through experimenting with different chemicals. Use with caution ;)

Baker is gold ty! However alchemist/priest = methodist/apothecary :p

Edit: Oh yah rep/credit :p

Edit 2: Upon examination of my schedule I have uncovered that with final exams coming and school become more intense, I will not have time to complete this map. If anyone wants to use the ideas in this thread and create there own map you are more then welcome. Ty for the time everyone put into developing ideas for this map. sorry. : /
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Level 8
Mar 28, 2009
Poet A guy, that is more for fun, than for a real purpose. He writes poems (skill) and can sell them. Value depends on grade of skill.

(Suggestion: Add grades. Like from trainee to master. These grades would reduce cooldown of some spells and/or change effect)

Messenger Gets regular income from regular tasks and in addition he gets income for messages from a player to another player. (maybe that would bring both exp or other benefits). But the Messenger would just get gold :)

Comment: Messenger is one of the easiest classes to play and furthermore one of the most dangerous ones x)
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