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Post your theory's: What happens after death?

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Level 12
Mar 10, 2008
Post in here, an assumption to what might happen when you die.

One of my many assumptions:
When we die, your body has left a skeleton behind, but all those cells that came off, become apart of nature, then one day, you could end up as a vegetable, which ends up being eaten by a man, and your cell somehow gets into apart of their sperm, you reach the ovum and integrate with the egg, and start a whole new life.

This is one of my strongest feelings of what could happen.
The only thing I wish I could do is keep my memories.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Your theory is pretty decent, it even explains split personalities. Though I can't say I believe that is the truth, it amused me. I can't really put it down either, I know nought about cells and how they behave, so I certainly can accept that some of you is stored and might end up as food and so on. In fact, while I think about it, it even explains how people can be so much alike you, yet not completely you. I like it more the more I think about it. ;)

This is my theory, and has been for years..
-- Upon dying your human mind is stored in your supreme being as knowledge, you are much more than a human, and the reason you live a life (or more) as a human is simply to learn. We seek knowledge, and if we want to know more about life as a human, we recreate ourselves in form of a new human. The bond between our human mind and us is primarily directed, and thus we are not aware of ourselves. Some, however, have achieved contact with themselves through different means, meditation being one of them. As a regular human, with no contact with yourself, you do not immediately recognize your past lives as memories, but they are there. --
Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
You really didn't see the other five threads??????

You die... and then fucking nothing

My theory? People think too much, nature is so complicated because we only look at the things that are alive. Death is very simple, it is the very opposite of creation.

For example, you make a house from lucifers... you created something... then you crush it with your hand, now what was harder? ;)

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

To destroy it was harder, my consciousness worked against me.
Level 11
May 2, 2009
You really didn't see the other five threads??????

You die... and then fucking nothing

My theory? People think too much, nature is so complicated because we only look at the things that are alive. Death is very simple, it is the very opposite of creation.

For example, you make a house from lucifers... you created something... then you crush it with your hand, now what was harder? ;)

OMFG I was drinking some tea when I read this and whole shit lmao it just squirted everywhere from my nose lmao. Oh god funniest shit I read in ages ahaha.

Its like the way you said it I could see you having like a lifted eyebrow with a concerned and seriously pissed off face. Lol Didn't you see the other 5 threads like this lmao

ahhhh good times.

But seriously this thread needs to be closed.

http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/off-topic-478/what-is-death-134977/index8.html#post1289062 <- here have a look what dreams are.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

He's stalking me with his dream-theory everywhere.. HALP!

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

Depends on which finger you refer to.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

It's not a damn theory, seriously how old are you? xD

Though for the plain answer, I'm twenty. There's no point arguing about that, so let's not.

Dreams are a theory, depending on the definition. I don't have dreams, and I have never taken dreams seriously. I find it a way for people to anonymously express their private, wicked thoughts. unfortunately, when they tell me I don't take it as innocent dreams, but undermined thought.

Let's get back on death shall we?
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Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

I am sure you are supposed to, there's no other purpose for dreams. I am supposed to control my body, and by that I find it only natural to control EVERYTHING, and not just certain parts. It annoys me incredibly not to be able to control absolutely everything. Like sweating. The system in which sweat is used to cool down the body has not evolved to fit with humans desire to wear clothes. Hence sweating less in areas where it will have no effect would be a benefit that I would like to control.

Speaking of which, death occurs when the body is no longer willing to comply with your demands, and/or when you feel that your body cannot achieve what you would like to.
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Level 11
May 2, 2009
I have an idea, maybe were all just dreaming right now, and when we die, we just wake up.

your username is vampire. You do not get the right to state an obvious opinion you would have because of using such a username.

I lolz my good sir.

But actually I thought about that once, it could be true but idk w.e you noe. Why worry about death when you have shit to deal with now.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

If this is a dream it fits my definition at least, so yeah- I can cope with that.

This is a dream. That's about it.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

My theory has nothing to do with religion, though if anything it points in the direction of satanism.

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

He has lost a life, he is Luigi. Obviously.
Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
I am sure you are supposed to, there's no other purpose for dreams. I am supposed to control my body, and by that I find it only natural to control EVERYTHING, and not just certain parts. It annoys me incredibly not to be able to control absolutely everything- like the heart. Not that I would like to be responsible of making sure it pumps, but to be able to pump faster when I need it too, instead of this delayed reaction. Another thing is my extensive sweating. The system in which sweat is used to cool down the body has not evolved to fit with humans desire to wear clothes. Hence sweating less in areas where it will have no effect would be a benefit that I would like to control.

You're not supposed to feel helpless in your own body, and feel that the body is doing as it pleases while you're just coming along.

Speaking of which, death occurs when the body is no longer willing to comply with your demands, and/or when you feel that your body cannot achieve what you would like to.

Nature owns you ;)
Seriously, what if we all are just NPCs in super godly video game in so powerful computer that can create whole universe in 1 second?

What he mean is if we are NPC's on a game, and important people such politians are the main characters.

Right now we can be playing an AOS. Obama is the king of the west side, and Bin Laden is the king of the east side. lol

Deleted member 157129


Deleted member 157129

some one should make an aos like that

It would be vastly imbalanced. Though it's rather original I guess.

The problem is that the strength of Bin Laden is taking out unprotected targets, and staying hidden. I don't know how you would implement that in an AoS. America would be your typical RTS player, while Bin Laden would be guerilla, and America can't know where the base is, or the game is already lost.
Yeah, that would be a cool map, not an AOS, some kind of modified Melee. Here is the Idea:

Al-Qaeda is somewhere in Middle East, it can dismount its buildings and move to another location at any time. They could use the local population as some kind of shield. Like, if the american players want to attack middle east, they must take care to dont shoot inocent people (explosive weapons with AOE, or marine weapons with line damage that can hit targets behind). If the American players kill too many innocent people, the Human Rights organization forces the american governament to cancel the expedition, making the players to loose.

- Find and kill Osama Bin Laden and other Al-Qaeda heroes (every Al-Qaeda player have 1 hero to control)
- Dont kill more than 100 civilians.

- Use terrorism to destroy all targets (Pentagon, Whitehouse, Empire State Buiding, etc,)

That would be very coll. I can help with systems and terrain. If somebody is intressed in starting the project, tell me.

Now, enough of beign off-topic before the mods kick our butts. :D
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
Yeah, that would be a cool map, not an AOS, some kind of modified Melee. Here is the Idea:

Al-Qaeda is somewhere in Middle East, it can dismount its buildings and move to another location at any time. They could use the local population as some kind of shield. Like, if the american players want to attack middle east, they must take care to dont shoot inocent people (explosive weapons with AOE, or marine weapons with line damage that can hit targets behind). If the American players kill too many innocent people, the Human Rights organization forces the american governament to cancel the expedition, making the players to loose.

- Find and kill Osama Bin Laden and other Al-Qaeda heroes (every Al-Qaeda player have 1 hero to control)
- Dont kill more than 100 civilians.

- Use terrorism to destroy all targets (Pentagon, Whitehouse, Empire State Buiding, etc,)

That would be very coll. I can help with systems and terrain. If somebody is intressed in starting the project, tell me.

Now, enough of beign off-topic before the mods kick our butts. :D

I think you messsed up something... :eekani:
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