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Port Town WIP's

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Level 10
Jan 21, 2007
Port Town WIP's [Updated .06]

Alright lately I have been working on a terrain map of a port town/sea village I think it's coming out very nicely and here are some pictures (Remember there WIP's so let's get some comments/criticism going ;]). The pictures appear in chronological order (the first is the first picture taken the last picture is the latest one taken).

1.) Very early version of the town and is quit bland.
2.) The auction area (still not updated since the first picture, just a different camera angle.)
3.) The most updated and latest, added some details: Ship + corpse stuck on spires , crates on dock, environmental doodads by water, all areas that look pathable are pathable (hooray!)
4.) Close-up on the dock.
5.) Updated it yet again, I am trying to see if I'm headed in the right direction in the lessening of rocks, comments? (Obviously I'm am not done removing rocks + adding trees).
6.) Updated again, I didn't like the palm trees the models looked to fake and all the tops of the leaves were the same color. Changed quite a bit of stuff.
-EDIT: I dunno i just cant seem to get that hill right =/
7.) A closer view of the tavern, dock, and some of the hill up to the relic.
8.) A close-up of the hill, it's kinda making me mad, i cant seem to get it just right =/.
9.) This is the main view, it has been updated with more people and 'porty' doodads.
10.) This is the updated version of the tavern, people lighting doodads.
11.) Updated version of the auction house, added some more people and lighting.
12.) A view of the dock and the sea beyond.
13.) A view of the sales-dock part. I believe I'm damned close if not already done with the dock area.


  • Capture.jpg
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  • Auction House View.jpg
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  • Main View Beta v1.01.jpg
    Main View Beta v1.01.jpg
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  • Closeup on Dock Beta v1.01.jpg
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  • Main View Beta v1.03.jpg
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  • TavernDock View Beta v1.04.jpg
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  • Hill View Beta v1.04.jpg
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  • Main View Beta v1.05.jpg
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  • Auction View Beta v1.06.jpg
    Auction View Beta v1.06.jpg
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  • Sea View Beta v1.06.jpg
    Sea View Beta v1.06.jpg
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  • Full Sale View Beta v1.06.jpg
    Full Sale View Beta v1.06.jpg
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Level 10
Jan 21, 2007
Yea I was kinda thinking that, but I'm not sure what to add/mix in there. I think it turned out better then most when it is a lot of the same doodad over and over. But any suggestions what else i could add in there to replace some rocks?
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Not a fan of the rocks. I think if you were to only use them down on water level it would look better. There are just too many like that. I suggest using a tile for the mountains higher up.
Level 10
Jan 21, 2007
Bah! Damn my auto save settings, great for normal maps, suck for terraining. But as of now I'm screwing around with the main hill to the left of the tavern to lessen the amount of rocks and increase the enviromental doodads/trees. And yea cracka I plan on implenting a jungle. I am done working on the map for tonight but tommmorow i will probably be able to get some serious work done.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
You set their roll to -1.14 or something. Can' remember, but you can make them always line up with the ground, so they do that on inclines.
Level 10
Jan 21, 2007
Change of plans, I have to go somewhere with my family,. will upload new pictures later today.
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Level 10
Jan 21, 2007
Ah my friend, but it IS infact playable. Everything except the relic hill staircase that is.
Level 10
Jan 21, 2007
Just hadn't gotten around to the stair case, i just did about 70% of the staircase. No it isn't for anything, 'cept shits n giggles. But i like to be thorough ;]
Level 10
Jan 21, 2007
This terraining project is temporarily postponed.

I will work on the terrain some more a little in the future and update this thread, no worries.
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