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Pokemon RPG

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Level 16
Oct 12, 2008
Ok redscores, there Terrains are very impressive,, but as you are too busy, you cant help me,,
Shanghai is still working on his terraining skills, and he will get better while doing my map,,
And it will still take a long time before the largest terrain can be done,, So Shanghai has enough time to keep on practicing,,

BTW: The current Minimap Image has been attached!

Announcement: Wazzz has joined the Crew! His job will be 'Other Help'
Current Crew:
Yixx: Leader/Triggerer
Shanghai: Terrainer/2D Art/Other Help
Niddhogg-kun: 3D art/2D art
Wazzz: Other Help

Also wanna Join the Crew? PM me or Reply in this Thread!
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Level 2
Feb 18, 2009
If there is a competent team behind the project I should be able to help out with the cinematic side of things such as writing, script and direction, though I can do terrain and should also be able to help out with testing.

I am rather new here so I am looking to join up with one or two projects to support, so it would be an absolute pleasure to help out. :)
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
Gah, I am also good at terraining lol. It seems there is no shortage of terrainers lol, as it is the most common part of the World Editor: All maps need to look good. Anywayz, I'm also full of new fresh ideas, and hope to help make this better than the average Pokemon imitation map lol (despite Pokemon Legends being the closest representation of the original Pokemon, it was riddled with bugs and incomplete).

I love the ideas we have so far, but there's something I was wondering about: Should we have just the one area, or have 2 like Gold and Silver? I think 2 would require redoing the entire single-player map and probably isn't necessary at all, but it was one of Gold's greatest features. Also, I would love to see the new abilities from Emerald, too. Just seeing old pokemon with new techniques is cool to me :p. However, the Pearl ones seem to make things far too complex lol.

Well, just a little more on the extra region: It gave me a greater sense of completion after finishing the game to then go and defeat more Gym Leaders and to attempt the Pokemon League again (although, sadly, they never got stronger as I played on... :'( That's another thing that could be added... maybe... :p). Also, having the Pokemon Gold/Silver Pokemon to choose from is also great, especially seeing as how I never felt quite at home when playing with the Emerald selection... sadly, it was too dull and mundane for myself, especially seeing cheap imitations of classics such as Metapod and Kakuna (Those guys were awesome, but the ones they brought in were... terrible).

Anyway, those are some things to think about for now, and I do hope that they are good suggestions (they sound good to me, so maybe they sound good to someone else...? We'll just have to wait and see... :p). Good luck, and remember, no matter how many triggers or units you have created, you can export all that data and import it into a new map if you have to, so that's no issue at all.



Level 22
Apr 12, 2008
Well, but to make another region the terrain will have to be redoing entirely.
But the old pokemon with new attacks will be awesome, maybe an pikachu with Volt Tackle? And, personally, Pokemon Legends it's the best pokemon map in wc3 until this will be released.
Level 9
Oct 24, 2007
This seems cool, hopefully it beats pokemon legends, never really impressed me much. As someone said before, I suggest you make two versions of this map with different pokemon ala pokemon gold silver etc, but of course only only the map is bug free so you dont have to edit 2 maps of bugs!

Good luck with this, it's a very ambitious project to undertake,
and I know how that feels!

*points to sig*
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
Well, but to make another region the terrain will have to be redoing entirely.
But the old pokemon with new attacks will be awesome, maybe an pikachu with Volt Tackle? And, personally, Pokemon Legends it's the best pokemon map in wc3 until this will be released.

Well, I agree that Pokemon Legends is an accurate representation of another Pokemon game, but who wouldn't rather play the original? Sure, it had the online feature, but it was riddled with unforigiveable bugs. It promised save/load codes which it failed to deliver, mentioned Team Rocket without ever showing them and there was no possible way to compete against the final Gym Leader.

As for the other region, I did mention before that redoing the terrain would be no problem (the only problem would be redoing the terrain :p), as any work you have done on units and/or triggers can be exported and then imported. The main thing would be to make the map at least double the size in width so that it is easy to just create 2 separate regions. If you are concerned about redoing the terrain, Yixx even said himself the terrain sucks at the moment, so I'm sure redoing it won't be a problem, especially if he just keeps the outline close to the screenshot he posted (I love the idea of a frost place, especially seeing as how it's never been done before :D).

Also, redoing the terrain would give terrainers a chance to work even more on the map, while adding another region would be great. It was one of the things I believe is so great about Pokemon Gold/Silver and would add a whole new level of depth to the game: Continuing to fight after completing your primary goal.

All in all, this is just a suggestion of what I believe would be great features to have. I'm glad you agree with the techniques idea XD, Pikachu with Volt Tackle would be awesome. There's also a website that tells you all about when Pokemon learn certain techniques, here is a link in case you don't know about it:

Psypoke - The Psychic Pokémon Connection

Anyway, hope these appeal to the chief :D.
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
Just for pure convenience I actually recommend this over Psypoke, sorry Wazzz :p

Main Page - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia

Lol, I looked at it and was going to say how confused I was by it and why I think psypoke is better. However, now I've given it a little deeper look while typing this, I have found it much more convenient that Psypokes by a long run. All the information is on one page, ridding you of the irritating prospect of going to separate pages all for trying to figure out when a Pokemon learns one move and then checking up on its starting stats. In Bulbapedia, it's all on one page, even displaying helpful information that Psypoke either neglected or thought should be on yet another separate page. Nice site XD!

However, gavdaman88, I am curious as to what you think of my suggestions. Although I want Yixx to have the final words on the verdict, I'm wondering if there are any suggestions out there as to how one might improve and/or expand on my ideas, or even if there's someone who just completely disagrees with any/all of them.
Level 16
Oct 12, 2008
Ok, 3 terrainers, i think that is quite enough for now, since it will take some more time until it can be done,,
Maybe i should make some sceme, everyone has 2 days to do some terrain, then map gets to the next person, this way might look silly, but it will get better, at least i think it will, since everyones techniques will be used, and in and around each others,,

What do you think?

Wazzz,, the Silver/Gold part of it is nice, but it will have to become a campaign then,, So i can make both worlds in different maps,, Also this might be an addition for later on, since it is going to use the exact same triggers for battle, and stuff as the first world, so as soon as that one is done for triggering the Normal stuff, i might add it..
(Oh, and the map is largest size now, 256x256, only with WEU i can make it bigger, which sucks to me,, that is why it would be have to become an Campaign,,

Oh, and Wazzz, a question for you: (It is offtopic, but w/e) Why are units stunned when i use a modded firebolt on then in which i removed casting time, cooldowntime, mana, and most important: The buff!,, why is it still stunned?, and not for some time, but for ever!!

Oh, and the mountain seemed quite normal to me! Where else should i put Articuno?:wink:(tip tip!!!!)
Level 9
Oct 24, 2007
Units can't be stunned for 0 seconds otherwise they permanantly get paused. Try making the stun time .01 seconds, then changing the buff to have no stunned effect. It should work then.

And put articuno on the mountain maybe... but make it a summit or something high up where you meet it.
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
Units can't be stunned for 0 seconds otherwise they permanantly get paused. Try making the stun time .01 seconds, then changing the buff to have no stunned effect. It should work then.

Yeah, sry for the late reply lol. What he said is what I would've said word for word :p.

Hm, I wasn't talking about 2 separate maps, but more so all in the same one. You see, we could recreate the terrain from scratch and include a new region... wait, are you saying the map is full-size already? Disregard that. I wonder if it is possible to use the save/load codes from a campaign to then transfer them to the multi-player map. Also, if we do it from a campaign, we could later on add extra maps to it if we wanted. I know this may be getting ahead of ourselves, but saying the possibilities will at least give us an idea of the direction we want to go. So, what say you?

Oh, as for the mountain, I don't think I've ever seen a town on an ice mountain. That's what I thought it was, and I like the prospect of it. You could have the town in an icy area. It would be pretty cool XD.

As for passing the terrain around, that could work quite effectively. That way, we'd never really get bored of working on it, either, and it would constantly have hands on it instead of just sitting in the corner not being used and such.

Last but not least, I love the Gold/Silver Pokemon lol, I think it was the best in the series (the crappy graphics give me a head-ache, though lol. That's why I'd use the mod, even if it has been changed lol [by mod, I am referring to a rom hack known as Shiny Gold. It's based off Fire Red and was created by a user who wanted to see the Pokemon franchise update Pokemon Gold/Silver]). The Pokemon are pretty cool (e.g. new evolution for Polywhirl [WOOT!], Ariadose looking threatening as ever, etc), but the main problem is that the new abilities that they learn are somewhat limited. Perhaps it should be made that in a final location after completing both regions (assuming we do a second, if not more, region) you can go to a secret location with super-powered wild-pokemon (gold/silver again :p) AND in addition to that, there is a store where you are able to purchase every single TM from various sellers. That way, you could get some useful moves for your Yanma, give your Butterfree Psychic (Psybeam is too lame) and even attempt to make your Shuckle useful (a lost cause, I'm afraid...).
Level 16
Oct 12, 2008

Can't you use a save load system with multiple maps? I'm doing it in my diablo 2 ORPG (5 full size maps 256x256), save load in between each of them. pm me if you want to know how to do it.

Nah, imma use Game Cache, it is alot easier i heard, for the user,,
And you can not just enter some code and hope for Mew and Mewtwo of lvl 100
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
hm... gavdaman88 seems to be a helpful fellow XD. For one, the site he reccomended over mine is sooo much better than the one I was using :p.

Now, I think, is the time we get an idea of how far we're taking this. To me, this idea has the opportunity to be HUGE, bigger than DoTA (I don't like DoTA, I just acknowledge it's very popular and somewhat over-rated :p). Now, the idea of a second region IS great and we should definitely do it. Making the single player version a campaign would probably be a whole lot better than a single map, anyway, and being able to transfer the data from your single-player file to the online version would be awesome XD.

Also, I love the idea of including Gold/Silver pokemon. They rocked (even though some were ultimately useless :p)! You have an awesome idea and a community willing to help you including gavdaman88, HFR and myself. You have the resources and the brains, so all that is left is for you to ask yourself how far you want to take this. There is no limit to what can be accomplished. Although there is such a thing as going to far (Mainly applies to too many sequels), there is no such thing as being too good.

Well, I guess we'll hear more of what's going on with this project soon, so I'll leave it at that for now.
Level 16
Oct 12, 2008
The current concept: Making a Singleplayer map which contains walking through the whole currently known island of Pokémon, during your trip you will fight, catch and use pokémon to battle yourself to the top! There are 151 Pokémon on this island, some are generally known, others are rare or legendary. You will have to train your pokémon in order to win from Gym Leaders and conquer the Pokémon League,,
During your trip to the top you will meet various people who will have some jobs for you to do, you will have to hold off a school of Magikarp destroying the fishing nets of a Fishing Village, you will have to smash rocks to obtain new rock 'Species' (dunno whats the right word), and so on,,
Once your trip is almost finished, you will be informed of an new discovery, a new island! Or well, a new group of islands, This adventure takes you to the Mysterious world of: (I really suck in names, you guys come up with some xD)
In this new world you will find new Pokémon Species and new friends, but also new enemys. When the researchers first found the place they didnt know that they were followed. This crew of evil people intends to make the whole island group a zoo! Pokémon will lose they freedom and everybody will enjoy it! This must be stopped!

EDIT: Crew list updated, Kimpakim7 added to Terraining (tell me if you want to do more) and HFR added at Other Help,,

Also: To everyone who has nice ideas, put them all in a list, i will keep track of everyones list and consider every idea, every passed idea will be used,, Once a week or so i will check new lists and post the 'Ideas from PPL' List on first post,, Thanks! :grin:

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Level 22
Apr 12, 2008
Gonna making my job as Other Help:

You could use an feature that started to appear in FireRed/LeafGreen:

When you first enter the region, the game shows (in first person camera) an picture of the area.

You can do this by setting an camera right after the player enters the region (like in Viridian Forest, the game shows an first person view from the entrance of the forest).

Also, you can add an command that when the player enters an town, appear colored text in the game, like:

Pewter City

Celadon City
And so on.
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
O.O, sexy idea, HFR! Perhaps you could also help out with the cinematic stuff and such? I gotz lots of ideas for the gameplay and how long the actual playing experience will go for, but you have just mentioned something that never even crossed my mind: Camera Work. Also, the text popping up is a sexy idea, even though we're not using the original towns (well, we may or may not add Johto and Kanto so that players get a feeling of familiarity while playing the game, I personally would love to see them appear again).

Speaking of towns, what specialties will the Gym Leaders have for each town? I reckon I could come up with some unique combinations if Yixx hasn't got any yet (in fact, I would LOVE to come up with the Gym Leaders :p). Also, the Elite Four is another topic. I think it would be cool to have a couple of Elite Fours to show how different the areas are XD. I too could come up with what they specialise in and what Pokemon they use if it hasn't been done so already.

Once again, sexy idea, HFR. The text popping up in different colours would actually add a greater sense of completion to the project. Good job!



Level 22
Apr 12, 2008
Speaking of the Elite 4, already know who will be the pokemon Master? Lance, maybe?

For cinematics, I never tryed to make one, so I can't even start one or make the triggers... What I can do is what an Other Help member can do: Give suggestions, tips, find models, spells,etc.
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
Hm... Elite Four Champion... Well, if we run with the idea of having 2 champions, the first one could be a completely new one, perhaps a character who you 'coincidentally' run into on your never-ending quest? As for the second one (which may or may not exist :p), we could use a well-known one, prlly Lance.

Also, there should be at the very, VERY end of the entire Single Player game a super powerful trainer, you know, like Ash (Or, as he's called, Red) in Pokemon Gold/Silver and Steven in Pokemon Emerald. That would be killa to come to the end and find an all awesome trainer to fight and DESTROY after competing heavily with him/her (you just never can know lol).

The idea of the ultimate possibly being a lady gives me a good idea: What if May from Pokemon Emerald was the ultimate trainer? That would be pretty cool, but difficult to implement as she has a tendency to use the newer Pokemon rather than the classics :'(. I don't want it to be Gary, as he could be one of the most final Gym Leaders.

Hm... what else is there to mention? I think legendaries should have awesome puzzles to be solved before acquiring them with little 'hints' like a moveable rock or a sign on a wall saying something incoherent which apparantly helps you on your way. Also, if we do it in a campaign format, that will allow for terrain to vary more than we can have. We could have different tile-sets for each map, even XD. Well, that's all for now. WOOT!!!



Level 22
Apr 12, 2008
The Ultimate Trainer can be hiding into an cave far from the land that can only been reached after defeating the Champion (like an key or something).
And he can have these pokemon:

-Pikachu lv80
-Blastoise lv 77
-Charizard lv 79
-Venosaur lv75
-Snorlax lv 74
-Tauros lv69

Just a suggestion, as Yixx can choose any pokemon and level.

Also, we can't forget the Safari Zone!
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
Hm... trouble is that's a bit of a cliche (and I was thinking of something new: A normal type Elite Four trainer with Snorlax. Still a suggestion, though lol).

Also, the levels will depend on how long the game goes for. We might even need to make them lvl 90+ if the game goes for long enough, just to make it extra challenging XD.

As for the final trainer, it could be Giovanni, the former leader of Team Rocket. He could be really super-powered and be on a quest for repentance or something like that because he realised the harm he had caused Pokemon and people alike. That's just an idea, but it could work. He could also have as one of his Pokemon Tyrannitar, purely for pwnage purposes XD.
Level 16
Oct 12, 2008
Ok, first: Text is really cool! =D,, only we need names,, and that is something i totaly suck in xD,,
First assignment for you (both):
There are 3 citys on the map already, 1 hometown, 1 gymcity and one fisherman city
Your hometown is a place where every villager likes to come, everyone is welcome and everyone Wants to come!
The big city is busy and big (not yet, but gonna be),, the element of the Gym Leader is Rock and Stone Pokémon. The city has nice-looking buildings and is not a dirty city.
The fishermantown is the hometown of proud people, they catch magikarp and Goldeen. But they also have an other special thing. Their aroma garden attracts Pokémon of all different kinds: Rock/Stone, Grass, Bug, Water and so on.f

Best names will be used! Thanks! :grin:

Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
Hm... let's just throw some ideas around.

First the hometown. A quiet, friendly place, showing humble beginnings. Therefore, the name itself must not be too extravagant, but humble in itself. How about Parmitch Town?

Now, the huge, busy and more extravagant town. Gym Leader uses Rock and Ground and buildings not dirty *snicker*... hm... Grandall Town/City could work.

And finally, the fishing village where they love Magikarp but not Gyrados... hm... they also have a semi-magical garden... so, assuming it's not a bog or a marsh, the water would be rather clean-ish... could try Melecid Lake/Town.

I hope you like these suggestions XD.
Level 16
Oct 12, 2008
W00t ^^,, they are nice! Let's wait for HFR and see what he (and maybe other people) say,,
But i do like the names!! =D

(Oh, i said not dirty because there are going to be towns with slums)
Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
for make it more interesting you can put a boss after "the boss seems like last boss"
Like you duel with final boss and beat him, you return home to tell your mom but your mom is kidnapped by a mysterius guy
and you track him down beating his assistans and you finally learn that he is your friend that helped you while whole game and you two duel you win game ends
Kidding Part: or after beating your friend you learn that your mom is boss of all evils and you fight with her too o_O lol
Level 16
Oct 12, 2008
Hahhah, you got a wild fantasy xD,, but no,,
After defeating first League, you get acces to a new world, which will contain various new bosses,, and after you might even get to an OTHER new world,,
Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
I mean for last of the last... or nvm

anyway some item ideas if you use items like pokemon series
- Evil Ball, A pokéball that has same catching chances with Greater Ball, if Evil Ball fails to catch target pokemon, it reduces targets defense to elemantel attacks by %40
- Pokéfood, increases defence power of target pokemon but makes it easier to catch
- Badge of Skill, while holding this item if your pokemon has more speed then enemy, enemy wont be able to strike first with using abilities such as Quick Attack
- Voodo mask, while wearing this item, a wild enemy pokemon will have reduced defence but it gains a chance to run on everyturn so you may not kill it
- Herotic Grave, If one of your pokemons die while you are holding this item, your next pokemon will get attack bonus
Level 16
Oct 12, 2008
Ok, names so far:

1) Parmitch Town
2) Mirch Town

Stone/Rock City
1) Grandall City
2) Shindale City

Fisherman town
1) Melecid Town
2) Goldskit Town

(the fisherman town is not on a lake BTW, it is on the edge of map, but placed at a place of huge fish schools)
EDIT: Im making it placed at some bay,, same place, only move it little and add some more water there
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Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
Hm... I like the Shindale City name, that's for sure XD.

As for using the first 150 only, I thought we might be including the extra from Gold/Silver in the next area, while later areas are just for getting the Pokemon you couldn't get in previous areas. Well, I certainly do hope that we use the ones from Gold/Silver too, as they were also quite unique in themselves. As for the Emerald ones and later, I don't really like them and I could never adjust to them as well as I had to the previous ones :p.

This mod will definitely be the biggest Pokemon innovation for Warcraft 3 ever. I would like to say it would be bigger than DoTA itself, but it seems that there are a lot of people who host it (it saddens me greatly to accept the horrible truth). However, Pokemon fans will definitely take to this mod really well, especially with a new story and the best Pokemon availiable + a multi-player feature for those who wish to challenge others XD.
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
SilverRod's a cliche of Goldenrod, isn't it? I like the idea of a 'silver' named city, but I too think it would be better suited to a metal badge town, or a... powerplanty... place. I also think we should only have one 'silver' named place, too many would be repetetive :'(.

I would like to also be the first to nominate a second Gym Leader. After a rock type trainer, it would be cool to have a leader who uses the Bug type in a town that is moderate in size, but has a small number of buildings that are spaced out. A suggestion for the name of this town from me would be Entrancik City.
Level 2
Feb 18, 2009
Castle City
Crater City
Volcano City

With some of these it might be worth thinking outside the box, but keeping within the general theme of Pokémon. Take Cinnabar Island for example, in Pokémon that was a volcanic island, and the island itself is named after the volcanic rock ore Cinnabar.

So. You could go for something like Castellum or Castell for the Castle area, named after the Latin and Old English derivatives of the word Castle. Perhaps find one using different language translations that work well, Burg or Schloss perhaps?

Now, with the Crater area, it would be possible to link that in with a word for a hole or an opening or something? Hollow Town or something? It depends. You could think about how the crater itself was formed and link the name in with that? As in, if a meteor formed the crater it could be called Bolide Basin or something like that, if it is a dried lake it could be called Loch Village or something along those lines.

As for the Volcano area, the same applies, link it in with something volcanic, like ash or magma, perhaps Magmas or something?

I don't know I'm just thinking aloud here to be quite honest. There are some ideas though. ;)
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Reactions: HFR
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
Well, Scribe, you are on the right track and I in fact was doing such a process, only basing the words strictly off of one word which is related to the initial idea is a bit... well, unreliable. In other words, it's not going to work all the time.

Sometimes, taking a couple of words or thinking of a sound from a word and changing it slightly allows for a new word to be created. Also, thinking of words to do with the mood is also a good method to take on board.

Well, down to business. A castle city you say? Well, castles in general are quite well-fortified, and are therefore sturdy. Well, in this case, you could probably use Sturngrad City.

Next is the crater town. As you have left the interpretation for the mood of such a town relatively open, I'm going to try and narrow it down to what I assume you mean. Well, a crater, sort of open, but the buildings would be kind of clustered... So, with buildings grouped together in sort of colonies with a wide open area where there aren't any buildings, I could think of Hundrel City as an option.

And finally, the classic Volcano city. Magmas... lol, somewhat close to the word. However, your thought process is right, just somewhat restricted. Open the mind, see where it takes you. If I didn't do that, I could just say Volcanic Emission City :p. Don't take this as an insult, I like your thought process, but consider other words or how one could change them to a name. Well, when I hear volcanoes, I think of hot, lava, uninhabited. Hm... doesn't leave you with much to go on, does it? Well, volcanoes are made of rock, so they are tall, proud and mighty. With that in mind, you could call it Laverant City.

Just in case you're wondering about the words I used for these names, here they are. Sturngrad is simply based off of sturdy, but sturdy on its own or even in the word is quite unpresentable, so I upped it a little bit. Hundrel is based off of huddle, the rest of the story a repeat of the previous one. And finally, Laverant is based off of lava and arrogant. I originally had Lavarant, which is fine except for the fact that when you say it you can't help but think of some kind of Lava Ant, which would be sort of... crappy.

Hope you like 'em, folks!
Level 18
Aug 3, 2008
ooo i just saw this.

this is very interesting.

you need better terrain lol.

i always liked the idea of WC3 pokemon games.

keep up this progress.

im in the middle of many projects, but ill be willing to terrain for you.


and ohh as an idea. is there a chance that you would have an RPG camera instead of overhead...even though its traditional in the pokemon games ( except for the ones for gamecube , they have RPG cameras )
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
Lol, we have more than enough terrainers ATM (as far as I know, anyway, Yixx may have other plans for all we know... o_O). As for the RPG camera, I've got to be honest with you: I never really liked the spinning camera focused on a unit moving around in Warcraft 3. It works really well in actual RPG games, but when it's in Warcraft 3, it has a habit of causing slight diziness, nautia and a hell of a lot of frustration that you can't just have on overhead view. It may or may not make a good option, but I for one would prefer to stick with the downside view lol.

Well, if you have any more suggestions or wish to offer your support, that's what this thread is for, and I for one am glad you decided to swing by and post a couple of ideas XD. Hope to see more of you XD.



Level 22
Apr 12, 2008
OMG!! thedeathhunterxx want to make an terrain for our map! He's one of the best in the site.

And, Wazz, Sturngrad City sounds like an cliche from Stormgarde City Hujndrel city is an nice name, but Laverant... Ehh, is a bit strange to say...

Also you or Yixx have plans to put an diferent music in each city? Sounds like an good idea to me, but will increase the size. Also, Do you already know the size of the map?
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
Lol, Laverant is a little weird to say... must be having an off day >.<. I like Hundrel, too, it is a nice name XD. Sturngrad... makes me think of Stalingrad lol, I didn't even make the comparison to Stormgarde...

Well, I think we all deserve some different suggestions. I'll keep Hunjdrel, though, I think that is even better with j in it (except how would you say it? :p). I will suggest different ideas for the Castle and the Volcano City.

Well, the Sturngrad sounds a little harsh, and as this city isn't (to my knowledge) intended to be harsh, I think I'll try something a little happier while keeping the sense of fortification about it. Hm... Hindale City could work...

As for the volcano city, we need something completely different. Shinire City could work (at least I hope it does :p).

Thedeathhunterxx is one of the best terrainers on the site? Awesome! However, this is a matter that must be decided on by Yixx. I'm sure Yixx has his ideas of how the map should look, but maybe he'd be willing to see what death can come up with? I don't think Yixx has been on for a bit, lol, so we may need to wait for a bit before we hear more about what he wants for this project.

The size of the map would probably not be much, but that's for now. The idea of different music in each city is a good idea, but it would cost dearly in filesize to implement unless we used ingame music (which I think you have to export and import to access in that way, anyway). Although it would be an interesting feature, I don't think it's something we've really considered. After consideration, however, I'm afraid I'll have to go against it. The cost in filesize would be too dear for something that's not essential.

Oh, yeah, deathhunter, we know we need better terrain lol. It's sort of unfinished, and I'm actually not too sure what Yixx has planned for it as of now, but I think it would be great to have some suggestions and help from you, especially in that department.



Level 22
Apr 12, 2008
As I can see, Yixx is working very hard, case he don't post here for days.

And Thedeathhunterxx is truly one of the best in the site you can see this by visiting his terrain showcase.

And, btw, I never saw any Metal Gym... We could make one.
Level 36
Feb 5, 2009
And, btw, I never saw any Metal Gym... We could make one.

Well, there is a gym that sports the Steel type Pokemon. It's in Olivine City of Pokemon Silver/Gold. Jasmine has 2 Magnemites and 1 Steelix, using them to pwn anyone who does not have either the Fighting or the Fire types. Sure, you could pwn Magnemite with a ground-type that knows Magnitude or even Earthquake (I don't think you can learn it early enough without trading or wasting a lot of time :p), but the Steelix is the big guy. You can beat him with Water, though, so he's a bit of a pussy :p.

OFF TOPIC, WAZZZ!!!! Sorry. Back to business. Yes, a Metal Gym would be awesome XD. However, I think we'd make that a later gym (that way, we could make them extra pwny XD). It could even sport the new Scizor just to show off the high speed of an ultimately defensive pokemon. Also, there would be Foretress, Magneton, Steelix and Skarmory to pick from. PWNY PWNY PWNY!!!

Also, I want it named Silverplate, in the memory of HFR, loyal activist to our thread. I know you're still around, but we're using the name for you still XD. I think I'll stop typing for now... I'm not making much sense or contribution at the moment...
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Level 16
Oct 12, 2008
One of the best on site? o_O
And he wants to terrain my map? o_O
Are you friggin sure? o_O
Hell yea! =D,, You are very welcome!
So you are in the team now thedeathhunterXX?
Have you heard of the sceme?
Every terrainer will get 2 days to do some work, after that, the next terrainer will get it to do his job and so on,
We got 3 terrainers now (including you) so that should go ok,,

Oh, and HFR, i am working quite hard on it ^^,, In the evenings it is Carnaval in the Netherlands >=D,,
4 days of total madness with partys and booze!,,
But during the days i am just a normal guy working on his WC3 map ^^,,

I added a Dessert Part, and currently working on the Castle City


Oh, thedeathhunterXX,, might be a nice idea, RPG camera, but not standard, maybe that you can choose the camera yourself



Level 22
Apr 12, 2008
Yeah, here is Carnaval too, because of this, I will don't have school until Wednesday. So you gonna use SilverPlate? I'm much happy that I can help with this game! For thedeathhunterxx, you should pm or post an visitor message to him when you want to him make terrain, as his very busy, 2 projects (One enormous RPG and an cinematic series).

Also, you already knows what kind of Trainers the player will encounter trough the game, like Bug Catcher, Ace Trainer, Fisherman and so on?
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