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Pokemon Chronicles!

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Level 5
Mar 28, 2009


Join a world full of memorable characters and distinctly-crafted Pocket-Monsters!

In Pokemon Chronicles [placeholder name], you'll become a Pokemon Trainer on his first day entering training. A whole new world of people, places, and creatures opens up to you as you begin this journey, a world completely different from any Pokemon adventure we've seen before. Pokemon Chronicles combines the adventurous themes from classic Pokemon games-- such as discovering new Pokemon, training, and battling -- and places them in a deeper fantasy world, filled with more lore and legend than games before. The events of Chronicles pre-dates the modern world of other games, and it's a Pokemon world unlike any other we're used to.


All 150 Original Pokemon will be available to capture, battle, and train. Some will be available as Spawns in the open world, others only during Quests or through trades. Each Pokemon will be unique, with its own skillset of abilities for you to train; some for battling, others for use in the world.

Ultimately, Pokemon Chronicles is an open world game. You'll be a part of special events, quests, and character-building, or just spend your time battling and training your Pokemon; the choice is yours!

Notable Systems:
  • Real Time Battling
  • In-Game Map, detailing locations of shops, towns, points of interest, etc.
  • PvP challenges, and Partied PvP; both vs. real Players and Computer Players
  • Pokemon Capture
  • Unique Skillsets + Training Systems
  • Evolutionary Trees
  • Partied and Solo Quests


The Pokemon
Your Pokemon will gain experience in battle and also through various training exercises. New abilities and skills will become available as your Pokemon level, and it will be up to you to decide which of the available abilities best fit your Pokemon's role, as each Pokemon is only able to hold a maximum of 4 abilities at any time. Pokemon gain Agility, Strength, and Intelligence points according to their primary attribute for each level gained.
Strength determines your Health.​
Agility determines your Attack/Movement Speed.​
Intelligence determines your Energy and the damage for most abilities.​
Every Pokemon has a unique skillset, giving each unit a distinct role in the game and in battle. Some are excellent spell casters, others are supporting units, others have DPS roles, etc. As a Trainer, you will decide which abilities your Pokemon will learn, so it's up to you to determine the roles of your team.

Click any of the Icons below for a detailed description of currently released Pokemon



The World
You'll be set free in an open world full of characters and creatures. Most importantly, you won't be playing alone. You and 7 other players will all be vying for your own place in the Pokemon League. Team up to complete quests, battle, and explore.

Explore an epic-scaled map with unique, lively cities, mountains, plains, and forests.


Currently, the map is a pre-Alpha stage. Many of the essential game-systems are finished, but content is still a long way from complete. Quests and terrain are my next biggest to-do's. Most of my work on the map itself will be independent, but I still want this to be a community-driven experience. So, I'm be releasing the map slowly in this tread as updates, so I can constantly hear your feedback and ideas.
I don't plan on forming any kind of a team, because just from my own experience I know map teams are difficult to keep together. But I will be asking for help from time to time, because there are elements that I can't implement on my own that the community can.

Want to help?
Email me @ [email protected] if you're interested in helping in any of the following areas, or for more information on what I need:
  • Unit Models
  • Extended Inventory
  • Expansive Save/Load system

Current Update:

  • Features a brief tutorial and the starting area. Explore, capture, and battle with the first batch of Pokemon!
  • Current level cap is 18.
  • Multiplayer Battling is not tested
  • Save codes are not enabled, so any progress will be lost in future updates


  • Pmonsters!_A0.1.w3x
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Level 5
Mar 28, 2009
Good luck with this, Mango!
Good luck!
Looks very promising from here, glad to see such an awesome Pokemon map being made and good luck:)
Thanks very much for the well-wishes :)

I hope some of you have been able to try out the map already, I hope to hear your thoughts soon!

In the meantime, keep an eye out for the next update, where I'll spend some time detailing the Story behind the game, and some other featured gameplay elements!
Level 5
Mar 28, 2009
This update is long over-due, but I do have good news!

I've still been working very hard on this, though I don't have nearly as much free time as I used to. I spent most of my energy for my next update beginning some quests. I wanted the world to begin to come alive. So, there are some new systems and a small handful of quests to complete in the beginning town that I've already made available to explore-- a few simple quests, some minigame-themed quests, and one much more in-depth quest that explores some long-lost history in town.

Hopefully, I'll be able to release this update soon, but I'm still doing my own debugging at the moment. In the meantime, stay tuned for some screenshots of the next (much larger) city and countryside for you to explore!
Level 5
Mar 28, 2009
Here's a first look at the newest place to visit: the city of Blackwell!

Blackwell is a very urban, populated city centered on Industry. It sits nestled very neatly in a mountainous region, protected from many harms for centuries. For one to climb through the city, he will have to hike up countless flights of stairs, but the views he'll witness are awe-inspiring. At it's bottom, a river carves its way through the rocky walls holding the city, providing access and labor to Blackwell's thriving shipping industry.

At it's center is the last remaining Tree left in all of Blackwell. It has stood since the earliest days of the city's history, and citizens from the region still congregate here to see its majesty. The Tree's sap is said to have legendary powers, which give god-like strength to the Pokemon known in Blackwell tales and fables. It is here that Blackwell's gym leader has battled aspiring Pokemon trainers seeking his badge for many ages.
Level 5
Mar 28, 2009
Also, the models dont look like that of a pokemon map.
I would strongly suggest not to do this pokemon concept, since their models match badly with the terrain.

It's not the Pokemon concept that you know or has been done before, that's all. That doesn't mean that a Monster catching/training concept can't fit in a deeper fantasy world. All I'm doing is giving players the chance to explore a different world than we're used to in a game centered on capturing, training, battling, and enjoying the Pokemon concept.

I'm a bit of a nerd, so I'll use the Harry Potter universe as an example. If you're familiar with the series, the characters exist in present-day London, perfectly capable of using our modern-day technology. However, in their wizarding world, different technologies exist. They travel by train and ancient ships, not cars, buses, or subways. They live by candlelight, and there's not a single mention of a cell phone. They even write on parchment with old quill pens.

I'm not pushing a fantasy world here that dates back to medieval days, it's just a different world than the one we know.
Level 19
Apr 10, 2010
Im basing the concept on the previous pokemon games.
They all look modern, etc. Besides, im sure that this map is not set at an alternate world where you can go by means of opening a closet or riding a train, like Narnia, where they have swords and talking lions.

Those models look medieval-like, making it stray too far from the theme.
It would be better if you said something like "This map takes place long before the time of Pokemon Red/Blue", making it understandable to use these models.
We have a lot of modern like models, allowing you to use them.

Else, it would be illogical to have conveyor belts inside those buildings, pokemon centers with machines and Electric themed gyms, whereas those models suggest electricity is not yet discovered.
Level 5
Mar 28, 2009
I understand. No, this is not a "Medieval Pokemon Adventure." You can say that it takes place before our modern time, but understand that this isn't taking place in the Dark Ages. Again, this is just an adventure in a different Pokemon world than we're used to.
Level 5
Mar 28, 2009
Edited first post with some more images of Blackwell, which is nearly finished. Still almost all of my recent work has been on terrain, as I'm trying to get Blackwell finished with it's surrounding area so there's more area to explore. Then, I'll begin the Quests for that area, and add a new batch of Pokemon!
This shot covers most of the city of Blackwell, from its docks and lower city in the foreground, to the upper city with its shops and merchants in the distance. The pedestal holding the Life Tree is also partly visible in the foreground.
Blackwell's location suits itself perfectly to its thriving shipping industry, thanks to the rivers that carved their way through the mountainous terrain.
The Life Tree is a focal point of the city-- both literally and in its history-- as it sits high on an ornate pedestal overlooking the entire city. Pilgrims come from all over the world to see the Life Tree, the last tree in all of Blackwell, said to have unnatural healing properties.
Level 5
Mar 28, 2009
i can help you with real pokemon models, building and doodads

I will need help with models for Pokemon, but I'm just not there yet. I'm adding the Pokemon units in batches, because I'm trying to spend a lot of time making each unique and possess its own role, and trying to do that all at once with 150 units is unreasonable. So for now, I can't say what Pokemon will need their own model.

Also, I will be pretty strict with what I can accept as far as models. I have pretty high standards as far as model quality, and they will also need to be very lightweight in terms of file size. This is a multi-player map, and I've already done a ton if work in minimizing the file size of all my imports to minimize map file size-- I believe in doing a lot with a little, and unit models will need to follow this rule. That means using fitting in-game models as Pokemon models when possible, and if an import is necessary, using in-game skins to cut-down on file size.

That said, if you are interested in helping out, let me know and I can try to get you started on a few unit models.
Level 2
Jul 15, 2008
ok i'll give u few pokemon models those are great quality pokemon models and of course low file size, if u like it i'll give u more

EDIT: also i have best quality pokemon trainer if u want


  • bulbasaur ivysaur venusaur.rar
    57.2 KB · Views: 94
Level 5
Mar 28, 2009
ok i'll give u few pokemon models those are great quality pokemon models and of course low file size, if u like it i'll give u more

EDIT: also i have best quality pokemon trainer if u want

Sorry I should have given more info on what I'm looking for I guess.

These are just rips from a real Pokemon game, which isn't what I'm looking for. The quality and filesize isn't the problem in these models, it's that the anime//toony aesthetic doesn't work the rest of the map. Obviously I still want the models I use to look like the original Pokemon we love, but they need to find a new look to match the WC3 design.
Level 5
Mar 28, 2009
I've already tried to make it a point that I'm taking a different approach to imagining each of the first 150 Pokemon in Pokemon Chronicles. Although I think it's important to keep the spirit of each, I'm creating all new skills and roles for each Pokemon, giving each a unique role within the game and your party. As I progress through the game, I'll be releasing them here in individual posts, which you can link to from the original first post.

So, to start things off, here's the mighty Bulbasaur and its evolutionary tree!




I'd love to hear what you guys have to think about the first batch of Pokemon, and I hope this thread can be a catalyst for your ideas for future Pokemon in Pokemon Chronicles too!
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Level 5
Mar 28, 2009
Love it. Wish you can find better candidates for the models though.
Also, is this Turn-Based or not?

Havent sent me the models...

Nothing is turn-based, all battles are in real time.

I'm still waiting to get my other computer back, but I'll get them to you ASAP.
Level 5
Mar 28, 2009
Next up, Charmander, Charmeleon, and Charizard!



Level 5
Mar 28, 2009
Still working on rolling out my current Pokemon so they're all in one, easy location for fans out there... here is the tanky Squirtle evolutionary group!




As a separate update, Blackwell is nearly completed! Which means I'll have more screenshots to share (and hopefully a gameplay video if I can get my screen capture software to work) to show off the atmosphere and area. I'm now working on the mountainous areas surrounding the city in order to link this new zone to the original zone that's already playable, which won't be quite as daunting a task as building the city itself was.

And as a Community update: One of my biggest goals is for the whole process of building Pokemon Chronicles to be a community-driven process-- thus I'm doing things like detailing character reports and releasing the project in parts so everyone can play the map as it progresses.

One of the biggest things I hope the community will get involved in is brainstorming and the creation of the Pokemon themselves. You've already seen 9 of the first batch of Pokemon (and several more if you've played the map), so now that I've given an idea of the new, distinct look for each Pokemon's skillset, I hope the brainstorming will begin for the next batch of characters! I already have a bunch of ideas for many upcoming Pokemon, and I'll chime in with these if the discussion is going that way, but I want to hear from you! As a starting point, I said above I'm currently working on Mountainous terrain, so how about some ideas for some Ground types: there's Onix, Geodude, Cubone...

Level 19
Apr 10, 2010
Maybe you could add extras/spoilers here, which are bonus pokemon from other regions or entirely fan made. Well you should add some steel, since it was only introduced at the 2nd Gen. Can help you draw up some concepts on it.

Also, I think Squirtle and its evolutions could use the Turtle models at Wc3.
Level 5
Mar 28, 2009
Maybe you could add extras/spoilers here, which are bonus pokemon from other regions or entirely fan made. Well you should add some steel, since it was only introduced at the 2nd Gen. Can help you draw up some concepts on it.

Also, I think Squirtle and its evolutions could use the Turtle models at Wc3.

The only issue with creating new Pokemon types is balance. All of my current types are balanced with each other in terms of effectiveness and ineffectiveness with one another, so that no single type is overpowering. Adding types means rebalancing.

Here's the chart I made to use:
Level 5
Mar 28, 2009
Well, you missed Dragon, which is 1st Gen. Also Ice, Flying, Steel (2nd Gen), Poison, Rock and Dark (2nd Gen). You should check serebii.net full moves/tm's and nearly everything and anything on the Pokemon universe.

Yea I've eliminated some types purely out of balance and gameplay... many of those types -- like Dragon and Steel -- only really exist as a secondary type in Pokemon. For balance, every Pokemon here only acts and plays as a single type. For example: you mentioned Steel type. If Steel were included, how many Pokemon would that potentially cover? I can only come up with 2: Magnemite and Magneton, which doesn't really make it viable to include it as a type when Pokemon like these also fall into another category. Also remember that for balance, I've intentionally made it so that the broadest types all are super effective against two types, and ineffective against another two. Let's say now that Fire and Ground types are super effective against Steel -- that means that all Fire types are super effective against only two Pokemon (excluding the Grass types, which would remain as their other super effective counterpart). This introduces a whole new level of imbalances, and really is just a waste.

So that's my reasoning for including the 10 types I did; it's not that I wanted to exclude some, it's just these were those most reasonable for balance purposes.

Whoa, you really visualize this project before making it good job!

Anyway I still agree with DJ that some fan made Pokemon will be nice.

Brainstorming and visualizing are the most important elements of any project! I actually have a ton of resources I've made for this project -- from some art, to stories for quests, to resources for the Pokemon themselves. I plan on releasing a lot of this eventually as I get to the stages of the map that they pertain to.

And I agree, some fan-made Pokemon would be pretty cool. Any ideas?
Level 19
Apr 10, 2010
I see. Thanks for clarifying.

On the fan made, id love to see a Ground-Electric type. I nearly can't see any weakness here except Grass. Maybe this could be the best trainer/elite four's pokemon. Also, i'd love to eliminate the Elite Four and implement like in the anime, where it is a tournament and the Elite Four are just mega uber trainers for training/proving worth. Maybe a Steam Pokemon, which is either Fire/Water or Fire/Rock?
Level 5
Mar 28, 2009
Yea I do wanna avoid a typical Elite 4 ending. However, also keep in mind that I plan on implementing a save/load system, which means that this isn't a game that you necessarily play til the end every time. Part of the draw should be just partying with or battling against some friends, or just soloing and training your own party.

There is an ongoing story throughout the game if you decide to play through for the quests, and that will have an impact on the ending. So without spoiling that part of the finale, what I've come up with for the ending is tournament-style match between the human players, or computer players to fill slots if needed. I am having a little trouble actually getting to this point tho, so let's see what you think of the options I've come up with:
1.The League opens periodically all Game [every ~30 minutes]. Any player can visit the stadium to either watch the matches, or compete if they have all four badges. The rest of the game continues during this time uninterrupted.
2. A player with four badges can choose at any time to enter the League. Once a player enters, all other players with four badges are called, and can either opt to join or decline.​
Level 19
Apr 10, 2010
Well 4 seems terribly low.
6 could be a better candidate and have the other 4 for the Elites.
If you plan on 4, I do suggest increasing XP gain so it would seem the Elites are no weak, since the 5th mostly has LVL 30 ~ 40 and them having similar levels unless you have a long ass V Road. Some players would want to take them on though.

But, I do see your point that they should focus on the tournament yada yada.
If you plan on that, where 4 Gyms, add a VS Seeker or an island where players can train, like a battle tower. If not, spam Team Rocket or some other bad dudes.

Btw, whats the name of the region? Also, will you place something such as Battle Tower & Contests?
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
I really love the idea you have and the way you've built the houses is perfect but I still feel that this isn't pokémon untill you're using the real pokémon models.
Level 5
Mar 28, 2009
Well 4 seems terribly low.
4 is a starting point, and it's what works into the story I have. The region and number of gyms can always be expanded after all of my planned content makes it to the game, whether it's done by me or someone else I've handed the project off to.
If you plan on that, where 4 Gyms, add a VS Seeker or an island where players can train, like a battle tower. If not, spam Team Rocket or some other bad dudes. ...Also, will you place something such as Battle Tower & Contests?
There will be plenty of places to earn some XP and grind out some levels :) However, I'm not completely sure what you mean by contests?
Btw, whats the name of the region?
That's a really good question... because I haven't thought about that at all. I'll start working on something and maybe have a poll in this thread to see what people like.
This is, honestly, the FIRST WC3 pokemon game that seems worth playing xD
I wish you good luck in this project~
I really love the idea you have and the way you've built the houses is perfect but I still feel that this isn't pokémon untill you're using the real pokémon models.
Well like DJ says, the "real " Pokemon models that are out there (and yes, I know they are all out there) really don't fit into the WC3 style, and it really just undermines all of the aesthetics of the map. Not to mention they use horribly cell-shaded ripped skins from real Pokemon games and look like they were animated by a 3 year old.

I'm not against using imported models for the Pokemon-- in fact, I've been trying to make it clear that I know many Pokemon will have to use an import. However the rips that are out there aren't the answer. HappyCockroach previously did some really nice models for an older Pokemon project that will almost certainly make a later version of the map.
add trees, change the professor, maybe you could allow players to select their models? I dislike the Child model for some reason :{P
You don't like the pandarian Professor? :p
Yes, many of the unit models are fill-ins for now, and I haven't decided on the Child model, except that the Child unit soundset drives me nuts.
And as far as trees go, there will be some different looking vegetation in other regions of the map.
Level 24
Jul 9, 2009
Sounds awesome to hear that you got big plans keep it would be awesome to see them become real.
Level 19
Apr 10, 2010
Well, I would quote the definition of a Pokemon Contest from this link:

"Pokémon Contests are a type of competition often contrasted with Pokémon battles and held in Contest Halls. Pokémon are judged on their condition and moves in two rounds, to determine which is the best of its category."

Its a sort of competition done by Coordinators. In the Anime, they are mostly the female companions of Ash.

And yeah, the soundset drives me nuts too. Saying stuff like "I'm Four"...
I have an idea though: add Trainer Types.
Trainer Types would give you boosts when handling a specific type of pokemon.
Say, you choose to be a Fire Trainer Type, you would be more proficient at Fire and less at Water types. The boost is little, maybe 10% increase/decrease in damage.
Level 5
Mar 28, 2009
I have an idea though: add Trainer Types.
Trainer Types would give you boosts when handling a specific type of pokemon.
Say, you choose to be a Fire Trainer Type, you would be more proficient at Fire and less at Water types. The boost is little, maybe 10% increase/decrease in damage.
Or enable the trainer to have expertise at a certain type, so when you master all types you'll truly be a MASTER.
I really like these ideas, I'll see how I can implement this
Game looks very good but id like a free cam better and i can not find a pokecenter^^ is it casue there is none or am i to dumb to find it? :D anyway very nice project
I'm using a fixed camera because without the angle-correction you'd miss half of the world and detail.
And there's a Pokecenter at the Southern entrance of the village, marked on your map with a Health symbol. Thanks a bunch for testing it out!!
Level 5
Mar 28, 2009
Maybe Some Scores From Pokemon Reorchestrated. It's epic, man.
And for realistic/fitting pokemon, perhaps this page can give you ideas.

I would like to add custom music, and if it is something that makes it to the final map then I'll probably go with something more orchestral over the beeps and tones of the original Pokemon games. However, custom music isn't very high on my list because of how much filespace it takes up of the 8mb max, so we'll just have to wait and see.

And thanks for the link, I'm keeping it for reference!
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