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Pokemon RPG

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Level 3
Dec 23, 2009
This is my first (real) project (But it isn't finished yet!). I am creating a pokemon RPG game (I know, it's been done before) - the only difference is, unlike other pokemon RPG games, pokemon can't do an "attack" - wait! it gets better - instead, i've incorporated a skill only database - basically, all pokemon have no attacks, but a set number of skills, all skills have a universal cooldown of 5 seconds, and is set just like the actual pokemon game! (yes, no attacks, no multi-cast, no HP regen, no mana) the game works exactly like that of the DS games, only in a warcraft format.

Release date
It's not confirmed, but i'm hoping to put my BATTLE MODE ONLY trial version, this will be very simple, it will just be 1 player battle mode, see how long you can survive up against this series of ten CPU pokemon. (The trial version will be 1 player only and you will face opponents until you die. if you are Uber enough to beat all 10, tell me)


Battle Mode
Just like the the Battle factory! choose 3 pokemon from a list, and fight against all other players

Unlimited Mode
Just like the DS game - all players search for pokemon, then meet up at the gate at their own pace - there, players battle for the title of champion! (in progress)

Race Mode
Just like Unlimited mode, but when the first player checks in to the battle arena, the battle begins. will you race to the arena, or catch as many pokemon as possible?

Time Mode
Like Race mode, but instead of the battle beginning after one player checks in, the final battle begins after a set time period - choose between short, medium, long, or Marathon mode!
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Level 15
Sep 3, 2006
Something like this was done by 13lur, except he made a save/load rpg for Pokemon.

If you'd like, I can attach his open source version that he left and you can look through it. It may give you some ideas on how to define your battle system to make it a bit more personal.

I must warn you though that 13lur's map is very messy because he was in the process of re-scripting a lot of his GUI into JASS.
Level 3
Dec 23, 2009
Cool! I wanna!

Something like this was done by 13lur, except he made a save/load rpg for Pokemon.

If you'd like, I can attach his open source version that he left and you can look through it. It may give you some ideas on how to define your battle system to make it a bit more personal.

I must warn you though that 13lur's map is very messy because he was in the process of re-scripting a lot of his GUI into JASS.

nice, that'll be good! I don't know JASS, so I can just re-trigger it...
BTW do you know if the save/load was still GUI or if it isnt, how its done


Well, there's just one problem..... IT DIDN'T WORK! i downloaded the file, opened it on World editor, and FAIL! world editor crashes! I guess that i can't look at how he did that stuff.
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Level 15
Sep 3, 2006
The B4 version was his last release. The version he was working on before he quit (B5) he privately released in public chat to a few people working on another map and I was allowed to take it. He said he wanted his work to be open source so other editors could learn from it/possibly improve his map because college was becoming very busy. I'll attach it here.

Alright, it should be attached. Here's the thread (he posts the link at the bottom)


And here are some instructions regarding how to use his clan's Custom UI.
to open my map, you need to put the UI folder in your wc3 directory. When your done just delete the UI folder again. The custom GUI functions are a clan-related mod I used.
If I recall, the UI folder is in the download and your WC3 directory is the C:\Program Files\Warcraft III


  • Pkmn Resources.zip
    6.6 MB · Views: 722
Level 3
Dec 23, 2009
thanks, but it didn't work! it won't even play on my version of warcraft? whats up with that?!
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Level 3
Dec 23, 2009
ok, to anyone (which is no-one) who ever checks pokemon RPG, i'm postponing the project until school holidays, but i will do tiny bits and pieces here and there when i can, but the holidays i will seriously work on it
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