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Pocket DotA 3.00

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This map was protected by the author.


The game was meant to be a spin-off of DotA, and is it's own entity. I know some of the community here dislikes DotA because of various reasons, but please do not comment and exclaim things like "This map is a rip off!" when you haven't tried the map and are basing your assumptions solely off of the name. In addition, I do not care that you think my map is too similar to DotA or other games; keep that in mind when you are posting. Finally, if you are looking in the comments for feedback before you play, I recommend the last few pages as the game has severely changed over the course of nearly 4 years. Thank you for reading at least this box.

This game is based off of the DotA Allstars map by Icefrog. It was created to promote my clan, and because I love DotA and its concept. This originally was a one lane map with only DotA heroes, but was split into a three lane map with custom heroes while retaining the 'pocket' feeling I wanted.

Most heroes have all unique abilities, but a few still retain one or two ladder skills. I worked a way around the ladder abilities being repetitious by combining other ladder abilities with them; that is to say I didn't overdo anything. Unlike heroes, the majority of items aren't similar. I took a different approach in item design, though you will see some similarities with varying items in both games. Heroes have to be built differently from one another to achieve the best use of your hero (type -tips ingame for build help). Just like in DotA, the items are what make the heroes powerful late game.

Gameplay and Terminology

The gameplay is similar to DotA, however there are some big differences. The most notable is that the game is not as large as DotA in its dimensions.

There are three lanes (top, middle, and bottom) that spawn units (creeps). You must control these lanes by killing the opposing team's creeps (creep kills), while obtaining the bounty that they give when they die (last hit). Push the lanes to destroy the enemy's towers. Once you destroy their tower, the two ancients behind it will become vulnerable (they're known as raxes, or barracks). If you manage to destroy both of them, you achieve what is called super creeps.

These creeps have extra damage, extra armor, faster attack speed, and bonus hit points, and will now spawn instead of regular creeps in that corresponding lane only. The idea behind this is that super creeps will always beat normal creeps without assistance from a hero, which reinforces the idea of protecting every lane to the bitter end. Super creeps that come from the top or bottom lane after defeating all of the enemy creeps will proceed to attack the middle lane, causing multiple lanes to have problems.

Once a team loses all of their ancient buildings (barracks) except their World Tree or Frozen Throne, the opposing team will gain mega creeps. These creeps are much more powerful than super creeps, and will immediately begin spawning in all lanes. Mega creeps make the lanes extremely difficult to control for the other team, as they rip through normal creeps in a good 3-4 attacks, and super creeps in 4-5 attacks. Mega creeps also easily kill heroes that are underfarmed (weak). If you or the enemy lose the World Tree or Frozen Throne, then that team will lose, and the game will end. Achieving mega creeps is not required to win the game, but it will exponentially increase your chances of doing so.

Creeps are probably most influential in winning the game. For one, unlike in DotA, most of the time heroes can't take on mass swarms of creeps during the lategame phase on their own and will require teammate help.

Creeps spawn times work like this (TL;DR below):
Siege units spawn once every 5 waves. Beginning spawns create 4 melee creeps and 1 ranged creep at 30 second intervals starting when the clock hits 0 for the first time. Every 660 seconds (roughly every 11 minutes but is 10 minutes the first time), an additional melee and ranged creep is spawned for every lane. Melee unit production is at a maximum of 8. Ranged creeps, however, can produce a maximum of 6 per spawn. Siege machines always only spawn 1 per every 5 waves, no matter what time it is ingame.

4 Melee per spawn. Every 11 minutes will add 1 Extra Melee (caps at 8).
1 Range per spawn. Every 11 minutes will add 1 Extra Range (caps at 6).
1 Siege per 5 rounds. Only spawns 1 ever.

Roshan is an important factor in the game, even more important than in the standard DotA. When roshan (the gigantic rock golem in the middle of the map) dies, it gives your team many bonuses.

It gives your whole team 200 gold each, which is equal to one hero kill or 4-10 creep kills. It also gives an item called The Aegis of the Immortal, which allows one hero to reincarnate upon death one time. That item can't be dropped once picked up, so don't allow the useless teammate or item couriers carry it. The last benefit is that it gives the killing team a teleporter in that area. The teleporter will teleport any ally to their base after five seconds. You do not channel while teleporting, but your movespeed is tremendously reduced to penalize you. Unlike DotA, Roshan never respawns, but he will progressively get stronger if not killed.

There is only one Aegis of the Immortal, and dying means it will be lost forever. Platinum Divine Rapier (an item recipe) requires an Aegis of the Immortal as part of it's combination ingredients. This weapon is the strongest in the game, giving 200 bonus damage and a 180 second cooldown reincarnation. The item drops when the wielder dies (only after the reincarnation is used).

Youtube video (Very outdated, isn't the same as the new game. It will give you a clue as to what this game looks like.)

Playable DotA Heroes

[Some heroes are missing the addition date because of faulty records.]
1: Tiny - Added 1.00
2: Lion - Added 1.00
3: Yurnero
4: Sniper*
5: Witch Doctor
6: Razor*
7: Magnus*
8: Clinkz - Added 1.09
9: Rhasta - Added 1.09
10: King Leoric* - Added 1.09
11: Traxex - Added 1.10
12: Gondar - Added 2.07
13: Axe* - Added 2.07
14: Syllabear - Added 2.11a
*This hero has the spells that he or she originally had before they were remade in the current version of DotA.
Changelog V3.00

Added new minimap preview!
Added Primus the Cyberdroid (hero)!
Added Chalice of Divinity (item)!
Reworked Hell Dweller.
-Lowered Sacrifice's cooldown (25 -> 15).
-Made every summon of his able to be sacrificed.
-Gave Corrupted Treant +25 hitpoints.
-Increased the poison damage on Corrupted Treant, and lowered the duration.
-Slightly lowered Plague Zombie's hitpoints and armor, but increased his life regeneration (.5 -> 20.00 /sec).
-Applied the same change above to the Greater Zombie, except it is 25.00 /sec.
-Increased the bounty of all of his summons.
-Added Vile Succubus to the spawning pool.
-Increased the minimum spawn count of minions (3 -> 4).
-Added Blink to the Fel Hound.
-Increased the Fel Hound's life regeneration (1 -> 3 /sec).
-Void is now ranged.
-Modified the Reconstruct tooltip.
-Removed Bash from Void.
-Fixed the second Greater Zombie from not getting a summoning timer.
-Added a check on Sacrifice limit to prevent oversacrification.
-Added numbers to the Soul Count that appear when he levels all of his abilities to maximum levels (sorry, it was the only way this feature could be implemented without floating numbers. There may be an issue if you don't level everything).
-Fist of Fury now has a 3 second stun limit to prevent massing strength to achieve a 10+ second stun.
-Fist of Fury cooldown lowered (18,16,14 -> 16,14,12).
-Uncontrollable Rage can now be targeted on towers and units (previously just units).

Heavily Reworked Goblin Tank.
-Improved Fortification no longer gives just armor:
--OLD (+2,+4,+6 Armor per level).
--NEW (+2,+3,+4 Armor per level, +5,+10,+15 Tower damage increase per level, gives World Tree/Frozen Throne second attack).
-Lower base agility (20 -> 18).
-Speed increase (290 -> 300).
-Cleaving Swing replaced with Buffed Defenses
-No longer a passive. Gives 20 damage instead of 35.
-New clickable: when casted on a tower or a main hall, gives the building a 20 damage attack that hits 3 times a second for 20 seconds.
-Fixed Syllabear's odd attack animation values.
-Fixed an issue with Maelstrom hitting targets.
-Fixed a tooltip error with Mind, Body, and Spirit.
-Added an explosion to Conjure Nova where it is casted, regardless if it hits a target.
-Added a cooldown timer to Greater Skeletal Minions so that they cannot be massed.
-Correctly rotated the Entrapment skill so that the skeletons actually face their target.
-Entrapment skeletons now attack slightly slower, getting less hits in before it wears off.
-Repositioned Secret Shop trees so that only 1 tango is needed to escape through the sides.
-Trees now properly regrow on the map every 3 minutes.
-Removed cliffs on the top and bottom of the map, and replaced it with trees (the area in front of the ancient creep spawns).
-Increased kobold ancient camp bounty.
-Added two juke spots; one bottom Sentinel lane, and one top Scourge lane.
-Moved the taverns to the bottom left of the map.
-Moved the creep camps further back to make it more difficult to pull.
-Heavily modified the terrain.
-Chaotic Ending cooldown increased by 5 (55 -> 60).
-Chaotic Ending can no longer damage buildings.
-Added more alliases to the -Tips command.
-Changed Necromancer and Druid manas (500 -> 200).
-Changed Super Necromancer and Druid manas (700 -> 300).
-Heavily Changed Nerubian Arachnid.
--Swapped Neurbian Arachnid's Q and W skills.
--Remade Burrow Strike so Arachnid can strike at any point, not just the end.
--Caustic Finale's tooltip changed to not say Sand King.
--Fixed Vendetta tooltip grammar.
-Added an additional check to make sure Furglewurg's Mushroom spawns don't keep spawning when the main shroom dies.
-Removed Quake's jump restriction (you can still get stuck though!!).
-Quake doesn't freeze your hero's screen now.
-Fixed Glacial Haste's deactivation tooltip hotkey error.
-Lowered Ogre Power! damage gain. (10,20,30 -> 10,15,20).
-Slightly increased Boots of Accuracy passive chance (8% -> 10%).
-Reworded Boots of Speed's tooltip.
-Boots of Power speed decreased slightly (85 -> 80).
-Replaced the Gloves of Haste icon to match DotAs.
-Fixed Frost Bolt from not draining mana when cast.
-Decreased Northern Warlock's base attack speed (1.7 -> 1.9).
-Improved Glacial Haste's tooltip.
-Renamed Glacius' ultimate.
-Remade a lot of spells stats of Obsidian Destroyer.
-Replaced the random damage with Obsidian Destroyer's ultimate with a fixed damage amount (100 - 300 -> 250).
-Clarified Conversion's tooltip and changed its percentages (10,15,20 -> 20,25,30)
-Dampening Attack reworked:
--Does not stack until level 3 (previously level 2).
--Lasts 2 seconds for all levels (2,3,4 -> 2).
-Stun Pulse reworked.
--Stun time made constant (2, 2.5, 3 -> 2.25).
-Manacost rescaled (85, 100, 115 -> 80, 90, 100).
-Void Pull cooldown lowered (55 -> 40).
-Ogre Magi story improved dramatically (seriously, who writes all these horrible stories and then changes half of them every version, knowing nobody reads them?).
-Aegis shop item tooltip clarified.
-Platinum Divine Rapier tooltip clarified.
-Hellscale completely revamped.
--Spear remade:
*1.4, 1.7, 2.0 damage to heroes 20% of the time.
*2.0, 3.0, 4.0 damage to creeps 20% of the time.
*Now shows the red critical damage.
--Piercing Blow tooltip fixed for clarity.
--[[Slow Death remade:]]
*Movespeed slow no longer stacks.
*Changed to 30% slow in movespeed and 20% slow in attack speed.
*Lasts 10 seconds.
*Now affects creeps
**15 damage for 2 seconds.
Rewrote all hero tips so they display 2 great items for the hero in most situations, and improved on their general helpfulness.
-Fixed Corruption Staff not showing cooldown.
-Fixed a bug with Saturate Air hurting incorrect targets, and damaging Targets in base.
-Added the corruption orb look to the Hellstorm.
-Fixed some Xor'ahk tooltip errors and confusion.
-Increased Assassinate missile speed (1600 -> 2400).
-Added a gunshot sound to Assassinate when used.
-Fixed Scattershot issue showing green targets when hovering over targets.
-Added to Hell Dweller's story.
-Modified Hellfire Spawn's story.
-Modified Goblin Tank's story.
-Fixed priority issues with all heroes. Summons like Spirit Bear now appear after the hero in selection.
-Gave every summon (except Clockwerk Goblins) the ability to now attack Roshan without dying.
-Fixed animation cues for many spells.
-Druids and Necromancers now do piercing damage (don't know what I was thinking before).
Attribute Mage's Counter modified:
--Is now an AoE shockwave-like skill with only impact damage.
--Impact damage is calculated differently: x2 strength and x1 agility of your hero determines the damage it deals while x2 intelligence determines it's mana burn.
**(This does not calculate resistence like the old version where the enemy's attributes can negate the damage).
-Cooldown increased (30 -> 40).
-Now does piercing damage instead of normal (weaker on heroes).
-Granulater AoE reduced (300 -> 250).
*True full AoE is 200, half damage is experienced from 201-250.
-Granulater proc percentage changed for ranged heroes (25% -> 15%) and for melee heroes (25% -> 20%).
-Bashing Axe bash percentage increased for melee and ranged (15 - > 20% melee | 10 -> 15% ranged).
-Updated quests for the most recent forum link.
-Buy Back changed:
--Now has a cooldown of 120 seconds.
--Gold cost scales differently (100 + 50*hero level).
--Now only accessed from Circle of Power and not Taverns.
-Fury stun timed increased (1.00 -> 1.50).
-Aparently Battle Drums does stack with Drow's True Sight, so the warning has been nullified.
-Glyph now has it's own building (will probably be switched back to circles, but there's a bug that prevents it for now).
-Vastly improved all hero mana pools.
-Fixed an error with Tiny's Toss showing the error message for Roshan to everyone.
-Added an error sound to most situations where a user encounters an error while casting a spell.
-Fixed up Incarnate's spells with various improvements to tooltips and names.
-Burn Mana now deals Chaos damage instead of normal type damage.
-Burn Mana will now give the kill to Ogre Mage if the target dies because of it.
-Toggled many spells to work on ancients (namely Roshan).
-Fireblast aesthetics improved: It now displays 'MULTICAST!' when it multicasts, and it has the classic Ogre Magi Fireblast animation from DotA.
-Burn Mana can now be cast on nonhero units (not recommended to autocast).
-Increased Channel Spellbook manacost.
-Transparent Gemstone backstab damage increased (10 -> 50).
-Pendant of Energy and items requiring it have had their attribute bonuses lowered.
-Fixed a fatal bug with Pudge getting blink dagger.
-Slightly increased Tidebaron's range.
-Fury now properly scales to the correct level on the second projectile.
-Grow attack speed lower side effect increased from 15 to 25%.
-Increased Grow rock count when learned.

Dota, AoS, Mini, Pocket, Dota2, Pudge

Pocket DotA 3.00 (Map)

02:34, 3rd Feb 2009 Septimus: I check it once more and it seems to be fine. Approve.




02:34, 3rd Feb 2009
Septimus: I check it once more and it seems to be fine. Approve.
Level 13
Jun 10, 2007
If I missed crediting you on any resource, let me know.

I now have uploaded a lot of the older versions, and will continue to upload older versions as they become outdated. The 1.00 series is not available because of the significant quality different between the two series. I suggest that you play the newest version, but you may look back at these if you wish. A select few of the maps are not available due to the inability to play them on the newest patch, or they contained a bug that severely hindered gameplay.



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Level 5
Oct 3, 2008
Good! Cause I have an idea of a new hero. The Harbinger. A chaser agility hero.
1st ability is 'Stun Pulse', a low mana-costing ability that just stuns a target enemy unit.
2nd ability is 'Dampening Attack', a passive ability that slows a target unit that it attacks. Stacks
3rd ability is 'Damage Converter'(Not sure of the name yet) Another passive ability, whenever an enemy unit attacks u, u hav a low chance to reset all ability cooldowns
Ultimate - 'Void Pull', instantly moves a target unit towards the Harbinger
Level 31
May 3, 2008
Given a resources rating 1 and 2 is alright as long there was a valid reason for it.

Ok, here is my opinion.

1) Starting Location - You set the starting location at the middle of the map, it should be set at the tavern so the user would know where to find it. New player might try to figure it out where is the tavern could possibly at.

2) Mode Available - There is only 2 mode available, AP and APEM. You should have a AR function since some people love to play AOS with random hero (Like me). Having AP and APEM mode only would be partically pointless, it was like setting it to be easier or normal. If user know how to use the hero where they are best at, they would often use the hero only; rendering the game boring and dull.

3) Board - You should have set it to leaderboard instead of multiboard, I cannot read some unit information such as their hotkey because the board have cover it up. You can just view it from the screenshot below.


4) Fog - I set the map visibility to always visible, but it only show my base. Even if you are adding a anti-cheat system. try to fix this if it was possible.

5) Hotkey error - There is a few hotkey error in your map as well. I press "S" button to get Eastern Warlock since the hotkey was indicate with a yellow S word, but I wound up getting a sniper. Another 1 of the hotkey error as well would be Magnus and Royal Guard.

There is actually more hotkey error on it, but you can go check it out by yourself.

6) Item Hotkey - None of the item I seen have a hotkey, some of us prefer to press hotkey to purchase item as it was a quicker approach than left click it; all your item doesn't have the necessary hotkey.

7) Typo error - You mistype melee as meele, you can view it from this screenshot.


There is more typo error as well such as mistype battlefury as batlefury.

8) Item - You said 95% of the item are unique, but it look like a DotA item with greater or weaker effect.

9) Green Icon - You have a missing dis_btn icon for battlefury as you can seen from this screenshot.


10) Malfunction Hotkey - When I was using WeaponCrafter hero and press G to learn Ground Pound, nothing happen at all. There is a possibly of more malfunction hotkey like this.

This resources was certainly lacking a few feature and have several flaw on it. My rating is 2/5 (Lacking)

I believe I have provide enough reason of why it was rated rating 2.
Level 13
Jun 10, 2007
1: Added.

2: Adding more modes right now, will be done by the end of today.

3: I'm assuming you meant Multiboard instead of leaderboard, and I may do it in a future version, but right now the map has over 20 triggers involving the leaderboard so I'm not going to mess with it right now.

4: I like keeping it so players can't use the sight cheat in single player for various reasons.

5: Fixed all of them.

6: I may add some in the future but right now I'm not going to until the taverns are filled.

7: Fixed.

8: DotA doesn't have three base boots you can buy, three base gloves and so on. What I meant was that the items looked different and were fresh. A new recipe shop is coming out soon that will have more items.

9: The icon on this site has a broken DISBTN icon and I was going to make a new one. I'll just use a default icon for now.

10: Fixed.

Thank you for the review, I'm posting the revised version tonight. If you could, maybe you could review it again and see if your score changes? :)
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Level 31
May 3, 2008
Err yeah, sorry. It was multiboard indeed, I was reviewing it while I was half awake.

I do not think I would review it again, considering that reviewing AOS took quite a time and you just did a single update, I would stick to reviewing melee and cinematic map.

If this site have a broken dis_btn icon, kindly inform the staff about it so they could fix it.

It took me almost an hour to check out the error.
Level 13
Jun 10, 2007
Hmm I don't know if you've already fixed this but, when teal died (i think died from scourage?) he spawns in the enemie's healing zone and keeps reviving in there, dying reviving, dying reviving, ect.

I just tested that, crap! I'll fix that now.

EDIT: Until then, 1.07 is back up.

EDIT2: Found the bug and fixed it, the games now ready.
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Level 25
Apr 27, 2008
well here is my review:
This map is named pocket dota my first impression was that it is another dota map but mini, the map turned out to be a pocket AOS that have heroes from different popular AOS maps the first thing i suggest is to change the name (ex: Pocket AOS All stars).
here are somethings you need to change in the map to make it better:
-reduce the seleting circle size of taverns and item shops
-remake motherboard
-put a reviving timer
-remove all items recipe sonce the map is pocket edition, so put hp reg and mp reg items, boots and gloves, increase damage/defence and all normal items (not recipe)

this is a mini game aos which is very fun to play with friends
you need to give credits for the makers of dota and gota in the credit (if you did sorry i didnt notice)
this map will take a 2/5 only for now (which means lacking) but it will change when new versions come out. try to fix all the problems and here are some popular maps to help improve yours.1- Smota SMotA BETA v0.97b - The Hive Workshop - A Warcraft III Modding Site make sure you ask the owner
2- Gotas (with a "s") G.O.T.A.S v1.33b - The Hive Workshop - A Warcraft III Modding Site here is mine you have my permission (type -test to check all heroes level 25)

hope i helped you and that you will take my advice. work hard and never give up
good luck man

i will not give a minimod approve disapprove this map for now pm me when new version is out
Level 1
Dec 22, 2008

Heroes were terribly designed, especially those like the Attribute Mage. Abilities took little to no skill to use and/or apply. The gameplay consists of going into combat, running back to heal, and going back in again. There is little variety in any of the combat situations, as the abilities are cheaply made. Combat is belittled to merely stun-to-death instead of something like RoW which involves satisfying mindgame combat before intense conflict conclusions.

The main difference between this and DotA is the map size, which makes this feel easily-made, with simple triggering and terrain work. Also, some heroes, like the Attribute Mage, make even Axe look like a skill-based hero.

When designing a map, it's best to focus on taking care to produce well-thought-out/created heroes (like, for example, RoW). I'd rather see 3 interesting heroes on each side for a beta than 10 mass-produced "I have Hurl Boulder, Thunderclap, and 3 passives" heroes. In the end, each player will only be using one hero during a game.
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Level 13
Jun 10, 2007
The latest map (that I have) that actually works with the new patch happened to be the version before this one, I'll try to fix it up and actually make it the same or even better quality of this current map.

Edit: Restructuring in process. I will have a patch up either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

Edit2: New patch up. For some reason the new map preview image isn't showing but at least the maps up. The changelog will be uploaded later.
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Level 22
Nov 14, 2008
classification of NE creeps is undead ...

spearhunter's rush nuke doesnt turns of collision and looks really ugly when stuck with something, also it only damage in the start (maybe the purpose is like that)

lightning incarnate nuke passive should show the chance on the tooltip to not only in the learning

the chain lightning passive is not that actuall targets, level 2 - 3 targets bounced 4 times :S

you really should say which items does not stack with items and spells, like in start have something, these items doesnt stack with your spell ""
Level 11
Aug 25, 2009
I suggest a hero, hehe.
Cyrus, from Dawn of War II
Explosive Shot: Shoots the target, dealing an instant X damage, then dealing damage to nearby enemies for X seconds.
Stealth: Becomes invisible, allowing the ability to sneak around, but will slow speed. The first shot will stun the target.
Demoltion Charge: Sets a bomb on the target location. In three seconds of cast, the bomb will explode, knocking all units back and decreasing their armor by X for X seconds.
(Ultimate)Sprint: Greatly widens Cyrus' visibility range, and will move at greatly increased speed. All units that come in contact with Cyrus will be dazed for X seconds. Lasts for X seconds.
Level 13
Jun 10, 2007
Large version featuring many bug fixes and errors. A few additions, but most additions weren't ready for the map, so I created 2.09a (for alpha). Let me know what needs fixing, I already have a list currently being worked on for 2.09b.

Gondar | Yuernero Ult Building | New OD model | Sniper ult dmg in tooltip add | NERF DROW FFS
sniper vision | floating text | darkgreens aura helps enemies
Brown cant random | Nerf Shilvern | Tiny toss codeing | buff Nerubian crixal

Notice: I'm getting a terrainer that will improve the maps terrain.
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Level 7
Jun 1, 2009
Hero Idea
The Unstopable Blob(starts out as a small blob and gets bigger with lvl up doesnt do anything but looks cool!!)

Skill 1
Monstrous Size(subject to change)-Passive +str per lvl(increases blobs size)

Skill 2
Amorphous- The blob seems to have no set anatomy. Making it very hard to hit in vital areas. +damage reduction.

Skill 3
Body Slam- The blob uses his massive size to pummel his enemys(does X damage+str)

Split- The blob splits into 2/3/4 smaller blobs for X seconds each blob has X percent of the blobs main health.(so if blob had 1000 hp and it was 50% blobs main health they would each have 500) As long as one blob survives until time limit is up the blob reforms.
Level 4
Mar 12, 2010

It was good, though not true about what you said about not like dota. I just cant find any reason why I shouldnt play dota instead since its more balanced.
But good job, continue fixing and this might be more fun :)
Level 7
Jun 1, 2009
yeah it does lol i love the mushroom titan and he is SO OP.lol i loved being him!! for one he did way more damage then other people like everyoen else did like 41-51ish and i was doin like 60-100. and his ulti....dont even get me started haha!!
Level 13
Jun 10, 2007
Current changelog for 2.09 (a standed for alpha, 2.09a -> 2.09 -> 2.09b etc).

Added floating text to distinguish between new and original DotA heroes for the taverns.
Added vision to Sniper's ultimate.
Modified some of Mammoth Charger's attribute points.
Fixed Gondar's name when buying him.
Modified Obsidian Destroyer's model and name to stop confusion between the DotA version.
Modified Dampening Attack to work better.
Decreased Glacial Haste damage (12 -> 7), and lowered the slowing duration (2 -> 1.1).
Lowered Northern Warlock's base damage slightly.
Added Snipers Assassinate damage to it's tooltip.
Lowered Drow's Marksmanship agility increase (25 -> 18).
Lowered Cold Arrow's slow, and increased the mana to use them.
Trueshot aura now gives lower bonus damage at all levels.
Gave Lightning Incarnate 6 bonus starting damage.
Incarnate no longer gives Bloodthirst aura to enemies.
Added warnings to some items about stacking issues.
You can no longer attack Roshan if you are outside of his cave.
Fixed a possible issue with Incarnate using demolish based abilities and items.
Gave the secret shop shopkeeper some junk behind him (hooray for killable cages!).

-==To Do==-
Fix Tiny's Toss skill.
Make Yurnero's Omnislash only damage units and not buildings.
Add at least 3 recipe items (one with the Intelligence Wand in the secret shop).
Add some possible new items not requiring a recipe.
Finish at least one new hero (one original and one DotA? Rigwarl, Atropos, Necrolyte, Nessaj, Naga, Phantom Assassain).
Attempt to add a new gamemode (no promises).
Increase some Neutral Creep bounties, and change Razormorne's boulder to something more unique.
Level 2
Sep 26, 2009
>>It was created to promote my clan, which is for DotA players..
cool, i'm gonna masturbate a bit. It will promote me like famous f\/l<er.

Hmm.. it's not another garena-abuse i'm surprised :)
We require more balance..
Level 9
Jan 7, 2010

Name: Newominite

Model: Skeleton Warrior


1:Skeleton Eruption
Hero selects a spot to target and damages nearby units and knockback. Then a couple skeletons with low hp and negative hp regeneration emerge.

2:Exoskeletal Armor
Hero casts it on a unit. That unit gains lots defense but every time the target is hit, armor is reduced by 0.25. But the target unit is slowed by the extra armor. When defense has reached the original defense, it is dispelled.

3:Skeleton Jail
Hero selects an enemy unit to target. A ring of skeletons emerge and trap him. Skeletons are attackable but if one is destroyed, all of the skeletons will shatter, dealing damage and stun.

4:Skeletal Storm *updated*
Hero selects a spot to target and skeletons rain everywhere. The skeletons will break, dealing damage. During this, low health skeletons with negative hp regeneration will spawn in the middle, attacking everything there. At the end of the storm, a mass amount of skeletons with a single health point will rise and attack everything too.

Hero pros:
Abnormally high strength value
High initial defense value
Hard hitter

Grey Zone:
Strength mainstat

Hero cons:
Abnormally low Agility
Slow movement rate
Slow attack speed
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