Please! Help with a trigger!

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Level 4
Dec 2, 2008
I tried to create the Vladimir's Hemoplague from League of Legends, But I'm kind of stuck.

Here the description:
"ACTIVE: Vladimir infects all enemies in the target 175-radius area with a virulent plague which increases the damage they take from all sources by 12% for 5 seconds.
After these 5 seconds, infected enemies take magic damage."

I can't get the ability to do damage after 5 seconds of being casted. Could anyone help me?
Level 24
Aug 1, 2013
1. You require a Damage Detection Systems that allows you to modify damage.
2. You have to put a buff on a unit that should deal damage at the end.

1. I cannot help you... there are some good Damage Detection Systems on the web.
2. You can easily make that with my Effect Over Time System.
(I hope to upload it tonight (which I also said yesterday) but I am actually at a bug about looping effects... the concept was too good to not make it.

I uploaded it in the attachments.
All you need more is to download a Damage Detection System and when a unit takes damage increase the damage by 12% if the target has "Hemoplague buff".
(The Death Knight has your spell.)


  • Effect Over Time System 1.2c.w3x
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