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please help me decide for something!

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Level 9
Jan 14, 2008
my head is so full of ideas, that everytime i start a project,
i leave it half finished and want to start another one.

this got so bad, that at this point i can't even find the will to start smth,
because i know 5 minutes after i start working i will want to start something different.

these are my main ideas currently:

a singleplayer futuristic campaign with space orcs and aliens

a singleplayer RPG campaign with a turn based combat system

a multiplayer futuristic kind of starcraft like map, with 1 player controlling
an alien race that cannot be killed and is there to annoy the other players as they fight.

an aos mage-combat map with an intricate spell casting system i have developped.

what should i do?

anyone willing to create a team to work on one of these projects?
Level 5
Apr 8, 2006
I think that single-player RPG campaigns are a bit undertaking and there are a large amount of them, you want to go for something more unique. And I know what you mean about wanting to start a new project after getting half way through one, somehow i'm managing to stick with one at the moment.

I'm not really a fan of AoS maps, but what would the spell casting system be?
Level 9
Jan 14, 2008
thanks for the input. highly appreciated.

i would definitely put enough effort into my singleplayer campaign for it to be
quite an experience. im a very creative guy and i believe i could combine several ideas to make an outstanding campaign.

aos is just kind of the standard multiplayer map layout that provides competitive play and is easy to get into.

dont be offended but i dont want to share the casting system, out of fear that the idea might be used by someone else. i have been "stolen" a shitload of ideas and concepts in the future and got somewhat paranoid.
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