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Plants vs Zombies TD (IDEA)

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Level 9
Apr 23, 2011
I have an idea for a tower defense type map based on the PopCap Game "Plants vs Zombies". The game basically takes you through many levels of different scenarios in which you use plants to fight off the zombies and prevent them from getting into your house. It's broken up into 5 "chapters" each with 10 levels (my version will probably be only 5 levels per chapter). On levels 5 and 10 there are special levels, the level 5 ones are different minigame type games to play, many of these possible with trigger in Wc3. As for damage and basic gameplay, I'll be studying gameplay to get averages on how i should have hp of zombies, hp of plants, and damage of zombies and plants be set up. But for this project to work, I would need another trigger/JASS coder to help write the script for it, i'd rather to GUI but if jass is voted by the rest of us, then I'll be glad to help however i can with the JASS or with the object data. The whole list of people needed is below and will be checked off as they are found. This seems like it would be an interesting project to head, as I enjoy this game, and it would be a great learning experiance for me as a newish Map maker.

[ ] Modeler
[ ] Coder (I will be helping in this category to make sure that the way zombies spawn is close to how the game does it)
[ ] Terrain (I will be assisting in this category to help make it look like the game layout.)
[ X ] Units and Doodads (I can pretty much cover this although if you think you want to help or lend a hand you can still volunteer for it)

If you're interest please comment below on what you'd like to help do, or if you just have a suggestion :) I feel this idea is pretty awesome, and I hope to take this map somewhere.

UPDATE: I've finally made my decision on gameplay. It will consist of a 6 player map. 6 Total Tracks, as we can change the type of terrain via triggers obviously, this will allow us to change things such as, day to night, even over levels as if slowly the day is ending, and after night, figuring out how to make the pool levels work will be a slight challenge but I'm sure we will figure it out. Also a "Crazy Dave's Upgrades Shop" Would be available at all points in the game, allowing users to spend money on things like more plants, more allowed plant types at once, and special upgrades. The game system will go on rounds and probably start when all players have selected a dialog response of some sort saying they are ready. As for terrain. The map will be divided in half, and then the halves divided into three horizontal rows each, allow 6 players to play. Also a possible option is for gameplay modes such as, "Free Play", meaning there are no teams and it is for fun, "Tournament Play" for FFA competition, and "Team Play" for 3v3 player playing competition.

UPDATE 2: I'm now working on the main layout(terrain and triggering sytem) for the map and I've mimicked the layout of Plants vs Zombies, while leaving 1 extra lane for space for the pool/fog levels. I've gone with a region check system to ensure that you can only build in allocated spots (Marked by squares of grass, just like Plants vs Zombies), once all 6 are done (Lot of work, 54x6 regions to make/set in a trigger), I'll upload a map of the terrain.
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Level 1
Apr 11, 2011
I think this an awesome idea ... But it's hard to tell how the game will work or how many players can play it without the terrain ... I hope you get the models for the plants and zombies ... BTW. I can help you with the triggers but i'm still a noobie ... i can make GUI/MUI triggers ... I will be glad to help you especially on missile triggers for STAR FRUIT, TORCHWOOD, JALAPENO and my favorite WINTER MELON.
Level 3
Jul 12, 2011
I have models for Pea Shooter, Threepeater, Sunflower, Wall-nut, Spikeweed, Sun-shroom, Chomper, Potato Mine, Snow Pea, Repeater, Cherry Bomb. However they are not mine, so I cannot make the missing plants.

I have 5+ years of GUI knowledge, and some JASS knowledge. I have thought of making a PvZ game before, just dropped it because I didn't want to do it alone. I'm willing to trigger in GUI, but not JASS. I take forever to make stuff using JASS, but I'll be more than happy to help in JASS as secondary coder if you find a main coder.

Regarding your terrain, we will need a little more space on the right of each player's backyard, the same type of floor found at the bottom for room to spawn zombies.
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Level 3
Jul 12, 2011
I have models for Pea Shooter, Threepeater, Sunflower, Wall-nut, Spikeweed, Sun-shroom, Chomper, Potato Mine, Snow Pea, Repeater, Cherry Bomb. However they are not mine, so I cannot make the missing plants.

I have 5+ years of GUI knowledge, and some JASS knowledge. I have thought of making a PvZ game before, just dropped it because I didn't want to do it alone. I'm willing to trigger in GUI, but not JASS. I take forever to make stuff using JASS, but I'll be more than happy to help in JASS as secondary coder if you find a main coder.

Regarding your terrain, we will need a little more space on the right of each player's backyard, the same type of floor found at the bottom for room to spawn zombies.

Edit: Okay, I was bored and decided to start up a PvZ map too, just to see how it works and stuff. I'm sure I can make it, given I somehow get the remaining models that I don't have. This seems fun :). Perhaps we can work together to create a really nice PvZ game with more features than the original. Personally I like cooperative games so there could be co-op mode, classic mode, duel mode, etc.

Also, don't know how far you went with the region checks for building them, but I hope you didn't make hundreds of regions. I made a trigger that uses only 1 region (just the top left square) + creates other temporary points to do the checking and building. Very clear and concise.. yea much under 10 lines.

I have some plans for plants & zombies attacking, but we'll see. How about you send me your map, and I'll send you mine. Then (I like your terrain), we should use your map and import some of my stuff over if you want.

EDIT 2: Woops is double posting allowed? If not, someone please delete my post above this one since I quoted it already, sorry.

EDIT 3: Ah forgot to mention I do have the PvZ house model but your terrain as shown doesn't seem to have room to put that in???

EDIT 4: Yeah that's about 1/3 of PvZ plant models, so we still got a ways to go. These are not my models, we will credit the modelers.

EDIT 5: Okay here is a screeny of some of the models in my little map. Click :) - Yes they do bobble their heads xD.

EDIT 6: Here is updated screeny with the house included. Oh so pretty ^^. Pretty :) - Yeah that's the front of the house, but in the real PvZ it's the backyard so I can always flip the house 180º , it has a nice back view too.

EDIT 7: Check album cover for clear shot of house.Here :) - Yeah that's Threepeater it does look a bit funny.

So may I join in? :) , I can do triggers or whatever you get stumped on, just not modeling. If we get far enough and game looks successful, I will ask the modelers to create more plants.
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Level 3
Jul 12, 2011
Here is icons for the plants :). I don't know if we can use them (any rules against this?), since I took them off of wiki.
Click :)

EDIT: Actually, I think we should use the "card" icons, those indicate sun cost too.
Oh and I "wrote" tool-tips for all of them. (Bleh copy paste off of the game lol). Chomper :)
Level 13
Oct 25, 2009
Here is icons for the plants :). I don't know if we can use them (any rules against this?), since I took them off of wiki.
Click :)

EDIT: Actually, I think we should use the "card" icons, those indicate sun cost too.
Oh and I "wrote" tool-tips for all of them. (Bleh copy paste off of the game lol). Chomper :)

Holy shit,the model really good,maybe you can add the build ability to the house.
EDIT: How about the sun dropping down? Item? Or unit?(Sun Model) Unit slowly dropped down and add animation of flying(Crow Form)
If click the unit,remove the unit and add sun?(Gold?)
EDIT 2: Where is the repeater? =.=
EDIT 3: Set the Camera of Distance to target to 2250.00,set the angle of attack to -80.00,make sure another player cannot get another player's sun.
Level 3
Jul 12, 2011
Thanks, though it was just a quick test map to show the mapmaker some of the models, not the real thing since thread starter is making it.

It does seem more plausible to make house build it instead of a builder.

Haven't gotten around to adding Suns (other than Sun Icon replacing Gold Icon).
Don't have Sun model either, I do see a mario yellow star model in hive though, if can't find sun model maybe can use that. Editting that model into a Sun would be nice but idk if that's allowed.

Your dropping unit idea for Suns is good, this should look just like PvZ :).

Repeater, Spikeweed, Sun-shroom, and Cherry Bomb still being added in. After that we're out of models, any modelers around? xD

Thanks for the camera settings.

EDIT: Suns are done and very nice, your camera settings are added.

EDIT2: 8 Player max set-up done. By tomorrow this should be somewhat playable with a short wave of zombies, I'm still debating on whether or not I should upload this test map for everyone or just to Khamarr at this stage as it is only first day in the making (yes thx I know I'm fast XD).
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Level 1
Apr 11, 2011
Here is icons for the plants :). I don't know if we can use them (any rules against this?), since I took them off of wiki.
Click :)

EDIT: Actually, I think we should use the "card" icons, those indicate sun cost too.
Oh and I "wrote" tool-tips for all of them. (Bleh copy paste off of the game lol). Chomper :)

wooh! cool models you got there man ... don't you have melon models ... yummy :)) i hope this project will be started soon ..
Level 3
Jul 12, 2011
I don't have melon models but yeah those are my favs. Well still waiting to see where mapmaker is. It's been like over a day without a reply (zomg so long) so I couldn't wait and made more crap on my test map.
Level 3
Jul 12, 2011
Well theres Normal Zombie so far, gonna have to add Conehead Zombie except it won't have a hat... model pls. Then there's zombie with bucket head, zombie with football stuff, Zombie with Newspaper shield that runs faster after losing it, zombie that has a screen door. Dunno I could make them but they will all use same zombie model until they get modeled. Perhaps should put our own mix into the game. Pudgeee!
Level 3
Jul 12, 2011
Well if a few people want, I will upload this playable plants vs zombies map. I'm a bit tired of working on it, my system is quite inefficient and may cause lag (when 4+ players) so it may be discontinued. It has 4 waves at the moment, 7 plants to use, 4 zombie types.
Level 3
Jul 12, 2011
Cause lag? Do you have remove the leaks of any things?

Yes it does cause some lag, when playing single player it is hardly noticeable but when there are 2+ players and large zombie waves it lags some. Pea shooting system needs to be redone later. Most leaks are removed, not all, I've only been working on this map for 2 days, and I can say it is amazing how far I got. I will post a link to download my test map (unprotected, please don't steal).

Just saying it's a 2-day project, and I'm not even 5% done with that. I'm not sure if I will continue it or not.

Edit: Plants vs. Zombies v1.0a (2 player limit)

Edit 2: It appears Hive rules disallow me to link to my unfinished Plants vs Zombies map (?? or am I allowed to??), anyone who wants to test / play / edit it PM me. OR GO HERE ->PvZ Development
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