Zombie Map Ideas.

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Level 2
Jun 1, 2008
Yes yes another Zombie map the difference? it is meant to simulate real life as much as possible.

Game Objective: to survive for 25 mins and escape to the evac helicopter.

So the Basic terrain concept of the map is.
You are in a city that has had all its exits blocked and guarded to prevent zombies from escaping, you are a lone human that is just trying to survive.
Camera follows human to simulate real life as much as we would like to be able to look anywhere it's not possible. Human's do not share vision with other humans.
Initial map terrain appears small but most buildings are enterable.

Item wise you can find items that you would in real life and they have an equal effect on a zombie as such a knife while weaker is less likely to attract more zombies then say a gun or a chainsaw.
Some items can be used as blocks such as overturned tables but will effect restrict sight range.
There will be such items as flares and grenades both with drawbacks as zombies would be more attracted to both so a flare could make a great diversion to draw zombies away.
One of the main items is the radio that pings other humans that also hold it so if 3 people have a radio and 2 don't the 3 with the radio can get a rough idea where each other is while the other 2 have no idea, this is to promote grouping up and teamwork.

Vision in general is restricted and lowish to give that closing all around you feeling.

Human AI:
While for the most part there is only zombies there will be small outlets of humans trying to survive. These humans have the possibility of joining up with you to survive(you shot they shot kinda thing.) they can also lend you some supplies or turn on you to try and steal your supplies. The humans will be for the most part random in what they do so the game doesn't repeat itself.

Zombie AI: slightly more complicated as they will roam around mindlessly if they spot you they will move towards you and zombies around them will be alerted to your presence so stealth is the key.
Zombies are attracted to loud and bright things like gun fire, flares, grenades etc, while items like smoke grenades make a great covering so you can pass closely to them without them noticing you.
Zombies also have a decreased sight range at night so if you have the right gear night becomes the best time to move around in.

<------More to be added------>
Level 14
Jun 27, 2009
xlr8, this sounds like a nice project, but unoriginal.
By the way, use [Hidden=(Title)] and [/Hidden] to make spoilers. It brightens up the description. Also colorize it a bit and use h1,h2,h3,h4.
Level 2
Jun 1, 2008
I wouldn't say it isn't original while yes there is zombie games out their non really go with your average joe caught in the middle of the evasion.
Aswell as most zombie maps are poorly made with items that you wouldn't find in real life.
I have only come across 1 zombie map that does kinda simulate real life and was made extremely well trigger/terrain wise but even in that it wasn't just a random person caught up in an invasion.
Level 14
Jun 27, 2009
Okay, so your map is extremely original, and has zombies, plus you need to survive for minutes. Very nice.
Level 10
May 20, 2008
I agree with Herian. The idea isn't all that new. I personally enjoy zombie survival maps (ones without player zombies), and this is far from original or new.
Here are some things I havn't seen that you may want to add:
-Evacuation protocols:
You say the game is based on some 'average joe' being caught up in the massive zombie apocalypse, well why not add in evacuation things. Rescue teams sent in to save a certain survivor group/important person (mayor), but kill everything else that moves. You being some random guy, may be infected to them, so you get too close to them and they attack you. They head through the city, get what they want, and leave. You don't bother them, they don't bother you. Also evacuation centers, places with lots of supplies. Have them overrun with zombies, or still occupied from survivors that may/may not trust you. I mean a zombie apocalypse wouldn't go without the government trying to save people (people=money in their eyes).
-Multi-level gameplay:
The basic zombie game has 1 level, ground level. Sure maybe building floors and hills/mountains, but thats all on the same level. I'm sure lots of cities would have subway systems or underground railways. Add those in. Then you can add in events to a certain level (rain decreases sight and speed, but underground you are unaffected).
Random events are nice, but just not good enough for most zombie games. Actual weather patterns that effect the player would be a big change. Rain would decrease sight (and yes I know the camera is locked to the player) and slow down your speed. Lightning storms could cut off all power, so your radios could stop working because the transmission tower is down or something. Smog could decrease your sight and make zombies more aggressive. Floods could cause sower speed and low damage over time if your caught in it, forcing you to higher ground (cutting off any underground sections)...etc.
-City involved events:
Again, a bigger selection of random events so during 1 game you wouldn't expect either one event or the other. Your trapped in a dying city, what could go wrong? Buildings could collapse attracting more zombies to it, while blocking off the building from entry and killing anything inside. Explosions in some factories/power plants, again more zombies, but it would kill/harm any nearby players and possibly limit the amount of a certain item. Rescue teams, they come and try to rescue you, but something bad happens, and you can get supplies from them (though maybe they introduce a new zombie type). Do note that you could add in trap timers. Have the survivors think they are to survive for 25 minutes, but when that team arrives, they crash, or just decide to save another group, so you must wait another 25 minutes for another team (never have to wait for 3 teams though, it gets repetitive). Have fun with all the disasters that could happen in a city.
-A base like game:
I actually enjoy the games that force you to group together at one location and create an HQ (not a building, but like a location with stuff you placed there) where you store extra things, but then periodically explore for new things. This would kind of lead to a wave based zombie game for best effect though.
-Side objectives:
Things to do when your bored of playing the same way you have for the past few hours. Maybe add in a tank factory, where if you can restart it, you can get a tank that was being built for a war somewhere else. Possibly add in a transmission from the mayor, who, if you rescue him before the rescue team, will finish the game early and give you something cool for the next time you play.
One of the most important things of the game. I know you said that you would be trapped in a city with exits blocked off, but then the terrain is, for the most part, repetitive. Add in some rural areas/gangster towns/hideouts/old mines...etc outside the city, still blocked off to prevent you from leaving the map, but something other then just boring city. This could lead to a whole new style of zombies then just the ones in the city (take Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2, different zombies because of different locations. City based zombies for the city, farm zombies for farms, miners for the mines, weak but deadly gangster zombies, big boss types zombies for infected labs and hospitals..etc). Keep in mind that terrain could determine an unoriginal zombie game from a completely new one.

Just a few tips on things that I think would enhance game-play.
Level 2
Jun 1, 2008
Actually Land alot of these ideas i planned 2 use i just didn't list them at the time but thats what i kinda wanted random events.

As for the multi levels I might have forgotten to add but nearly ALL the buildings would be enterable and with several levels. How ever i do like your subway idea it would add a nice 'dark' touch to the game with limited vision and being all dark.

Also about the 'evil' government extraction teams I already had an idea similar to this but more a rogue group of civilians that shot anything that moves and they themselves move around aswell was the walls blocking off the city are defended and if you go to close they open fire on you.

Herian I didn't say the concept was original but the game is. I have not played a single zombie game that really simulates real life.
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