Post Apocalyptic Life

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Level 2
Jun 1, 2011
So i have had this idea to create a map about life after a zombie apocalypse, i don't mean like you fight the zombies off or wait for the army to show up but like an rpg of living after civilization is gone.

Year 2012, you are a survivor in the remote town of Wells, NV. One of the last towns that hasn't been hit by the zombies... yet. Gather supplies and ready up as everyone knows the infection is not far off.

Some cool features i would like to add;
- None of that "Zombies find you from halfway across the map" bs. I would it to be realistic, like, if you shoot, it will attract zombies (because of the sound) or getting injured (smell of blood).

- Need food and water (can be disabled though, hardcore mode). You need food and water to survive.

And a few other nifty ideas that would really make it an outstanding map. Any thoughts on this?
Level 19
Apr 10, 2010
Well I have some:
- All buildings are enterable, but zombies are too dumb to go to buildings if doors are closed.
- You can jump, if you jump on top of building, obviously you die unless it is 4 floors or below, just severly damaging you, and also at water. If it is deep water, life will be sapped per second.
- Armors
- Bosses
Level 2
Jun 1, 2011
the idea of a 2012 map would be good, and wouldnt mind helping
Any help would be greatly appreciated. PM me if you want to, and what you can do! Thanks!

Well I have some:
- All buildings are enterable, but zombies are too dumb to go to buildings if doors are closed.
- You can jump, if you jump on top of building, obviously you die unless it is 4 floors or below, just severly damaging you, and also at water. If it is deep water, life will be sapped per second.
- Armors
- Bosses

Yeah i like those ideas but those triggers are way beyond me:\ if you know anyone that could help me with those, then i would gladly put them in because that does sound awesome. I like the jumping one and the open buildings. Thanks for the input!
Level 19
Apr 10, 2010
Well for the zombies entering the building and stopping when the door is closed do a trigger like this:
When a player enters, a boolean variable is set to true. If a zombie enters that zone and it is true, they are ordered to stop.
For the jumping on water, make the hero amphibious and when they reach a water, check via boolean condition, by checking if the Walkability is off. And the damage would just basically run a trigger which damages the unit per 1 second or so. For the buildings, just make the every enterable building have stairs. Whenever a player reaches a different floor, an integer is added by 1. And when they cast jump spell, the damage is inflicted on the no. of floors X something. The Jump spell could just be a spell from here. Also, when they land from a building with 4 or below floors, they are stunned, do this by creating a dummy Storm Bolt and set the level to the number of floors, and create a dummy unit nearby the hero. The storm bolt would basically have no missile, damage and everything except the stun fields.
Level 4
Aug 22, 2008
I for one am extremely interested in this type of scenario and would be happy to contribute in any way, whether it be triggering or 2D art. I can help trigger the hunger/thirst triggers, and maybe even a story telling technique of say finding fragments of paper or tapes, which when picked up and examined in the inventory you can read about people's perspective on the apocalypse and possible government conspiracies etc.

If in need for a story idea maybe you are trying to look for the cause of the apocalypse, which can then be explained through the above method of tapes or something.

Anyway, great idea - you have inspired WarCraft 3 back into me. :D
Level 4
Sep 2, 2010
You should check out Wicked Rising ( I think you want to do something close to that. Mabye you don't need to make your own map, you can help creating one. Just a littl idea for you.

Pls dont kill me cause of that, but I think that you are not thaaat good in triggering and things. It takes realy much work and knowlage about triggering to finish a map like this. I know that, I tried it too onec. ;) But if you want to make your own map I would help you gladly! I'm pretty bored last times :D
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