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Petition to Blizzard

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Level 5
Dec 24, 2007
Would you make petition to Blizzard to release Alpha mpq and prebeta mpq? As many people know prebeta and alpha looked much better then final product? I don't believe they haven't got it. Blizzard still has those files, because as we saw at some videos the engine in alpha was scraped for making of World of Warcraft. So has anyone tried and what was answer?
Level 5
Dec 24, 2007
Weren't there blp programs back then? There can still be found or they are now abandon ware? Still maybe there is way but we would have to ask someone who is really good with image formats.
Level 5
Dec 24, 2007
We should open new one. As we saw many of those icons were used in WoW. As well some which were never released to public.
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
I'm sure nobody (other than blizzard employees) has ever gotten their hands on the alpha... The beta's downloadable on a few sites, but the alpha is not.

Also: Total: 181
Epic fail. Doubt a new petition will have more success. And it's not as if blizzard actually cares about them anyway?
Level 5
Dec 24, 2007
What about some gaming magazines or sites? Those always get a preview or a playable demo of the game, in this case alpha. And as far as i remember there is video where prebeta beta is being played in public.
Level 4
Apr 5, 2005
What about some gaming magazines or sites? Those always get a preview or a playable demo of the game, in this case alpha. And as far as i remember there is video where prebeta beta is being played in public.
It was a blizzcon/e3 event, so yeah those things aren't really released to the public, and it wouldn't matter anyway as most of the things that were in the RPS/Alpha Warcraft were recycled and revamped for WoW
Level 6
Feb 17, 2006
Starcraft Beta and Warcraft Alpha

Well, I've got the starcraft and broodwar beta, I can upload it if you want.

And about the early Warcraft 3 version: yesterday I managed to download the pdf versions of some old Gamestar magazines (all in german) and I read that a reporter from Gamestar got a copy of an alpha version (the version without inventory in the interface and without the little cannons). And in another article i read that the reporters were lead into a room where Rob Pardo test-played the RPG-version for them.

I think I'll make a little summary of the features that are mentioned in the articles for the different versions.
Level 6
Feb 17, 2006

Ok, he wrote an answer:
"Puh... das weiß ich nicht mehr. Ich habe mal Ende 2000 eine WC3-Story ohne Version gemacht. Danach mehrmals auf Messen oder Events. Soweit ich mich erinnere, hat uns irgendwann auch Bill Roper mit einer Version besucht, die aber wieder mitgenommen. Aus dem Artikel dürfte der Satz mit dem "am liebsten auf der Festplatte" stammen. Bilder habe ich da keine mehr. Blizzard war da immer sehr restriktiv, wir durften zwar durchaus Versionen spielen, mussten aber die vorgefertigten Screenshots von Blizzard nehmen, damit auch ja nix drauf ist, was sie noch nicht veröffentlicht sehen wollten."


"Puh... I don't really know anymore. In the End of 2000 I wrote a wc3-story without any [beta] version. After that some more on Conventions and Events. As far as I remember, Bill Roper visited us once with a version, but took it along with him. The sentence "best on my hdd" should be from that article. I don't have pictures anymore. Blizzard was always very restrictive, we were allowed to play these version, but had to use the screenshots blizzard prepared, so that nothing can be on them, that they didn't want to see published, yet"

I hope I translated everything right^^
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Level 24
May 20, 2007
Ok, he wrote an answer:
"Puh... das weiß ich nicht mehr. Ich habe mal Ende 2000 eine WC3-Story ohne Version gemacht. Danach mehrmals auf Messen oder Events. Soweit ich mich erinnere, hat uns irgendwann auch Bill Roper mit einer Version besucht, die aber wieder mitgenommen. Aus dem Artikel dürfte der Satz mit dem "am liebsten auf der Festplatte" stammen. Bilder habe ich da keine mehr. Blizzard war da immer sehr restriktiv, wir durften zwar durchaus Versionen spielen, mussten aber die vorgefertigten Screenshots von Blizzard nehmen, damit auch ja nix drauf ist, was sie noch nicht veröffentlicht sehen wollten."


"Puh... I don't really know anymore. In the End of 2000 I wrote a wc3-story without any [beta] version. After that some more on Conventions and Events. As far as I remember, Bill Roper visited us once with a version, but took it along with him. The sentence "best on my hdd" should be from that article. I don't have pictures anymore. Blizzard was always very restrictive, we were allowed to play these version, but had to use the screenshots blizzard prepared, so that nothing can be on them, that they didn't want to see published, yet"

I hope I translated everything right^^

Hell yeah!

That's some usefull info :smile:

As always,Blizzard are just money grabbing jerks!
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
damn blizzard
we must hope someone will lay their hands on SCII/Diablo II/new MMORPG alphas, before blizz make the crap out of those games =))
Level 5
Dec 24, 2007
What about if we added friend request for Blizzard developers on facebook? Note the whole Blizz team has facebook accounts.
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
yeah, it will be like this:
"Hello dear blizz employee. Can you please give us WCIII alpha models, 'cos they are so cool and the current WCIII models suck..."
"They suck? wait, I'll ask my superriors... [10 min later] Working as intended."

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Ofcourse blizzard still has the alphas, their servers must be multiple TBs in size and the whole WC3 + TFT is only a GB if not less in the alpha stage.

You need to ask them if it would be possiable that for 1.24 or 1.25 if they could just include the old alpha and beta models with it pury for custom games, or even just a select few like the dread lord as hidden unused models like some of the icons.
Level 5
Dec 24, 2007
But who to ask? Karune is just Starcraft fan and he hates warcraft 3 that's for sure. If anyone asks me he is bad CM for W3. We need to know where to ask them and how to ask them.
Meanwhile in Blizzard Office
* The Hive gathers soldier in hunt for Bill Roper
* Boss can we add those models in warcraft 3 now? No! If those models were released the crowd would realize that we are milking them for WoW.
* Blizzard W3 archive explodes.
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
Blizzard W3 archive explodes.
yeah, US 'Pentagon' scenario: plane falls near blizz HQ, barely scratching the wall and the whole archive section of the building explodes. worked once, why not use it twice? =D

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
If you ask me, you will probably find that they only have like 1 - 2 people asigned onto WC3 & D2 maintenence which are adicted to WoW and are working on one of the 3-4 schedualed games. Thus why nearly nothing ever happens fast for them.

After SC2 or D3 they really should consider hireing one or two dedicated people for maintenence of the games. Even if WC3 gets a few new stuff every 2 months, it would be enough to keep it going and people buying it for atleast another 2-3 years.
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
maybe they are even willing to give us those alpha models, but...
"Jack, give them at last those damned models - they asked for them year ago."
"WHy don't you send them the models?"
"Hell, i'm a raid leader, we're trying to kill Algalon atm... you do it..."
"I can't! I'm busy! [to a screen] FOOL! LEFT LANE! Jeez, this dota gonna kill me..."
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