Edit the map's pathing layer directly. This may need a third party tool like one you can make yourself.
Basically, the base pathing for your map is stored as a mapsize*4 (in each axis) sort of custom image file with 1 byte colour depth. The bits are flags and thus you can have any number of pathing on at the same time.
Doodads influence this pathing map directly and save their pathing to it
could you give me an example on how to do that?
I have no idea how to edit something like that :S
Where can I find the map's pathing layer? (I really need to know this)
How can I edit the custom image file to use it like I want it to?
(do I need to use a program like photoshop for this?)
Do I really have to create my own third party program for this or can I use an existing program? (There should be one out there right 0.o? Yes, I'm lazy...)
(why doodads show for the isterrainpathable native yet units/destructables do not).
yeah I'm kinda using that for a camera system. Having doodads with pathing would solve a lot of camera issues and walkability issues
(Right now I can walk through walls and my camera follows me through the walls instead of having a fixed distance for the doodads since they have no pathing xD)
EDIT: I was about to create 2000 pathing blockers to solve this problem lol xD
But this is probably a better solution
Please, be a bit more in-depth. I have never done such a thing before