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Osgiliath (lotr) buildings request

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Level 11
Nov 12, 2006
I am in the process of makeing a map of a certain battlefield from Lord Of the Rings (return of the king). It is the city of Osgiliath and i require buildings that look like they are from that city

-they need to be stone buildings youd find in a city (probaly slighty older then rome). blacksmith, house but all made out of stone and maybe wood for the doors.

-the buildings should not look like brand new but like they have been throu many centuries. An ancient city that isnt completly ruined

-preferibly with some battle damage because the city is very old and has gone throu much chaos in wars.

-the texture of my map is Dalaran (kindof a gloomy texture so matching that would be appreciated and would look better)

If you have not seen Osgiliath or need a little more direction, this is a youtube video showing soldiers inside Osgiliath



If you do take up this quest e-mail [email protected] and give me a name to credit (your warcraft3 sn probaly).

any questions i will check this post regulary. thank you
Level 11
Nov 12, 2006
just a little update, i ended up canceling working on the map, but then a few weeks ago kick it up again. The terrain (regular terrain) looks great and the map is well on its way. u can check it out on epicwar.com . just type in Osgiliath, and the versions will come up. currently its in the mid. of beta testing (workin on balencin issues and hero ablilities at the moment).
Level 11
Nov 12, 2006
type in "osgiliath" on epicwar.com. current versions have balencing problems, abilities arrant completed, parts of the terrein arrant done (only in non-essential areas where most players dont have any units). by Beta 2.4 most of these should be fixed. but a strong portion of the map has been completed in just a few weeks (quality of map is very good despite total time. under map description, it says ive saved it 500+ times).

so check epicwar.com in about a week, and you should have a fairly balenced/completed map to download! =)
Level 11
Nov 12, 2006
No, you dont understand.

When i say "post the link" i mean This: http://www.epicwar.com/maps/36492/

You sir, fail. Good day.

i wasnt trying to get you to a specific version, as i was soon to post up a new, balanced version. when i said that i couldnt get a specific link, i meant i couldnt get you to the page where it shows all the Osgiliath map versions.

for clarification: i did not want you to download any of the specific versions yet, so i diddnt post the newest up, and insted told you to search for Osgiliath, and when the new version comes out to download that.

pretty sure your the one who failed here :p

http://www.epicwar.com/maps/37727/ <---THAT is the new version i think you should download. NOT 2.0.
Level 3
Mar 24, 2007
i could use those models also, i'm making a huge project of a LotR ORPG, really huge, but i need that my other request is answered b4 keep doing my project =/...
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
after this map, i think im gonna make a star wars: republic commando (like the x-box game) or a Minas Tirith RPG. like 6 human players on defense, and mordor being all AI.

1) We already got a Minas Tirith RPG somewhere, a good one. So it may become failed if you try to make one with your attitude, no offence offcourse.

2) Well, become less lazy then and do it correctly with the RC map.

3) PM AncientofRever (what was his THW name again?) He's very good at terraining. (Check Path of the Ashes RP)
Level 11
Nov 12, 2006
Anti, don't get pissed off because your too f*cking lazy or stupid to do something that you should do.

Hmm, a building made of bricks with wooden doors? what does that sound like to me? *thinks for 0.00013242341 nano seconds* human barracks.

if your talking about my first post on this topic, im not gonna slap some human barracks that is used in every other map, not to mention the bricks arrant the right bricks, and the model is too 'clean' to look like it belonged in Osgiliath.

and i gave attitude caz he gave me attitde, when the whole thing was just a mis-understanding of what we were saying to each other.

dont be a n00b man

and about the Minas Tirith RPG, has it been released or is it still in production? caz i dont recall ever really seeing a Minas Tirith RPG game being hosted, which means it people dont like it enough to host it. unless the game is in development, or the people on US.East just dont have a taste for it.
Level 4
Apr 5, 2005
but that would be frowned upon in this community

and no actually, its pretty easy to make broken down buildings from scratch, just take on and stack and modify primitives, and there are dozens of ingame textures that could be used for it
Level 4
Apr 5, 2005
you could with certain archways and pillars, hernanG's osgiliath is a good example, although he did use some of reinless' doodads
its pretty easy to make broken down buildings from scratch, just take on and stack and modify primitives, and there are dozens of ingame textures that could be used for it
and just to prove my point, here are some of those, I'm using for my osgiliath..

Level 4
Apr 5, 2005
yeah wc3campaigns is bitching again

but reinless' doodads are in the ultimate terraining map

anyway, I attached it,

basically the things you would need there are the cityscape themed doodads, that are mainly archways, and bricktiles


  • Reinless.zip
    35.1 KB · Views: 48
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