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[Solved] Orb of Lightning issue

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Level 8
Oct 2, 2013
Orb of Lightning doesn't seem to work on heroes until you've attacked a normal unit. The purge doesn't trigger, even with 100% until you've attacked a unit.

Does anyone have experience with this issue?
Level 8
Oct 2, 2013
Not that exact issue but I found that the Orbs only trigger their abilities if the Orb user is manually ordered to attack a target. Perhaps this is what you're experiencing.

You may need to rely on a Damage Engine and trigger the effects with a Dummy unit in order to get around this issue.
Oh you're right. That's what's happening. Yeah I'll think of a way around it. Thanks :)
I have a single hero that have a passive based on an orb. In order to fix this issue I do:

  • Trigger - Add to ForceOrb <gen> the event (<your-unit-variable> Acquires a target)
  • ForceOrb
    • Events
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Unit - Order (Triggering unit) to Attack . (Targeted unit)
Note that it's not a good idea in general, but could be useful tool some times.

The bad thing with this is that it will add an event to <your-unit-variable>-unit that is impossible(?) to remove, thereby causing an "event leak", when it's not needed. Also make sure it does not add multiple times for the same reason.

In general, use a Damage Engine and solve the issue in other ways.
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