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Old models gone?!?!

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Level 1
Sep 26, 2007
i have use the hive as a resource for a map im making involving medieval Europe. a few months ago my computer went to hell and i had to build a new one and i couldn't save my hard drive :cry: (please don't point out my stupidity for not making a backup copy), anyways i am trying to rebuild the map and i have noticed that the models i used are no longer exist on the hive so i am wondering if there is a way to get some of the old models from a few months ago such as the before the new site was finished... a few models i used were the human crossbowman, the peasant bowman, the man-at-arms, and the trebuchet. if you could help me i would be much appreciative. thanks :thumbs_up:

(i have found the trebuchet on the site, but none of the others)

Level 1
Sep 26, 2007
yeah...i was afraid of that, but the good news is i did find another model i was looking for after reviewing the pages carefully

Level 1
Sep 26, 2007
yeah...a shame too cause the one model i really needed is now gone...fare thee well temple knight!!

are the moderators still uploading the models or is what ya see what ya got, no possible way to retrieve them?

Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
There's a human peasant bowman in the HRPs but we all know: They're protected. o_O Why are all those RPmaps protected?! >.<

Hey by the way, it's still possible to go on wc3search (check google) only the skinsection is available but I never tried out if you still can download some. :confused:
Level 3
Aug 20, 2007
Oh, no.... Actually I have the Temple Knight! I'll give it to you later, as I need to get it off my other computer (It doesn't have internet.)

Oh, and if you still need it, I have the crossbowman as well.
Level 1
Sep 26, 2007
thank you so much!!!...i have a crossbowman but, just a question, is the crossbowman you have the one with the cloak? cause i remember there being a crossbowman with a cloak in dark brown garb and one with the militia skin (i have the militia version) but anyway, THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! :grin::grin::grin:

Level 1
Sep 26, 2007
yep, hes the one i got, the one with the cloak i think is long gone

is the temple knight you have clad in white and have a plumed helm and a shield with a whole bunch of blood sprayed on it?

Level 3
Aug 20, 2007
Sorry, i've been off for a while. I guess I'll send it tomorrow... I will probably email it to you, unless others want it.
Level 2
Jun 25, 2005
Has anyone had any luck contacting VGSatomi about his supposed Wc3sear.ch Archive model/misc pack?

If anyone has the link to it, please let me know.

Btw, i will gladly help out on hosting some of these resources on GAOP in case there's a need for more database space.

i too have a lot of older existing models in my external hardrive and will eventually upload them all in a mega pack. For now i will continue to archive them through review sessions i'm holding on my site and on bnet in channel clan GAOP.

I hope eventually all those old models can therefore be found. Here's hoping wc3campaigns comes back up as i'm sure many of those resources have yet to be archived here or elsewhere, mainly due to their strict guidelines on linking their resources elsewhere.

Once again if anyone has the link to vgsatomi's wc3search archive pack then please let me know and i'll add them to my ultimate model pack to be released sometime this next year.


Level 24
Nov 9, 2006
I believe someone removed some of the models, because i remember we had many many pages of models, but it seemed as half of them got removed one day...
Maybe some of the admins should start making a database for the resources, then just leave an image of the model in some archieves so people can request them.
That way you can save lots of space for the page, but still deliver resources for people...
Level 11
Aug 16, 2007
Ignored Models

I can't find any reference to: I pay close attention to our model resources: to my knowledge none of the above have been ignored (rejected).

If however, the original submitter has deleted their creation(s) they're gone.

What does it mean when a model is ignored cause I downloaded a model (#3382) yesterday that I wanted to use, but when I came back today to get the paths, the webpage said

This resource is ignored, so you are not allowed to see it
Level 2
Oct 10, 2006
ya i needed pokemon models and i found them a year before i needed them and now i can only find a pikachu (which sucks)
what website could it been transfered to?
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