- Joined
- Oct 18, 2007
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Ok I'm stuck on this spell of mine.
For some reason it wont work. I have tried everything.
Well it bugs up in the missile loops as far as I know. Well, here is code
And map
For some reason it wont work. I have tried everything.
Well it bugs up in the missile loops as far as I know. Well, here is code
scope Flare initializer Init
// Constants For Spell
//* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
//* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
// Rawcodes
private constant integer AbilityId = 'A000'
private constant integer DummyId = 'n000'
private constant integer FlyId = 'Amrf'
private constant string Order = "channel" // Orderstring for the ability Channel
// String Globals
// General Strings
private constant string CastEffect = "Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\Doom\\DoomDeath.mdl"
private constant string CastEffectAttach = "origin"
private constant string StopOrder = "stop"
// Dummy Strings
private constant string DummyModelPath = "war3mapImported\\Dummy.mdx"
private constant string DummyAttachPoint = "origin"
// Missile Strings
private constant string MissileModelPath = "Abilities\\Weapons\\FireBallMissile\\FireBallMissile.mdl"
// Wave Strings
private constant string WaveOverTimeArt = "Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\Doom\\DoomTarget.mdl"
private constant string WaveOverTimeArtAttach = "origin"
// Real Globals
// Missile Reals
private constant real MissileScale = 0.8
private constant real MissileScaleInc = 0.1
private constant real MissileArc = 0.6
private constant real MissileSpeed = 20.
private constant real MissileMoveInterval = 0.03
private constant real MissileDist = 35.
// Damage Reals
private constant real DamageAmount = 25.
private constant real DamageAmountInc = 10.
private constant real DamageAoe = 45.
private constant real DamageAoeInc = 15.
// Wave Reals
private constant real WaveInterval = 0.1
private constant real WaveAngleSpread = 45.
private constant real WaveMissileDistIncPerWave = 25.
// Integer Globals
// Missile Integers
private constant integer MissileAngleOfAttack = 90
private constant integer WaveAmountOfMissiles = 10
private constant integer WaveAmountOfMissilesInc = 5
// Misc Globals
// Damage Miscs
private constant attacktype DamageAttacktype = ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL
private constant damagetype DamageDamagetype = DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL
private constant weapontype DamageWeapontype = null
private constant boolean DamageIsAttack = false
private constant boolean DamageIsRanged = true
// End Of Constants!
private group TempGroup = CreateGroup()
private unit TempUnit = null
private player TempPlayer = null
private boolexpr EnemyFilter = null
private integer IdOrder = 0
private boolean array EffectBool
private function EffectBoolSetup takes nothing returns nothing
set EffectBool[0] = CastEffect != "" and CastEffectAttach != "" and CastEffect != null and CastEffectAttach != null
set EffectBool[1] = MissileModelPath != "" and DummyModelPath != "" and DummyAttachPoint != "" and MissileModelPath != null and DummyModelPath != null and DummyAttachPoint != null
set EffectBool[2] = WaveOverTimeArt != "" and WaveOverTimeArtAttach != "" and WaveOverTimeArt != null and WaveOverTimeArtAttach != null
private function GroupFilter takes nothing returns boolean
return GetWidgetLife(GetFilterUnit()) > .405 and IsUnitEnemy(GetFilterUnit(), TempPlayer) and IsUnitType(GetFilterUnit(), UNIT_TYPE_GROUND) == true
private struct Missile
unit u
player p
real cos
real sin
real dist = 0
real maxdist
real dam
real aoe
real h = 0
unit m
effect art
static real nX1 = 0
static real nY1 = 0
static real nX2 = 0
static real nY2 = 0
static real nH = 0
static integer array Index
static integer Total = 0
static timer Tim = CreateTimer()
static location Loc1 = Location(0, 0)
static location Loc2 = Location(0, 0)
static method Loop takes nothing returns nothing
local Missile dat
local integer i = 0
exitwhen i >= dat.Total
set dat = dat.Index[i]
if dat.dist < dat.maxdist then
set dat.dist = dat.dist + MissileSpeed
set dat.nX1 = GetUnitX(dat.m)
set dat.nY1 = GetUnitY(dat.m)
call MoveLocation(dat.Loc1, dat.nX1, dat.nY1)
set dat.nX2 = dat.nX1 + dat.dist * dat.cos
set dat.nY2 = dat.nY1 + dat.dist * dat.sin
call MoveLocation(dat.Loc2, dat.nX2, dat.nY2)
set dat.nH = ((4 * MissileArc)*(dat.maxdist * dat.dist)*(dat.dist / dat.maxdist))
call SetUnitX(dat.m, dat.nX2)
call SetUnitY(dat.m, dat.nY2)
call SetUnitFlyHeight(dat.m, dat.nH - GetLocationZ(dat.Loc1), 0)
call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(dat.m, R2I(Atan2((dat.nH + GetLocationZ(dat.Loc2)) - (dat.h + GetLocationZ(dat.Loc1)), dat.dist)) + MissileAngleOfAttack)
set dat.h = dat.nH
call BJDebugMsg("'if dat.dist < dat.maxdist then' passed trough!")
set dat.nX1 = GetUnitX(dat.m)
set dat.nY1 = GetUnitY(dat.m)
set TempPlayer = dat.p
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(TempGroup, dat.nX1, dat.nY1, dat.aoe, EnemyFilter)
set TempUnit = FirstOfGroup(TempGroup)
exitwhen TempUnit == null
call UnitDamageTarget(dat.u, TempUnit, dat.dam, DamageIsAttack, DamageIsRanged, DamageAttacktype, DamageDamagetype, DamageWeapontype)
call GroupRemoveUnit(TempGroup, TempUnit)
call KillUnit(dat.m)
call DestroyEffect(dat.art)
set dat.m = null
set dat.art = null
set dat.u = null
set dat.p = null
call dat.destroy()
set dat.Total = dat.Total - 1
set dat.Index[i] = dat.Index[dat.Total]
set i = i - 1
call BJDebugMsg("'if dat.dist < dat.maxdist then' not passed trough!")
set i = i + 1
if dat.Total == 0 then
call PauseTimer(dat.Tim)
static method New takes real x0, real y0, real a, real d, real s, unit u, player p, real dam, real aoe returns nothing
local Missile dat = Missile.allocate()
set dat.u = u
set dat.p = p
set dat.maxdist = d
set dat.dam = dam
set dat.aoe = aoe
set dat.cos = Cos(a)
set dat.sin = Sin(a)
set dat.m = CreateUnit(p, DummyId, x0, y0, a * bj_RADTODEG)
call SetUnitScale(dat.m, s, s, s)
call UnitAddAbility(dat.m, FlyId)
call UnitRemoveAbility(dat.m, FlyId)
if EffectBool[1] then
set dat.art = AddSpecialEffectTarget(MissileModelPath, dat.m, DummyAttachPoint)
if dat.Total == 0 then
call TimerStart(dat.Tim, MissileMoveInterval, true, function Missile.Loop)
set dat.Index[dat.Total] = dat
set dat.Total = dat.Total + 1
private struct Wave
unit u
player p
real dist = MissileDist
real a
real x
real y
integer c = 0
integer mc
real Mdam
real Maoe
real Mscale
effect art
static integer array Index
static integer Total = 0
static timer Tim = CreateTimer()
static method Loop takes nothing returns nothing
local Wave dat
local integer i = 0
exitwhen i >= dat.Total
set dat = dat.Index[i]
if GetUnitCurrentOrder(dat.u) == IdOrder and GetWidgetLife(dat.u) > .405 and dat.c < dat.mc then
call Missile.New(dat.x, dat.y, (GetRandomReal(-WaveAngleSpread, WaveAngleSpread) * bj_DEGTORAD) + dat.a, dat.dist, dat.Mscale, dat.u, dat.p, dat.Mdam, dat.Maoe)
set dat.dist = dat.dist + WaveMissileDistIncPerWave
set dat.c = dat.c + 1
call IssueImmediateOrder(dat.u, StopOrder)
call DestroyEffect(dat.art)
set dat.u = null
set dat.p = null
set dat.art = null
call dat.destroy()
set dat.Total = dat.Total - 1
set dat.Index[i] = dat.Index[dat.Total]
set i = i - 1
set i = i + 1
if dat.Total == 0 then
call PauseTimer(dat.Tim)
static method Start takes unit u, real a, real x, real y, integer lvl returns nothing
local Wave dat = Wave.allocate()
set dat.u = u
set dat.p = GetOwningPlayer(u)
set dat.x = x
set dat.y = y
set dat.a = a
if EffectBool[2] then
set dat.art = AddSpecialEffectTarget(WaveOverTimeArt, u, WaveOverTimeArtAttach)
set dat.mc = WaveAmountOfMissiles + ( WaveAmountOfMissilesInc * ( lvl - 1 ) )
set dat.Mdam = DamageAmount + ( DamageAmountInc * ( lvl - 1 ) )
set dat.Maoe = DamageAoe + ( DamageAoeInc * ( lvl - 1 ) )
set dat.Mscale = MissileScale + ( MissileScaleInc * ( lvl - 1 ) )
if dat.Total == 0 then
call TimerStart(dat.Tim, WaveInterval, true, function Wave.Loop)
set dat.Index[dat.Total] = dat
set dat.Total = dat.Total + 1
private function Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
return GetSpellAbilityId() == AbilityId
private function Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local unit u = GetTriggerUnit()
local real x = GetUnitX(u)
local real y = GetUnitY(u)
local location loc = GetSpellTargetLoc()
local real x2 = GetLocationX(loc)
local real y2 = GetLocationY(loc)
call Wave.Start(u, Atan2(y2 - y, x2 - x), x, y, GetUnitAbilityLevel(u, AbilityId))
if EffectBool[0] then
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(CastEffect, u, CastEffectAttach))
call RemoveLocation(loc)
set u = null
set loc = null
private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger trg = CreateTrigger()
call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ(trg, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT)
call TriggerAddAction(trg, function Actions)
call TriggerAddCondition(trg, Condition(function Conditions))
set trg = null
set IdOrder = OrderId(Order)
set EnemyFilter = Condition(function GroupFilter)
call EffectBoolSetup()
if EffectBool[0] then
call Preload(CastEffect)
if EffectBool[1] then
call Preload(MissileModelPath)
call Preload(DummyModelPath)
if EffectBool[2] then
call Preload(WaveOverTimeArt)
call PreloadStart()
call RemoveUnit(CreateUnit(Player(PLAYER_NEUTRAL_PASSIVE), DummyId, 0, 0, 0))
And map
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