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- Oct 18, 2007
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Ok i have been tried to fix this for a while, but i cant find the problem :S
Here is the Code
Here is the error message im getting all the time
Anyone knows why this is happening?
Attached a map
Here is the Code
scope Spell initializer Init
// General Globals
private constant integer AID = 'A000'
private constant integer DID = 'n000'
private constant string CAST_EFFECT = "Abilities\\Spells\\Items\\AIem\\AIemTarget.mdl"
private constant string CAST_EFFECT_ATTACH = "origin"
// Missile Globals, keyword here is M
private constant real M_TICK = 0.035
private constant string M_LOOK = "Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\HealingSpray\\HealBottleMissile.mdl"
private constant string M_LOOK_ATTACH = "origin" // Only thing that works with the dummy model
private constant real M_HEIGHT = 30.
private constant real M_SPEED = 20.
private constant integer M_ANGLE_OF_ATTACK = 90
// The Buff globals here. In other words, the light that sticks to the unit. Keyword here is B
private constant real B_TICK = 0.25
private constant string B_EFFECT = "Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\Incinerate\\IncinerateBuff.mdl"
private constant string B_EFFECT_ATTACH = "chest"
private constant real B_AOE = 125. // The Area Of Effect for Damaging and Healing
private constant real B_AOE_INCREASE = 50.
private constant real B_TIME = 5.
private constant real B_TIME_INCREASE = 2.
// The Over Time Damage from the bolt, keyword here is D
private constant string D_EFFECT = "Abilities\\Spells\\Other\\ImmolationRed\\ImmolationRedDamage.mdl"
private constant string D_EFFECT_ATTACH = "chest"
// The damage is dealed every B_TICK interval
private constant real D_DAMAGE = 15.
private constant real D_DAMAGE_INCREASE = 8.
private constant unittype D_AFFECTED = UNIT_TYPE_UNDEAD
private constant attacktype D_AT = ATTACK_TYPE_MAGIC
private constant damagetype D_DT = DAMAGE_TYPE_DIVINE
// The Over Time Healing from the bolt, keyword here is H
private constant string H_EFFECT = "Abilities\\Spells\\Undead\\VampiricAura\\VampiricAuraTarget.mdl"
private constant string H_EFFECT_ATTACH = "origin"
// The healing is done every B_TICK interval
private constant real H_HEALED = 10.
private constant real H_HEALED_INCREASE = 5.
// Here it is no affected. The light will only heal allied non unittypes of globals D_AFFECTED
// The globals for the Uber Splat that appears if the unit dies when affected by the missile. Keyword here is S
private constant string S_FIRST_EFFECT = "Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\HolyBolt\\HolyBoltSpecialArt.mdl"
private constant string S_SECOND_EFFECT = "Abilities\\Spells\\Undead\\ReplenishHealth\\ReplenishHealthCasterOverhead.mdl"
private constant real S_AOE = 200.
private constant real S_AOE_INCREASE = 50.
private constant real S_DAMAGE_BOOST = 1.5 // How many times the Damage is multiplicated ( Must be over 1! or it will be a lower number )
private constant real S_HEALING_BOOST = 1.5 // How many times the Healing is multiplicated ( Must be over 1! or it will be a lower number )
private constant real S_KNOCKBACK_DIST = 125.
private constant real S_KNOCKBACK_TIME = 0.8
// ======================================================
private group tmpG = CreateGroup()
private player tmpP = null
private unit tmpU = null
private real tmpR = 0.0
private real tmpR2 = 0.0
private boolexpr Bool = null
private constant function GetTime takes integer lvl returns real
return B_TIME + ( B_TIME_INCREASE * ( lvl - 1 ) )
private constant function GetD_DAMAGE takes integer lvl returns real
return D_DAMAGE + ( D_DAMAGE_INCREASE * ( lvl - 1 ) )
private constant function GetH_HEALED takes integer lvl returns real
return H_HEALED + ( H_HEALED_INCREASE * ( lvl - 1 ) )
private constant function GetS_DAMAGE takes integer lvl returns real
return ( D_DAMAGE + ( D_DAMAGE_INCREASE * ( lvl - 1 ) ) ) * S_DAMAGE_BOOST
private constant function GetS_HEALED takes integer lvl returns real
return ( H_HEALED + ( H_HEALED_INCREASE * ( lvl - 1 ) ) ) * S_HEALING_BOOST
private constant function GetS_AOE takes integer lvl returns real
return S_AOE + ( S_AOE_INCREASE * ( lvl - 1 ) )
private constant function GetB_AOE takes integer lvl returns real
return B_AOE + ( B_AOE_INCREASE * ( lvl - 1 ) )
private function BoolFilter takes nothing returns boolean
return GetWidgetLife(GetFilterUnit()) > .405 and not IsUnitType(GetFilterUnit(), UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE) and not IsUnitType(GetFilterUnit(), UNIT_TYPE_MECHANICAL)
private struct Buff
unit u
unit t
player p
integer l
real c=0
real mc
effect e
static integer array Index
static integer Total=0
static timer Tim=CreateTimer()
static real nX=0
static real nY=0
static real nD=0
static real nH=0
static method Loop takes nothing returns nothing
local Buff dat
local integer i=0
exitwhen i >= dat.Total
set dat = dat.Index[i]
if GetWidgetLife(dat.t) > .405 then
if dat.c < dat.mc then
set dat.nX = GetUnitX(dat.t)
set dat.nY = GetUnitY(dat.t)
set tmpP = dat.p
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(tmpG, dat.nX, dat.nY, GetB_AOE(dat.l), Bool)
set dat.nD = GetD_DAMAGE(dat.l)
set dat.nH = GetH_HEALED(dat.l)
set tmpU = FirstOfGroup(tmpG)
exitwhen tmpU == null
if IsUnitAlly(tmpU, dat.p) and not IsUnitType(tmpU, D_AFFECTED) then
set tmpR = GetWidgetLife(tmpU)
set tmpR2 = GetUnitState(tmpU, UNIT_STATE_MAX_LIFE)
if tmpR + dat.nH > tmpR2 then
call SetUnitState(tmpU, UNIT_STATE_LIFE, tmpR2)
call SetUnitState(tmpU, UNIT_STATE_LIFE, tmpR + dat.nH)
if H_EFFECT != "" then
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(H_EFFECT, tmpU, H_EFFECT_ATTACH))
elseif IsUnitType(tmpU, D_AFFECTED) then
call UnitDamageTarget(dat.u, tmpU, dat.nD, false, true, D_AT, D_DT, null)
if D_EFFECT != "" then
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(D_EFFECT, tmpU, D_EFFECT_ATTACH))
call GroupRemoveUnit(tmpG, tmpU)
set tmpU = null
set dat.c = dat.c + B_TICK
call DestroyEffect(dat.e)
set dat.u=null
set dat.t=null
set dat.e=null
set dat.p=null
set dat.Total = dat.Total - 1
set dat.Index[i] = dat.Index[dat.Total]
call dat.destroy()
set i = i - 1
set dat.nX = GetUnitX(dat.t)
set dat.nY = GetUnitY(dat.t)
set tmpP = dat.p
call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(tmpG, dat.nX, dat.nY, GetS_AOE(dat.l), Bool)
set dat.nD = GetS_DAMAGE(dat.l)
set dat.nH = GetS_HEALED(dat.l)
set tmpU = FirstOfGroup(tmpG)
exitwhen tmpU == null
if IsUnitAlly(tmpU, dat.p) and not IsUnitType(tmpU, D_AFFECTED) then
set tmpR = GetWidgetLife(tmpU)
set tmpR2 = GetUnitState(tmpU, UNIT_STATE_MAX_LIFE)
if tmpR + dat.nH > tmpR2 then
call SetUnitState(tmpU, UNIT_STATE_LIFE, tmpR2)
call SetUnitState(tmpU, UNIT_STATE_LIFE, tmpR + dat.nH)
if H_EFFECT != "" then
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(H_EFFECT, tmpU, H_EFFECT_ATTACH))
elseif IsUnitType(tmpU, D_AFFECTED) then
call UnitDamageTarget(dat.u, tmpU, dat.nD, false, true, D_AT, D_DT, null)
if D_EFFECT != "" then
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffectTarget(D_EFFECT, tmpU, D_EFFECT_ATTACH))
call Knockback(tmpU, S_KNOCKBACK_DIST, Atan2(GetUnitY(tmpU) - dat.nY, GetUnitX(tmpU) - dat.nX), S_KNOCKBACK_TIME)
call GroupRemoveUnit(tmpG, tmpU)
set tmpU = null
if S_FIRST_EFFECT != "" then
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect(S_FIRST_EFFECT, dat.nX, dat.nY))
if S_SECOND_EFFECT != "" then
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect(S_SECOND_EFFECT, dat.nX, dat.nY))
call SetUnitExploded(dat.t, true)
call KillUnit(dat.t)
call SetUnitExploded(dat.t, false)
call DestroyEffect(dat.e)
set dat.u=null
set dat.t=null
set dat.e=null
set dat.p=null
set dat.Total = dat.Total - 1
set dat.Index[i] = dat.Index[dat.Total]
call dat.destroy()
set i = i - 1
set i = i + 1
if dat.Total == 0 then
call PauseTimer(dat.Tim)
static method create takes unit u, unit t, player p, integer l returns Buff
local Buff dat = Buff.allocate()
set dat.u = u
set dat.t = t
set dat.p = p
set dat.l = l
set dat.mc = GetTime(l)
if B_EFFECT != "" then
set dat.e = AddSpecialEffectTarget(B_EFFECT, t, B_EFFECT_ATTACH)
if dat.Total == 0 then
call TimerStart(dat.Tim, B_TICK, true, function Buff.Loop)
set dat.Total = dat.Total + 1
set dat.Index[dat.Total] = dat
return dat
private struct Missile
unit u
unit t
unit m
player p
integer l
effect e
static integer array Index
static integer Total=0
static timer Tim=CreateTimer()
static real nX=0
static real nY=0
static real nX2=0
static real nY2=0
static real nA=0
static method Loop takes nothing returns nothing
local Missile dat
local integer i=0
exitwhen i >= dat.Total
set dat = dat.Index[i]
set dat.nX=GetUnitX(dat.m)
set dat.nY=GetUnitY(dat.m)
set dat.nX2=GetUnitX(dat.t)
set dat.nY2=GetUnitY(dat.t)
if SquareRoot((dat.nX2-dat.nX)*(dat.nX2-dat.nX)+(dat.nY2-dat.nY)*(dat.nY2-dat.nY)) <= SAFETY_COLLISION then
call Buff.create(dat.u, dat.t, dat.p, dat.l)
call DestroyEffect(dat.e)
call KillUnit(dat.m)
set dat.u=null
set dat.t=null
set dat.m=null
set dat.e=null
set dat.Total = dat.Total - 1
set dat.Index[i] = dat.Index[dat.Total]
call dat.destroy()
set i = i - 1
set dat.nA = Atan2(dat.nY2 - dat.nY, dat.nX2 - dat.nX)
call SetUnitX(dat.m, dat.nX + M_SPEED * Cos(dat.nA))
call SetUnitY(dat.m, dat.nY + M_SPEED * Sin(dat.nA))
call SetUnitFacing(dat.m, dat.nA * bj_RADTODEG)
set i = i + 1
if dat.Total == 0 then
call PauseTimer(dat.Tim)
static method create takes real x, real y, unit u, unit t, player p, integer l returns Missile
local Missile dat = Missile.allocate()
set dat.u = u
set dat.t = t
set dat.p = p
set dat.l = l
set dat.m = CreateUnit(p, DID, x, y, GetUnitFacing(u))
call SetUnitAnimationByIndex(dat.m, M_ANGLE_OF_ATTACK)
if M_LOOK != "" then
set dat.e = AddSpecialEffectTarget(M_LOOK, dat.m, M_LOOK_ATTACH)
if dat.Total == 0 then
call TimerStart(dat.Tim, M_TICK, true, function Missile.Loop)
set dat.Total = dat.Total + 1
set dat.Index[dat.Total] = dat
return dat
private function Conditions takes nothing returns boolean
return GetSpellAbilityId()==AID
private function Actions takes nothing returns nothing
local unit u = GetTriggerUnit()
local unit t = GetSpellTargetUnit()
local player p = GetOwningPlayer(u)
call Missile.create(GetUnitX(u), GetUnitY(u), u, t, p, GetUnitAbilityLevel(u, AID))
set u = null
set t = null
set p = null
private function Init takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger trg = CreateTrigger()
local player p = null
local integer i = 0
set p = Player(i)
call TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(trg, p, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT, null)
set p = null
set i = i + 1
exitwhen i == bj_MAX_PLAYER_SLOTS
call TriggerAddAction(trg, function Actions)
call TriggerAddCondition(trg, Condition(function Conditions))
set trg = null
// Preloading Stuff
call Preload(M_LOOK)
call Preload(B_EFFECT)
call Preload(D_EFFECT)
call Preload(H_EFFECT)
call Preload(S_FIRST_EFFECT)
call Preload(S_SECOND_EFFECT)
call PreloadStart()
// Setting the boolexpr's settings
set Bool = Condition(function BoolFilter)
Here is the error message im getting all the time
Anyone knows why this is happening?
Attached a map