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Occlusion Height: What is it?

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Level 8
Feb 20, 2007
I know what occlusion means in medicine, I have no idea how it applies to say trees (destructibles) .

What does this particular function do in the object editor?

Actually there are several or 'many' things in the object editor that I do not know what it/they does/do, is there a tutorial that goes line by line and explains what each line does?

Things like:

Art - Elevation Sample Radius
Art - Fat line of Sight
Pathing - Cliff Height
Level 24
Nov 9, 2006
Im not 100% sure about this but i think its the vision blocking hight. Like you cant see over trees for 1 cliff above, but can do it if your 2 cliffs above.
If you set it to 0 you'll be able to see trough the destructable.

The other things, im not sure about, but fat line of sight gives probably a bigger line of sight blocker, since you cant change the sight blocking value.
I got a theory on the "Pathing - Cliff Height", that is when a unit walks over what level he is detected on as, since only bridges got this value and on all of em its set to "2".
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
Occlusion height is correctly explained. Fat line of sight blocks sight over the whole doodad rather than only the center of the doodad. I think fat line of sight bases sight blocking on the pathing texture, while when fat line of sight is false, it simply blocks line of sight at the center of the doodad but not around it. You should probably always use "fat line of sight".
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