axlefoley your lfrit model is almost done (aside from texturing and animating) . Im thinking of either using static particles for the hair, but that might only be warcraft compatible if i use dupliverts...well right now its about 2000 poly and looks kinda like the hulk...but it does look awesome. say, uh, what size do you want it to normal warcraft size or normal-human scale size( like the woman villager model) . Im making it really detailed, down to fingernails, eyebrows, and every single part of the human eye(cornea, pupil, and iris) youll probably like it. I have about 5 days to go on it, providing I can fix my .mdx script. Otherwise, can you tell me if you have a modding program? i've made export and import scripts that go to .3ds, .obj, .md2, .md5, and my own program format, .blend. In case i can't fix it, tell me if I can email it or something to you in one of those different formats.
P.S youo do want lfrit right? jk
As to how your snail is going Mecheon, im gonna UV map it, because texturing things like shells and eyestalks is hard :roll: . Hey and i gave it bones for eyestalks, eyelids, rotatable eyes (for cooler anims), IK solvers for that inchworm like movement...its 476 polys right now.
Hope your impressed with my soon-to-be-uploaded works,