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Now accepting model requests!

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I am now accepting model requests, but only 1 request at a time. when a finish a request, i will start on another. i will ignore any posts while im working. I can also only do scratch models, because my editor is slightly broken and wont accept wc3 models. so no geomerges or modifications. I will accept almost all requests of other origin.
Level 3
Jan 10, 2005
can u make me a pirate model, something like a dude from Monkey Island, or Nicolas from Seadogs, i DONT want notorious, old and bearded one, he should look young,
thx in advance :wink:

btw do you also do texturing?
Level 4
Dec 17, 2004
the stargate model does not exist or id hav seen it already


sorry but thats just the dial home device i wanted the actual gate please
Level 3
Jan 10, 2005
cool thx man, and do the texturing too plz :D
o one thing, make it without weapons because ill use other models for attachments
heres a pic (not very large one but u can get the idea)
Torch your model is taking longer than expected, so ill go ahead and say what I will probably make. MasterOfPuppet, i would really like to do a submarine, I enjoy making object models.
axlefoley, from what ive already seen, by the time i might finish lfrit, you might want me to make something else...ill make models if you make up your mind. No offense though, i just want to know.
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
I do suggest you make that Ifrit he wants after you finish Torches' model, as it could be easily used as a Satyr as well

Now, do I need anything? Aside from saying "Corrupted satyr guy who crawls around on the ground" which basicaly means "Ifrit", more critters could be useful

You know, like llamas, giraffes, kangaroos, badgers, sea turtles, plesiosaurs, sharks, dolphins, bugs, slimes, snails....

Thats what I want. A snail. Snails are the rockz0r. Also have the shell teamcoloured and a seperate geoset, so it can be modified into a snail easily. Oh, and it would probably only need 4 bones. One for each eyestalk, two for the body

So yeah, just some food for thought
Level 4
Dec 17, 2004
no seeing as he's making models from scratch for other people he can if there are no objections make me one from scratch cos i want it to be as close to the game as possible
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
Just look at Ifrit, it looks pretty much the SAME as a WC3 satyr, cept with an extra few horns and different mouth structure. It'll be useful for those of us who aren't EVER gonna make a map with an FF styled Ifrit, but instead want a nice Satyr alternative
lol mecheon...a snail...ill make it in like 3 weeks seeing as its SO complicated. ill make lfrit as soon as I find out what the **** it looks like...and torch my modeling program is open as I type and im working on the walk and walk fast anim. oh and uh...are you gonna have the pirate use a gun or a sword, because I need to know how to make the attack anim...?

Level 5
Jul 20, 2004
Hey, I'd like a model of an Urgal... It's a large beast in full armor. It's helmet has horns, and spikes sprouting from the back of the chest peice. I would like him to have a large shield with an insignia on it (make one up)in one hand, and in the other I would like him to have a rather large one-handed axe. Thanks in advance. 8)
Level 3
Jan 10, 2005
forgot to ask you one thing
could you after you finish making model for me, not upload it to net right away, instead mail it to me and when i finish my map, than upload model because i wouldnt like for someone to use same model before i make my map :wink:
Torch im so fucking sorry....my modeling program crashed and deletedd your model...UGH!!! dude im so sorry ill try to remake it... :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: dude i hope your not too mad...ill remake it in like 3 days since its the weekend

so fucking sorry!!!!!!!


P.S. Dragonlord i have read those books and know what an urgal is. i might make it providing im not too busy...
Level 5
Aug 6, 2004

could u make me a yuan ti with a staff in the right hand kinda like the archmage's and add the particle at the end of the staff during spell casting and channeling :wink:
took the words right out of my mouth mecheon...im closing this temporarily because ive been putting off my final cinematic which im make using a 3d rendering program instead of war3 editor, which ive been preoccupied with.

P.S in fact the reason torch's model was deleted was because i was running my 3d rendering program at the same time as my model editor, and since the import screens look exactly the same, as they are made by the same people, i got confused and imported a model texture into my rendering program, instead of my model editor, and since the program is kinda basic-ish, it 'threw up' the file, thus crashing the editor.

P.S.S Mecheon im starting on your snail.

axlefoley your lfrit model is almost done (aside from texturing and animating) . Im thinking of either using static particles for the hair, but that might only be warcraft compatible if i use dupliverts...well right now its about 2000 poly and looks kinda like the hulk...but it does look awesome. say, uh, what size do you want it to be...like normal warcraft size or normal-human scale size( like the woman villager model) . Im making it really detailed, down to fingernails, eyebrows, and every single part of the human eye(cornea, pupil, and iris) youll probably like it. I have about 5 days to go on it, providing I can fix my .mdx script. Otherwise, can you tell me if you have a modding program? i've made export and import scripts that go to .3ds, .obj, .md2, .md5, and my own program format, .blend. In case i can't fix it, tell me if I can email it or something to you in one of those different formats.
P.S youo do want lfrit right? jk

As to how your snail is going Mecheon, im gonna UV map it, because texturing things like shells and eyestalks is hard :roll: . Hey and i gave it bones for eyestalks, eyelids, rotatable eyes (for cooler anims), IK solvers for that inchworm like movement...its 476 polys right now.
Hope your impressed with my soon-to-be-uploaded works,

Mecheon-snail is done-thanks to the internet. What are the odds that i search on google images for a snail UV map, and come back with one perfect for my needs? who cares. well its done, nice looking, and...6506 polys...yeah. probably th subdivision surfaces... well until I get my script or some dudes email, im stuck with it. its staring me in the face...god its creepy...AAAAH!!!!


and axlefoley this is a rough base-ish thing I made to start lfrit with.


this is also just a preview of my skizzles in case you guys were wondering how good i am.
Level 2
Feb 3, 2005
ok this is a big request by priority :

Dwarven town hall : i leave what it could look like to your imagination

Dwarven house

Dwarven Barracks

Drow Lizard rider : based roughly on the huntress but with a lance, and riding... a lizard, green scales. Rider has black skin but face still visible

Dwarven research building

Dwarven tower

Thanks for any that you can/will do I really appriciate any help as I am working on an RPG based loosly on Forgotton realms. Oh im not trying to be picky or anything but i need these as small of a filesize as is reasonable since i am importing quite a few models and textures
Level 5
Jul 20, 2004
Great to see that you're back. But now that you are, could you start on the urgal model? I also have a few more requests:

1. The urgal (you already know).
2. The shade from the Eragon series... preferrably in his black dragon hide armor.
3. Anya (or something) on her horse, with her bow in hand and sword strapped across her back.
4. Anya again, except she is on foot, and she has her sword in her hand, while her bow is strapped across her back.

Thanks ^^
Level 3
Feb 11, 2005
Alot of these request seem pretty god to me, and, aft'a seeing thos pics, Wow, shweetness, ur good...

I hav requests as well, but i will take my place in line. :p
Howev'a, wot i want to now roit now is, do u hav any interest in making infantry models that r low poly and low texture like CnC Gen?
Plz let me know, of corse when u can tho...
And if u r willing, i can fill u in on my needs.
Keep up the awsome wrk m8, the oth'a mods' look great!
I've made some low-poly infantry...things(there should be a word for 'modeling doodles)'. Modoodles. Yes. Modoodles should be in the dictionary. they are r0çñ33§§. But usually i make models 1500 polys or above. I think models shoud have much higher quality than what is on this site.


P.S id post pics of my r0ckz0r infantry modoodles, but then i might be spamming in the art section (in order to get my drawings on the internet so i can post em in here).
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