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Ninja Warrior 1.6b

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Reactions: dragoon431
release : 10/7/2011

author : Qassamzed


Choose one heroes from the tavern and get the point by kill other enemy heroes but remember you only need one attack to kill the enemies heroes that mean you also can be killed by one attack by the other heroes.

Your hero also can kill the enemies by throwing shuriken/dagger to the enemy but you only have 2 shuriken/dagger each life.

try to use "DODGE" ablity to block incoming attack and other Ablity like disable or offensive abilty

Kill Steal is very recommended in this map to win the game

-game mode (Free For All).
-Every heroes attack animaton has been set to same value
-Choose between 19 heroes class
-Each hero has 3 different ability (Offensive,Disable,Supportive)
-Try to get some usefull power-up that spawn randomly
-you can choose game point 20/30/40

Recommended player 4 - 6

inspirate : thredNtrash

Model : Black_Stan (Most samurai/ninja model)
Republic_Cola , JetFango ,Wingednosering,Jokemaster
donut3.5 , Ycylyon,Verdun , Chriz , 67chrome,Kitabake,sPy

Icon : Black_stan,4eNNightmare,Destructor,donut3.5,TurtleRacingCar,
bastoise,Marcos DAB,Golden-Drake

Spell : DurotharLord
X-omg-X (scoreboard)

helper,Support and tester : GreeN~Wood , Virus101,Cyber Dragon ,Teldrassil

other:Vexorian (map optimizer)

fix reaper missing model on throw skill
fix spearman "pressure bomb" not stun enemy
reduce invisibilty transition to 1 on wind ninja skill
change auto attack from 0 to 75 range (at 75 range your hero will auto attack)

3 new hero : The Reaper,Phantom Shadow & Pirate Queen
Undead Warrior is removed
hero no longer auto acquire target (need manual attack order)
remake all buff based skill : dodge no longer wipe out buff
Remove lag when player reach 17,27,37 point
Fix invurnable state when cast some skill
Fix dummy effect not disapear
Fix abilities text : all dodge text now show
balance some skills : grappling hook,fissure,etc
shadow step skill now will locate enemies
fissure now not put barrier just give stun in line
some new icon & visual
add command : -unstuck (to bring hero back to normal if get stuck)
fix ronin : omnislash code
fix warlord : moon slash code
fix undead warrior : dark wave code ; dark shift
fix stealth ninja : Backstab - auto attack
fix sand ninja : soil sense
hero : Spearman remake and balance
remake slayer eye mechanism
dodge will not show extra skill icon
hero icon will not show on minimap
shuriken / dagger : 700 speed ; 20 sec cooldown ; 0.5 cast time
little new visual effect
various balance : smokescreen.thousand spear,etc
-add Command -level (hero start at level 5)
-add Command -Maxlevel (hero start at max level)
-change evasion system (all heroes get 15% evasion at start)
-fix cast point animation for Trickster ninja equal to other
-nether gate mark now invisible
-fix tooltip and text
-add 3 new class : undead Warrior,death samurai,headhunter
-new model : shuriken/dagger
-improve stealth and backstab ability
-change magnum break with Charge stance ability
-add 1 new power up :Watcher
-All heroes now have their icon
-new icon for some ablities
-shuriken/dagger dmg reset to 150 ( no multiple kill)
-balance & fix wrong/miss text/tooltip

-add 3 new class : Warlord,Spearman,Wind Ninja
-rebuild Assasin ( +poison dart +Shadow step)
-new and improve visual : Shuriken shower and Flash Powder
-tree can be destroyed
-replace last breath abilty with frost shield
-fix burrowstrike multi-user trigger
-reworked Smoke Screen
-reworked Primal strength
-reworked Fissure
-reworked invisibilty effect for some ability
-remove Flag point system
-fix miss text
-remove beginning cinematic
-Shuriken/Dagger can hit multiple enemies in line
-balanced and other minor bug

-Add bonus 1 Point in center by pick up Battle flag
-Add Power up system :Invisible,armor,speed,mana,xp bonus,illusion
-Add Scoreboard
-Remove inventory
-Center Terrain remade
-Smaller map
-Fix Illusion trap bug
-Shadow Strike ability Reworked
-Fix Omnislash bug cannot block by dodge
-Replace sand bug to Soil Sense
-Add Samurai ability : Slayer Eye
-Add Ronin ablity : Shunpo
-Lancer Last breath skill reworked
-Some Balance
-other fix Text

-add defeat condition for loser
-fix missed text
-fix missed sound
-fix abilty minor bug

=====================version 1.0=======================
> Add 2 new class
> More Balanced skill
> Fix wrong tooltips
> Fix minor bug

- AI not supported
- hope you can post me if you have bug/comment/or idea for this map
- command : -unstuck now work to solve rare casting stuck



ninja,arena,ninja duel,ninja warrior,tactic,duel,naruto,bleach,ninja warrior

Ninja Warrior 1.6b (Map)

19:45, 9th Aug 2010 ap0calypse: Approved
Level 5
Dec 20, 2007
Could u make a free camera?

and . skill stealth for stealth assassin it look like not work at all .

because slow to going mode stealth and . sometime ppl can c it , i don't know why
Level 7
Sep 22, 2008
-sorry for bad description..i haven't try code yet

Black_Stan model da best :)

ha..ha.. i know that show
but Ninja Warrior in this map mean Warrior ( no matter spearman,assasin,blademaster) fight with ninja style

"for now i think locked cam only"

for early level stealth will get movement penalty..
(just for balance ...coz single hit will kill the enemy if not dodged and its too easy)
but later invisible periode also greatly increase

i will try add more screenshot next time...
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Level 5
Dec 20, 2007
but it seem like when stealth assassin going to attack someone , very slow attack speed .

That make some problems. like

Stealth ass try to kill samurai with very slow hands and , someone throw shuriken from someway . and hit both samurai and my ass.

That's what i want to said for previous comment

and a roar voice when i clicks my hero and walk..

that sound makes me a bit headache.
Level 7
Sep 22, 2008
i'm sure that stealth abilty not effect attack speed..
and all Heroes model attack animation cast point is set with same value

about sound ?? roaring ?
I used " satyr " unit sound

I will check stealth ability and maybe improve it on next version.
Level 1
May 21, 2010
Ohayo, i must say, that's rly great map, short and fast. Only some bugs with Hotkeys are problematic.

Assassin and Trickster Ninja can't use skill with "F". And if u choose this skill, u can use it on "D", what means, that u can't throw Kunai with "D". Its rly annoying..
Ninja with illusions can't use skill with C also, its silence i guess. Only manual..
I'm not sure about the rest char, cuz i didn't play each other, but what i heard from friends, the rest is fine.

So, could u fix it?

And btw, Is it some chance for new mode? Like Team play, 5vs5 for example?
Level 7
Sep 22, 2008
Ohayo, i must say, that's rly great map, short and fast. Only some bugs with Hotkeys are problematic.

Assassin and Trickster Ninja can't use skill with "F". And if u choose this skill, u can use it on "D", what means, that u can't throw Kunai with "D". Its rly annoying..
Ninja with illusions can't use skill with C also, its silence i guess. Only manual..
I'm not sure about the rest char, cuz i didn't play each other, but what i heard from friends, the rest is fine.

So, could u fix it?

And btw, Is it some chance for new mode? Like Team play, 5vs5 for example?

hmm...i will check and fix that hotkeys and wrong tooltips

for mode ?
actually i have plan to add "team battle" 2v2/3v3/etc

I also want to try "Tag team" (you can play with 2 or more heroes) but it so difficult coz many trigger abilities need rebuild to allow it multicast by same player.

Tag team is very fun and need more strategy (I played on testing match with my brother and each of us handle 2-3 heroes each game)

About roaring sound :
it mostly because soundcard... If you turn off 3D sound in option tab it will fixed (this problem same with my older PC )
Level 22
Feb 3, 2009
As a Reviewer of the Map Reviewers Group, I joined the THW Cleaning Event.
end up writing a fast review, or just posting the end state of the map, rating is not always included!

Current State for this map: Approved

Additional Information:

I will contact the moderator to Approve/Reject the map, depending on what you recieved.

Level 1
Jun 9, 2011
You added a new version. Very well, but my friend - Xanatos said about bugs in 1.3ver. And now, in 1.5ver... there is still some of very annoying fails! We are looking forward to any details the game we are playing... we very like to playing.

Assasin and Trickster Ninja has the same problem concerning the hotkeys. When we add a skill "F" we lose hotkey on shuriken, cause skill "F" works on D (anyways, F hotkey doesnt work). Ah, and Ilusionist has aoe silence on G, not on C - so the description is wrong.

This game is really good and funny. I am wondering, if u can fix it, so we could fully enjoy this map.
Level 7
Sep 22, 2008
You added a new version. Very well, but my friend - Xanatos said about bugs in 1.3ver. And now, in 1.5ver... there is still some of very annoying fails! We are looking forward to any details the game we are playing... we very like to playing.

Assasin and Trickster Ninja has the same problem concerning the hotkeys. When we add a skill "F" we lose hotkey on shuriken, cause skill "F" works on D (anyways, F hotkey doesnt work). Ah, and Ilusionist has aoe silence on G, not on C - so the description is wrong.

This game is really good and funny. I am wondering, if u can fix it, so we could fully enjoy this map.

i'm not understand coz all hotkey work fine:vw_wtf:
i also play it with other people and some friend tester and no one get that problem

after read your post i try to check it one more time .
here's the result :
i pick trickster and learn "F" skill from hotkey " F " than i can use " F " to cast jumping attack and still can cast dagger with "D" hotkey ..

after that i pick illusion ninja.
learn silence from hotkey " C " and can cast it with " C " .. nothing happen when i press " G " even when i learn all 3 skill
there are no problem in my comp

this problem make me confuse :vw_death:

are u use wacraft Hotkey Tools or something ?
already try in other comp ?

anyone have this hotkey problem ?
Level 1
Jun 9, 2011
Now, I dont understand it too...

We gotta problem, we have polish version, maybe thats why? But... Other chars has the same hotkeys (D,F) and it works properly.

Can someone else check it?
Level 7
Sep 22, 2008
Now, I dont understand it too...

We gotta problem, we have polish version, maybe thats why? But... Other chars has the same hotkeys (D,F) and it works properly.

Can someone else check it?

NOW this problem make me more confuse...
the based skill also is not a problem..since trickster jump attack also based from fighter ninja jump attack (from cluster rocket if i not forget)
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Level 3
Aug 15, 2011
You really have to improve ALOT this discription. use BB codes and put more screenshots, changelog on hidden tags as well il make it better. The map looks a lot intresting. im sorry i can't test due to crashed game :(
but soon as i get it get il test it. Good luck
Level 6
Jan 7, 2007
I really like this game. Fun and highly replayable.
The only thing that i didn't like was camera borders - most of the time you will spawn outside fixed camera borders and it looks annoying to me for some reason, first time when that happened i thought i've lost my hero in a glitch or something :D
Second thing - camera follows your hero. I don't know many people who like that, but im glad it is possible to turn it off with CTRL+C.
Level 7
Sep 22, 2008
You really have to improve ALOT this discription. use BB codes and put more screenshots, changelog on hidden tags as well il make it better. The map looks a lot intresting. im sorry i can't test due to crashed game :(
but soon as i get it get il test it. Good luck

i'm not understand much about bb code..and too lazy to do it :p
I really like this game. Fun and highly replayable.
The only thing that i didn't like was camera borders - most of the time you will spawn outside fixed camera borders and it looks annoying to me for some reason, first time when that happened i thought i've lost my hero in a glitch or something :D
Second thing - camera follows your hero. I don't know many people who like that, but im glad it is possible to turn it off with CTRL+C.

1. yeah i already know it, i think its not a big problem...i will fix it in next version
2. lol :D you can turn it off with ctrl + C ? you are cheating :p
Anyway,some ppl also talk to me not like locked camera
my purpose to lock the camera is for part of gameplay..
myb later i will add command to disable/enable locked cam

Looks like Ninja´s vs. Samurai´s :) Anyway it´s a good map i think :) sry for my bad english
actually not...this map similar to ninja duel but has more hero choice