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Ice Hockey Gold 1.6b

General Informations
Language: English
Scriptlanguage: vJass
Used Tools: JNGP,UMSWE,wc3mapoptimizer,mpqmaster
Mapcreator: Hanky
Modeller: WaRadius
Preview: Paladon
Informations: Clan NgO

  • Press X and select the ground to make a normal shoot.
  • Press C and select the ground to make a extreme shoot.
  • Press V for sprint.
  • Press D for brake.
  • Press A for any adrenalin ability.
  • Press the spacebar to see where the puck is.

Game Commands

"-zoom xxxx": with this you can change the distance of the camera
"-camp xxxx": with this you can change the maximal camptime
"-diff x": with this you can set the difficulty of the keeper (Hint: 1-4)
"-color xxx xxx xxx": with this you set the color of your unit (Hint: 0-255)
"-allyPuck true/false": with this you can enable that allies can get the puck from allies
"-slide xx": with this you can set the maximal slide speed
"-maxreg xx": with this you can set the maximal stamina regeneration

Open Source

For the open source you have to visit our Clan Homepage. If you want to modify my map please ask me first for permission.

Special Thanks

JonNny, Darkt3mpl3r, Anachron you guys really helped me with many ideas and bug testing. Without you guys this project wouldn't be that what it is now.

For more informations you can visit my thread at the hiveworkshop or just visit our Clan Homepage

Ice Hockey Gold, Hanky

Ice Hockey Gold 1.6b (Map)

21:05, 24th Feb 2009 by bounty hunter2: A very interesting and entertaining Mini Game, having Ice Hockey as its theme. It has great scripting and you will no doubt find this a fun map to play. However this game supports Multi Player only, so your...




21:05, 24th Feb 2009 by bounty hunter2:
A very interesting and entertaining Mini Game, having Ice Hockey as its theme. It has great scripting and you will no doubt find this a fun map to play. However this game supports Multi Player only, so your only solution is going online. I find this map Approved with a 4/5 rating. Good job to Hanky, and other assistants who helped creating this map.

You can find my full review Here.
Level 18
Sep 27, 2005
Here is my rating and comment:

Rating system

1 - 10 points go on originality
1 - 10 points go on object editor work
1 - 10 points go on scripting
1 - 10 points go on terrain
1 - 10 points go on bug free
1 - 10 points go on gameplay*/fun factor
1 - 10 points go on lag
1 - 10 points go on proper submission and crediting
->That equals 80 points max.
+ Cinematic
1 - 10 points on camera work
1 - 10 points on dialog
1 - 10 points on music and or voice acting
- Cinematic
Object editor work
* Not in cinematic
That equals 100 points max. -> Exeption: No Dialog = 90 points max.

Percent Grade Status

0 - 34%
1/5 Rejected

35 - 49%
1/5 Reviewed

50 - 64%
2/5 Approved

65 - 79%
3/5 Approved

80 - 89%
4/5 Approved

90 - 100%
5/5 Approved

The table may vary if needed.


Originality: 8/10
Very interesting idea, Warcraft hockey game.

Scripting: 7/10
The scripting was great but there were some errors, that aren't really big errors but should be attended to:
*When I test maps, I go single player and then if I find a map good I test it LAN or rarely on garena, so I wanted to single player it and here is what I found:
- I put one comp against me, and when I choose character it says you owned them, quit
- I go full house with comps and then is says you owned them, quit
- Then I try again and then it works?
- When I switch between characters the trigger delay is big, so if i click two times in a short interval I would go only over one character
- When I went against computer, and scored a goal I won? Should it be that I win after one goal

Terrain: 9/10
The terrain is basically very good and fitting for the map. I loved the panels around the field they make the terrain so much better.

Object editor work: 8/10
Working hotkeys, seems it was fine. I must complain on the font it is unreadable in some tooltips.

Bug Free: 9/10
Works fine.

Gameplay/Fun Factor: 5/10
Fun game to play, warcraft hockey. It was pulled out pretty good with the fitting terrain which enhances the gameplay, no doubt you will have fun playing this. The custom interface makes it all better aswell. Why 5/10? You need to fix the spieler player names, it is German thus it is not allowed. The biggest problem is no AI.
Some suggestions:
- Add info about game modes for first timers
- Make the crowd more visible
- Make a bench where the substitusions stand
- Try to minimize the start lag if possible
- A custom loading screen, wouldn't take more then 300 Kb

Lag: 8/10
I took you some points here due to the immense preload time.

Proper submission and crediting: 8/10
You could include images, you have [/center] tag extra.



In overall: 62 / 80
minimal 50% met.
For the hive grade: 4/5 I suggest this map for: Approval
A very interesting and entertaining Mini Game, having Ice Hockey as its theme. It has great scripting and you will no doubt find this a fun map to play. However this game supports Multi Player only, so your only solution is going online. Don't try this single player as it won't work. I don't usually give a 4/5 if you don't go above 80%, however after rechecking this map I find it more then deserving. Thus good job.

Good Luck, bounty hunter2
I might not be checking this topic for some time. If you have any questions about the review or you update the map and want me to check it again, feel free to PM me or Visitor message me at any time.
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I love this map alot :)

btw , Bounty
I think its logical that the game lets you win if you got no opponents

i guess each time a function searches for a random player of a team for the kickoff or sth and if there is no player it ends the game
Maybe the message "You owned them" does not really fit but how do you expect a Teamgame in singleplayer to be? How should that work without AI ?

That it worked once was the reason that you were chosen for kickoff at the start and after you shot a goal it was your non existing enemys turn...
The other games you "enemys" had the kickoff at the beginning which ended the game instantly

exept this lil thing the game is perfect :) 5/5 nothing more to say
Level 14
Jan 15, 2007
bounty hunter2 said:
- I put one comp against me, and when I choose character it says you owned them, quit
- I go full house with comps and then is says you owned them, quit
- Then I try again and then it works?
- When I switch between characters the trigger delay is big, so if i click two times in a short interval I would go only over one character
- When I went against computer, and scored a goal I won? Should it be that I win after one goal

Well how JonNny already said, this game is just for multiplayer. Maybe later I will make a AI version but not yet. But if it really distract you that you can enter sometimes the game in singleplayer I can easily add some lines and make the players unable to play the game in singleplayer.

bounty hunter2 said:
You need to fix the spieler player names, it is German thus it is not allowed.

I didn't saw that, I try to find it and to fix it.

bounty hunter2 said:
I must complain on the font it is unreadable in some tooltips.

Well some guys can read it and some guys dont. I like the font and can read it perfectly. But Im not the only one some other can read it too with no problems. But sure some guys maybe got problems to read the font. Maybe I will change sometimes the font.

bounty hunter2 said:
I took you some points here due to the immense preload time.

Well Im not really able to make the preload time shorter. This preload just prevent that it could lag during the game. And so more stuff there is so more the preload have to load. But the preload time also depend abit on the performance of your pc.

bounty hunter2 said:
You could include images, you have [/center] tag extra.

Well all guys who want to see pictures or trailers just have to click at the thread link.
Level 18
Sep 27, 2005
Hanky said:
Well some guys can read it and some guys dont. I like the font and can read it perfectly. But Im not the only one some other can read it too with no problems. But sure some guys maybe got problems to read the font. Maybe I will change sometimes the font.

I like the font aswell, but it is too strong. I don't know where have you created/found it, but just loosening it a bit would help.

Hanky said:
Well all guys who want to see pictures or trailers just have to click at the thread link.

Okay but you could include a couple of images here and use hidden tags. Not much space and problem. Anyway:
For the open source you have to visit our Clan Homepage. If you want to modify my map please ask me first for permission.[/center] <- Note the center tag :p
A very original and entertaining map.
There are only a very small amount of maps, offering such a qualitative entertaining and well-coded map.

Not only the scripting is great, the fun factor and incredible low amount of noticeable bugs persuaded me.
I showed the map to a bunch of people and everyone was inspired and enthusiastic about it.

Hanky, really well done!
I can just highly recommend this map to everyone!
Level 14
Jan 15, 2007
f0rsAk3n said:
Awesome map , I just want to know something...are you gonna use this for the "Sport Mapping" competition , because if you do , i really think you will win. 5/5

First off thanks for your comment and now to your question. Well I would really like it to enter that competition, but I already began to work on that map before the contest even started. So no, I won't be able to enter the contest.

Paladon said:
A very original and entertaining map.
There are only a very small amount of maps, offering such a qualitative entertaining and well-coded map.

Not only the scripting is great, the fun factor and incredible low amount of noticeable bugs persuaded me.
I showed the map to a bunch of people and everyone was inspired and enthusiastic about it.

Hanky, really well done!
I can just highly recommend this map to everyone!

Thank you very much, I hope the map will be much better when I have added the archievment system. But well, thanks for your comment.
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Level 12
Dec 10, 2008
Well after playing this (the newest ver I'm guessing), I liked it, but it didnt feel like hockey to me, your missing some key stuff

The dots and face-off circles, so it doesnt look like an acual arena.

The terrain your using doesnt fit it very well at all, maybe ask somebody to make a new terrain type? You'd only need 3 colors for it (White for the ice, blue for the blue lines, and read for the rest)

Your "Hockey Lingo" is insane. I had to think of it like football at times to really understand it. Watch some highlight reels for hockey and you'll see what I'm talking about.

With the shooting system, I really like it, but it feels unrealistic again. Maybe modifiy what the old str does to more strength and height on your shot, because weaker hockey player generally cant raise the puck off the ice very well, well stronger, more agerresive players can.

And the goalies cres, could you make that area un-enterable for the other team, or give the goalie some offensive ability to use if the opposing team is there. Something that knocks them out and off to the side, if it could be something that happens well the ability is being channelled then even better, because they would really be distracted if that happened to them

Well thats all for now, other then that I like everything else, it has amazing potential to be truely amazing
Level 14
Jan 15, 2007
The terrain your using doesnt fit it very well at all, maybe ask somebody to make a new terrain type? You'd only need 3 colors for it (White for the ice, blue for the blue lines, and read for the rest)

How you maybe already read in the presentation thread the arena and terrain will be changed with the next version.

With the shooting system, I really like it, but it feels unrealistic again. Maybe modifiy what the old str does to more strength and height on your shot, because weaker hockey player generally cant raise the puck off the ice very well, well stronger, more agerresive players can.

Well to work with Z will be pretty hard and need again more checks and performance, Im not sure if I will add this.

And the goalies cres, could you make that area un-enterable for the other team, or give the goalie some offensive ability to use if the opposing team is there. Something that knocks them out and off to the side, if it could be something that happens well the ability is being channelled then even better, because they would really be distracted if that happened to them

Hmm so you think instead of the penalty kick I should make the goalkeeper bash all guys away?

Thank you for your comment.