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[Hero Arena] Ninja Arena

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Level 3
Jun 19, 2014
Arkane Presents

Edited by ArkaneSeeker(or Arkane)
Original Map by [ETM]_InuYasha_ e [ETM]_Mike_

Map Info:

Recommend players: 4 or more.

Ninja Arena is a simple Free for All Hero Arena settled on a island, where the players should search and destroy other players, achieving points (the first one to reaches a goal wins the game), while fighting monsters that lives on the island.

It is an edited version of a OpenSource map I started to make years ago (here is one of the first versions), when I used to play War3 on Garena. The original one is called Arena de Ninjas 1.8 (it's in Portuguese and you can found it on epicwar, probably not the same version I had) and used only Meele abilities, also had a slower gameplay.


Game modes: -5pts, (10 pts = standard value), -20pts, -50pts and -ar (All random).
Player commands: -random, -ms (shows movement speed).

3 island bosses, special items spots and item recipes.

12 unic gameplay ninjas (meele models, sorry):
  • AQUA: Crowd control throught his passive mechanics.
  • FLAME: Area of effect and single target damage per second.
  • FOREST: mobility, summons and poison with hers spot domination (a FOREST, ORLY).
  • GHOST: disables and evasion.
  • HOLY: mobility to kite enemies.
  • MEDIC: heals and invulnerability.
  • MOUNTAIN: tank and stun.
  • STORM: burst!
  • TAIJUTSU: high mobility and meele combat skills.
  • TAMER: summons, tons of summons.
  • TRICKSTER: Illusions and mobility.
  • VAMPIRE: lifesteal and attack speed.

Some else stuff about map:

- All ninjas have at least one skill that has attribute based-damage.
- Periodic yellow pings on the map reveal the Ninja position on the island.
- Periodic green pings reveal where a random item was spawned.
- Choose Intelligence heroes to burst your enemies, Strenght to tank everything and Agility to hit, hit, and hit!

This map is simple, don't expect many things from it...

Screenshots and Videos:

Image Description:
Ninja Tavern and initial hints (sorry for the bad english, I did this 3~4 years ago and forgot to review it).

Image Description:
Some ninjas (Flame, Tamer, Forest, Trickster and Mountain) using their abilites.



Change Log:

- Added "-random" command and "-ar" mode.
- Increased the base HP and Mana of ALL ninjas to 200.
- Changed the base Mana Regeneration of ALL ninjas to 0.5.
- Starting Attributes increased to 100 points (divided between Agility, Intelligence and Strenght). Attributes gained per level increased to 10 points (divided between Agi, Int and Str).
- REWORKED all Ninjas skills and mechanics.
- Added a 1 gold per second income to all players.
- Added the command "-ms" (shows the selected unit movement speed).
- Each Ninja kill now gives (16 + 4x killed ninja level + 10x killed ninja points) gold to its killer.
- Decreased cooldown of almost ALL SKILLS. Also changed the mana cost of almost ALL SKILLS.
- Decreased the duration of almost ALL DISABLES (stun, silence, etc.).
- Removed Ninja Trap skill (common to all ninjas). Added a unic initial skill to each ninja.
- The base damage of all summons now is Spell Damage.
- Increased the XP gain range to 1500 from 800.
- Changed the map terrain: now with more ramps and blinkable places. Less nonsense areas.
- Monsters amount and type now varies according to game time, no more to the amount of monsters death.
- Increased the XP and gold gained from monsters.
- Added periodic rain effects.
- Added monster bosses.
- Fixed random and strange bugs (deny, Taijutsu and Trickster pot crafting, etc).

Flame Ninja
- Added Final Blast (damage upon death).
- Decreased Breath of Fire (Q) initial damage.
- Removed Flame Shield (E).
- Added Eternal Flame (AoE damage per second).
- Decreased Ignis Seal (R) damage per second.

Mountain Ninja
- Increased base armor to 3 from 0.
- Increased base HP regeneration to 1 from 0.5.
- Stone Skin now is the initial skill.
- Rockfall (Q): decreased damage and AoE, increased projectile speed.
- Quake (W): decreased damage and AoE.
- Added Mountain Rage (increased move speed when attacked).
- Changed Pulverize (R): now it is active and gives bonus damage to the Mountain next attack.
- Removed Reincarnation.
- Added Ground Collapse (AoE damage and slow per second).

Forest Ninja
- Changed the main attribute to Agility.
- Poison Strike now is the initial skill (Forest level + Forest Intelligence damage per second).
- Shadow Strike (Q): increased initial damage and cast range, removed attack speed slow. Added Agility damage per second bonus.
- Added Forest Trail (blinks to a target Tree of Life).
- Changed Forest Call (old name Forest Guardian): now summons 1 Ent near each Tree of Life within an AoE centered on the ninja.
- Reforestation (R): decreased Tree of Life HP, increased armor.
- Venomous Wave (T): Increased projectile speed.
- Ent (summon): now it auto-uses its skill (2s snare).

Storm Ninja
- Statikk Field (old name Eletric Stack) now is the initial skill.
- Forked Lightning (Q): Decreased damage, increased maximum number of targets and the conic area.
- Added Eletric Flow (W): active skill, recovers mana when attacked.
- Removed Lightning Bolt.
- Added Tempest (E): damages and stuns all nearby shocked (slowed) enemies.
- Removed Thunderstorm.
- Added Overload (R) single target damage and stun. Extra Intelligence damage and blink when the target is shocked (slow).
- Seeker Lightning (T): decreased damage and damage reduction per target.

Taijutsu Ninja
- Taijutsu Master (old name Physical Combat Skill) now is the initial skill and increases the ninja Agility and Strenght after killing another ninja or 20 monsters.
- Dash'n Slash (Q): added extra Agility + Strenght damage.
- Added Retreat (W) (dispels any magic affecting the ninja and moves him backwards).
- Removed Light Feet.
- Added Whirl (E): AoE damage and recovers HP based on a % of the total damage dealt.
- Removed Battle Recovery.
- Added Body and Mind (R): blocks spell damage.
- Removed Hard Training.
- Added Reaper (T): single target tons of damage.

Vampire Ninja
- Servitude now is the initial skill.
- Sacrifice (W): now affects all Servants near the target. Decreased the % of heal.
- Added Hypnosis (R): AoE sleep.
- Servants (summon): now have a chance to deal extra Agility damage.
- Darkest Core (T): decreased life bonus and duration.

Holy Ninja
- Decreased base movement speed.
- Divine Waygate now is the initial skill.
- Holy Guardian (Q): now only absorves 50% of the damage taken. Decreased damage points absorved per mana point.
- Added Luminance (W): increases the damage a single target takes from the Holy Ninja attacks and spells.
- Changed Solaris (E) (old name Revealing Light): now causes Agility + Intelligence AoE damage.
- Lumina (R): decreased area and damage.
- God's Warfare (T): increased area and damage.

Trickster Ninja
- Mirror Image now is the initial skill.
- Added Imagine Breaker (Q): destroys all illusions, dealing AoE Agility damage.
- Wind Walk (W): decreased duration and backstab damage. Now creates a illusion when cast.
- Removed Trickster Slash.
- Added Stasis Trap (E): AoE stun trap.
- Removed Final Strike.
- Added Deathbringer (T): single target tons of damage.

Aqua Ninja (Old name: Ice Ninja)
- Initial skill Permafrost: when attacking a "frozen" enemy, removes the frozen debuff and applies "permafrost" (stun and Intelligence damage).
- Blizzard (Q): decreased damage, number of waves and AoE.
- Removed Ice Armor.
- Added Ice Blast (E): AoE Intelligence damage and frozen effect. Can apply permafrost.
- Removed Psychic Recovery.
- Added Winter Gust (R): frozen in line effect. Can apply permafrost.
- Changed Deluge (T): now summons a huge wave that damages and drags enemies in a rectangular area based on the ninja position.
- Water Elemental (summon): now have 30% chance to frozen enemies on hit, dealing Intelligence extra damage.

Tamer Ninja
- Initial skill Order to Protect: teleports all summons to the Tamer position, restores 50% of their max HP and grants spell immunity for 10 seconds to the summons.
- Grizzly Brother (Q): the bear now causes extra Strenght damage.
- Wolfpack (W): Decreased duration.
- Hawkeyes (E): Decreased duration. Hawks now have the Trickery Lightning since level 1.
- Changed Order to Charge (R): now it is single target. Decreases the target armor, reveals his position and receives extra damage from all the summons.
- Inner Grizzly (T): Decreased duration. Grants Strenght damage bonus when in this form.

Medic Ninja
- Changed main attribute to Strenght.
- Initial skill Emergency Heal: heals 50% of the lost HP.
- Changed Refreshing Medicine (Q) (old name Cure): now regenerates mana and HP over time.
- Anti-magic Shield (W): decreased duration.
- DNA Mutation (E): decreased duration and HP bonus. Now grants on hit AoE Strenght bonus damage.
- Muscle Atrophy (R): decreased duration.
- Adrenalin (T): decreased duration.

Ghost Ninja
- Initial skill Death Wail: AoE fear (prevents attacks, items use and spells).
- Underworld Portal (Q): decreased duration.
- Removed Essence Drain.
- Added Phantom (W): AoE Intelligence damage.
- Banish (E): decreased duration.
- Removed Mind Control.
- Added Haunt (R): drains the target HP, grants invulnerability to the Ghost Ninja and teleports her every 0.5s to the target position.
- Deathcallers (T): Increased AoE and number os summons.

- Increased the price of ALL items.
- Added Ultimate Items: Legacy (Intelligence), Dragonheart (Strenght) and Exus (Agility).
- All boots now have the Blink skill. Removed the movement speed bonus.
- Decreased the cooldown of the Dispel skill and increased the damage to summons (God's Stone).
- Decreased the slow and the effect duration of the Ice Orb.
- Increased the damage to summons of the Light Orb.
- Decreased armor reduction of the Earth Orb.
- Decreased the Bash chance of the axes to 3%/5%/7%/9% from 5%/8%/11%/14%, last Axe now stuns for 0.65s instead 0.5s.​

- Nerf Sindweller servants (again) and Darkest Core.
- Buff Elz Kalic skill Underworld Portal.
- Changed Atijo ultimate.
- Finish Weapons Shop
- Finish Mystic Shop
- Other minor fixes.​

- Fix Pyro fatal error.
- Buff Raidan skills damage, buff Makario skills cooldown.
- Nerf Sindweller servants, nerf Tsubaki skill Dash'n Slash stun.
- Nerf Vakyriu skill Holy Guardian.
- Add upgradable itens in Witch's Hut, also changed some itens and finish the translation of this shop.​

- Balanced some heroes, like Tsubaki, Makario, and Vakiryu.
- Changed many skills of all heroes of the game, especially with custom effect models.
- Add special itens creation system.
- Start translation to English.​


Models from (sorry if miss one or more):
- Callahan;
- DarkEvil;
- JesusHipster;
- JetFangInferno;
- Nasrudin;
- nGy;
- PeeKay;
- Power;
- PrMosquito;
- Sellenisko;

Icons from:
- 67chrome;
- Solu9;

Weep for the Damage Detection System.
Tom_Kazansky for the Knockback System.

All the Alpha Testers, especially LordKaukek, WantKillU, Zsamoff and Hatsumaro.
The Original Mapmakers: _InuYasha and Mike.

Author's notes:

I kept some old (and ugly) triggers from the original map (the multiboard), but I also optimized other ones. The old triggers that I didn't change are in Portuguese.
I used a custom model pack that I downloaded years go from Youkaiz (Angel Arena Allstars maker) blog, and it didn't have any credits. So, if you find a model from a author I had not credited, report it to me.
This project is just a training for a new map I want to do, so forgive my leaks, errors, etc...
Ah yeah, the versions betweem 0.2b and 0.8a I only alpha tested.​

What I need now?

Basically, feedback. What's OP on the map? What's weak? What would be interesting to add? So, play with your friends and random and say to me what is needed to improve this map.​

Map Description Template Created by -Kobas-
Find more here: Map Description - Templates


  • Ninja Arena Beta 0.8a.w3x
    1.4 MB · Views: 102
Level 3
Jun 19, 2014
Yeah, I know it's a generic name, it is only the translation of the original one (Arena de Ninjas)
Level 3
Jun 19, 2014
Yeah, I know that the terrain is ugly (it's the original map one, I only changed some ramps and elevations)...
I don't have experience with AI, but I'll try to do one when I have time.
Anyway, thx for the subscribe
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