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Night of Fear

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Level 10
May 31, 2007
Huh! 21st of December already eh? Damn only 4 days till Xmas! I wish I am fast enough to complete my last project. It's called Night of Fear!!!

Map Description:
The whole map is about a small village/town or whatever, where players have to show their alter ego. You have to be tough and kill any villagers/children/women/ woodcutters/farmers/animlas etc. It's a little sadistic!!

Well, the Heroes are not special. There are 7 of them (some will be found twice or even three and four times per game because it needs 10 players and the heroes are only 7 but it's ok) and are all well-made! Let's Give a look to every each of them:
:fp: Grim Reaper the Death (custom model)
:fp: Scamp the Imp (custom model)
:fp: Pudge the Butcher (abomination model, character original name from DotA)
:fp: Succubus the Angel of Death (custom model)
:fp: Blowhead the Pumpkin Lord (custom model)
:fp: Nessaj the Chaos Knight (custom model, name from DotA)
:fp: Master Bloodblade the Demon Blademaster (custom model)

As you can see most of them have imported models that look really creepy! Also they all have 3 unique custom skills. Each one for every level (2 skills require you to level first - one for level 2 and one for level 3 - and 1 is unlocked from the beginning). Their skills are made so that they're balanced :)huh:) and that they can keep on killing at the same rate!

Well, the objective is quite simple: Kill, kill, kill...
The game lasts 15 minutes and when the timer runs out the player with the most kills wins. Simple huh?

File size::wthumbsdown:
I know you won't like this: its size gonna be about 1MB:jd: in the end, making it hard for people to download in Bnet, but i guarantee you it's worth:cexc:

Progress: About 75% (but i only need to make some minor bug fixes and create some things and ok)

Screenshots posted (sorry for the bad quality, i hope you can see something)!


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Level 9
May 27, 2006
Just dont save them in .gif, maybe it makes them have lower size, but it extremely decreases their quality. If you really have to save them in gif, do it by Photoshop - it doesn`t decrease quality.

Yay, that looks interesting... Finally a map, where you can kill every moving thing that you can see XD But tell something more about, will there be some shops/modes or you just have to kill everyone and everything? :p
Level 10
May 31, 2007
Well, sorry for not posting guys, but my computer almost crashed yesterday!!! So, I am back now to tell you some more!

You asked about shops and so, right? Here's what i decided to do:

There will be Blood Shops, where you will be able to buy things with the blood yu have collected. These will probably be:
1) Movement Speed Runes (duration: about 1min)
2) Attack Speed Runes (duration: about 1min)
3) Extra Attack Potions (duration: about 30secs, charges: 3-5)
I also thought to make dying units give you Souls (in place of Lumber, as Blood is in place of Gold)!!! Souls could be used to buy Peasants!!! Actually you will be able to buy some units to kill via a unit trader on the far edge of the map. But each one will have extra life, run faster and need 3-4 souls. A boost to kills, but not an easy bonus!

About the screenshots thx for the information, next screenshoys will be better I promise. Progress is now almost same as before but the next 24 hours may be the last one I need to work to complete this project. Hope you will like it!

Ideas would be appreciated! Cya!
Level 10
May 31, 2007
This is quite an idea!!! Like it I will do so!

Does anyone know how to make a filter appear all time long for the 15 minutes of game? Mine one lasts only 60 secs and I have made a trigger to replace it every 60 secs but it's useless as the blue fog (you may see this in the pictures) appears and disappears every some, like a screen flashing. It gets on my nerves. What's the longest filter duration? It says min:0.0 and has no max! But here's a max cause i gave 900 secs and it didn't appear. Can anyone tell me how long it can last at max? Thx for supportin!

Any other ideas on the map? Any comments?

EDIT: Problem solved, I used fog. Map is almost complete, I only need to complete some more terrain things and add some extra doodads and units and it's done!

Terrain: 95%
Doodads: 85%
Units: 100%
Items: 95%
Triggers: 85%
Imports: 100%
Others: 90%

Almost complete, hold on for 1-2 days and it'll be here!!!

EDIT (2): I made major rogress the last three hours. I just got a lot further. Maybe it will be ready in less than 24 hours!!! Sounds nice?

Current Progress:
Terrain: 100%
Doodads: 100%
Units: 100%
Items: 100%
Triggers: 90%
Imports: 100%
Others: 90%

Almost done. I look forward to playing it with you guys!
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Level 10
May 31, 2007
V1.0 Complete!!!

Sorry for double posting, but VERSION 1.00 IS COMPLETE. I uploaded it. Download and play it here!!! Enjoy! Post comments either here or in the maps section. Hope you'll like it. Full credits given. I await suggestions, comments and bug refers (I hope you won't find any bugs but inform me if you find any)! New versions will be coming out soon (when I get some ideas)! Cya!
Level 2
Dec 11, 2007
It was fun but I had a headache after from all the spinning. :wgrin:

One of your Hints says: Don't get mad from winning, You can always play agian. Thats meant to be 'Losing' right?
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