Newbie Help NEEDED!

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Level 2
Mar 5, 2014

I'm new to the site and am looking for single player, basic maps: no rpg, no campaigns... just good, old-fashioned WCIII/Frozen Throne large scale maps, good terrain, lots of neutrals, that kind of thing.

The problem is, when I go to download the maps, I don't get an option to put them into a designation folder (or anything else); when I left-click "Download", they just automatically save as movie files and my Windows Media player fires up - that's all that happens. I've tried on Chrome and Explorer (yes, I'm a PC user), but I haven't had any luck whatsoever. I've been told that I might have a setting wrong, but I'm not an IT guy.

ANY assistance would be most appreciated!
Level 21
Mar 2, 2010
you just need to rename them though based on what you are writing it seems like they open directly instead of being saved. you should be able to right click on the download link and select save as. internet explorer also have setting you can change through the internet settings in the system. if you need anymore help do not hesitate to post a new message.
Level 2
Mar 5, 2014
Very kind and thank you! I'm working on fixing the problem now, BUT, I'd still LOVE some advice on finding plain old WCIII/FT player v computer teams basic maps: no rpg, no campaigns... just single-player large maps with lots of terrain, neutrals, that kind of thing. I'm having difficulty translating a lot of the language since I'm not a developer, so I don't exactly know how to filter the search. Any help would be most appreciated.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Use regedit to change the file extension mapping. For some reason it has registered ".w3m" and ".w3x" extension as files for Windows Media Player instead of World Edit.

Right click the link and select "Save target as..." when downloading. It should allow you to specify the target folder then.
Level 2
Mar 5, 2014
Very kind of you all, but nothing seems to be working. I'm on a PC, so I don't have a "Save Target As..." option. Again, I'm not a computer guy, so I don't have a clue what regedit is. I just want to play some old school, BASIC, regular, good, old-fashioned, large map, single player v computer, heavy resources WCIII!

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
I'm on a PC, so I don't have a "Save Target As..." option.
I am sorry, by the fact you said you had Internet Explorer (Windows exclusive for over a decade) and WC3 (Windows/MAC only) I thought you were using a Windows operating system like Windows 7 (which I use). Guess you must be using some other operating system then. I recommend contacting the operating system manufacturer for help as I can only really help you with Windows and Linux operating systems.
Level 2
Mar 5, 2014
No stress.... apparently, I should have typed out WarCraft III / Frozen Throne. I have an HP P7-1154 with an AMD A6-3600 APU with Radeon HD graphics and run Windows 7 Home Premium. I'm just trying to download some basic, melee, single player maps that I can play against the computer when the mood strikes; I've just played all the maps on the game itself until I have them memorized. I didn't realize this would be so difficult.
Level 25
May 11, 2007
Press CTRL + J when you've downloaded a map, to open the file download manager in Chrome. Right click on the map and select "Open Containing Folder".
Select the file.
CTRL + C to copy it.


(My computer is in swedish, but you should get the idea).

Locate your Warcraft III folder and the maps folder.
Press CTRL + V to copy the maps there.

What graphics card and cpu you have, doesn't matter when downloading a file.
Level 2
Mar 5, 2014
Yes, sir! It's there, saved as a .w3x file and slated to open with Windows Media Player, which is the obvious problem. I've tried to change the parameters to be included in the Warcraft folder, but it does not appear on my list under Program Files. Needless to say, it doesn't appear in my maps when I load the game. What should it be opening with?

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Save it under "INSTALLPATH\Warcraft III\Maps" For example "C:\Program Files (x86)\Warcraft III\Maps" in the case of my computer. Preferably stick it in "...\Warcraft III\Maps\Download" folder as that is where multiplayer maps are placed when you download from a lobby.

If the install path is long, or the map name is very long you need to shorten the map name or it will not appear in game (fails to load the map file path).

To fix the problem with opening the map in the editor without using regedit, you can right click a map file, choosen "Open With" and then "Choose Default Program...". Then press "Browse" and find the executable at "...\Warcraft III\worldedit.exe". That should fix it to opening maps with worldedit.exe instead of Windows Media Player.

Do be aware a lot of maps downloaded from the internet cannot be opened in the editor. This is because they have been damaged to either reduce file size or prevent people from opening it in the editor and making unwanted changes (aka map protection).
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