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New WC3 exploit

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Level 8
Aug 6, 2008
Virus maps, anyone?

Hope they can fix it without breaking anything..

If you are interested about the subject, there is some interesting stuff:




Akolyt0r in TheHelper:
So please dont play any new public maps, and especially no unknown russian maps... since the russian community was aware of this exploit a little bit earlier ...and someone already might have created something like that *evil*
Level 2
Apr 26, 2009
Well this stinks..
Now with everyone knowing all those like... "Blue Screen of Death" .etc maps, Now we might be attacked from things far worse..

I'm scared to download that map you showed us now.
Level 23
Nov 29, 2006
Yes, the issue has been reported.

Level 14
Nov 20, 2005
So download virus tested maps from big sites not random maps from battle.net as surely that's the place they will hit first.

Virus testing the map file won't help. It might be detected while running it in game through a virus scanner if your AV has good enough heuristics and detects the possible buffer overflow attack, but there's certainly no guarentee of that.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Just DL the map, and scan it's jass script manually for anything suspecious. You should not have a vampirisim map with a 15000 line jass script of all veriable names and hex numbers with the C2I and I2C functions.

They should simply add a notification if WC3 trys to do this preventing it until a user says yes or no. Thus preventing unauthorized code from running.

Removing it could end up being something to regret, like if the H2I bug was removed. Codeless save systems and more complex systems may be possiable with this. However I would advise not playing maps until you check their code for any exploits.


Level 78
Oct 6, 2004
Gentlemen, I think we found our cure for the 'DotA' infection that roams on Battle.net.

Surely since they are all no DL, unless they suspect that the DotA developers would booby trap their own map, that won't affect DotA, but rather all other maps?

I know some site owners. We could make a conspiracy and force-delete all dotamaps from people's computers and then edit their hosts file to redirect all dota download sites to infected version sites :p
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
I know some site owners. We could make a conspiracy and force-delete all dotamaps from people's computers and then edit their hosts file to redirect all dota download sites to infected version sites :p

Ok it's formal now, the Hive Admin agrees with me. And so did the world e-leaders of other sites.

I give Operation Mosquitoe green light.
Level 18
Mar 13, 2009
How many people on this site don't play Warcraft 3? o_O
I hear that a lot, but you would think a lot of people do.

Thanks for telling us about this problem.
Level 9
May 2, 2007
How many people on this site don't play Warcraft 3? o_O
I hear that a lot, but you would think a lot of people do.

Thanks for telling us about this problem.

To be honest a large number of us no longer make warcraft III maps or resources, as well as many of us who no longer play warcraft III at all :)
Nevertheless this is indeed slightly worrying, and I hope Blizzard make patching this a priority.
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
It's the warcraft swine flu. It's less of a problem than the people make it out to be.

But in all honesty still kinda sucks.
Not really. The kind of people who know how to do this stuff aren't the kind of people who do (in Warcraft, that is).

Now, there might be one person who does it, but it won't make much of a difference.
Level 5
Jan 15, 2007
There seems to be a lot of people hoping Blizzard will patch the exploit. I, for one, think that Blizzard is just going to be lazy, say "Screw it", and shut the whole damn WC3 server system down.

Well apparently you think wrong
Level 31
Jul 10, 2007
I say that wc3 should be built more around these concepts... as long as you limit it so that it cannot access files besides maybe encrypted text files, I don't see why this is such a big deal..

Hell, open up the b.net socket stuff to the public too so that we can have those many dedicated servers get more use >: |.

As long as you limit it, it should be fine, but this is good... I'd been messing with this stuff for awhile too ^_^, was planning on introducing some support for it in MFN, lol....

Then again, the license agreement states that you may not mess with wc3's socket stuff : P, so I guess they'd never do that. But it doesn't state anything about the memory addresses, hmmz.

Also, you could use this stuff to get into the sock stuff and move a lot of the concepts of RTC on to wc3 b.net o-o. Then again, there would probably be a lot of desync issues to be worked out.

Oh well, interesting stuff guys. I just hope some retards with evil intents who know how to work this stuff don't mess with it -.-.
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