I really got mixed feelings.
For one, the new spawning pool is really meh. Modelwise, the old one kicks the new one any day, especially when it comes to the zergy feel. I mean, really, modelwise the new one looks more cartoonish. Look at the damn horns/teeth/whatever it is!
Texturewise, the new texture is of better image quality, but of less overall quality IMO. Its quality is better because it obviously is much more refined. But goddamnit, it's purple! Red is waaaay better for zergs. Also recall how all zergs in SC1 looked really red?
Modelwise, the old spawning pool owns, texturewise, the new one is only better because it's more refined. I'm not really happy.
The queen:
Modelwise, I again feel really strange. What's up with the horns again? I mean, they grow at the weirdest spots and I really think it sucks. Get rid of the horns please.
Texturewise, the purple again. Oh, and the egg sacks look pretty bad. They look way too flat, not 3D enough. Other than that it looks more refined, but again: the basic idea of the texture hasn't improved (at the contrary), only the image quality.