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New Emoticonest? [POLL] (need feedback)

What should the min to max number of submissions be for the Emoticontest?

  • 4 min, 8 max

  • 4 min, 12 max

  • 4 min, 16 max

  • 4 min, 20 max

  • 4 min, 24 max

  • 6 min, 12 max

  • 6 min, 16 max

  • 6 min, 20 max

  • 6 min, 24 max

  • 4 min, no limit

  • 6 min, no limit

  • 8 min, no limit

  • Accept any amound

  • I dont care :/

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It's been TENTHOUSANT years!

Since the very last emoji contest; crappy pixelated gifs still roam around the website of quality that reminds me of the early beginnings of the internet!

But I say no more!

Let's do a new emoji contest with the following themes:
- Hive Workshop
- Warcraft / Reforged
- Memes (acti-blizzard related)

Ofc, I dont have the priveliges to organize such an event, but I know a lot of lazy staffmembers that certainly can.

Recommended Contest entry requirements:
- Entiers must follow Hive Workshop's Rules & Information
- Entries must be related to the contest themes
- An entry must at least consist of a min to max number of files (determined by poll)
- Accepted file formats are: PNG, JPEG and GIF
- Each emoji must be at least be 15x15 pixels, but can be any size (will be scaled down to 24x24)

Once again, this is just a suggestion. Hopefully some kind-hearthed moderator comes across this and makes it an actual thing.

Hopes up!

Quinten out.
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Level 22
Jan 6, 2017
I like the idea and might be interested in participating.

My theme suggestions would be:

-Units: pick a melee unit of your choice and create x amount of emoticons of it.
-Races: create x amount of emoticons of a race of your choice: Human, Orc, Undead, Nightelf, Naga, Neutral..

Suggestion on requirements:

-A set of x amount of emoticons expressing different moods. (could be 4,6 or 8)
-Reduce 64x64 minimum scale to something way less, 15x15 preferably the lowest as it is better to have emoticons that fit the font size.
Like these classic ones: :csmile: (15x15) :) (18x18), here's example how 64x64 would look:

-Recreate the classic smilies [:);):(:mad::confused::cool::p:D:eek::oops::rolleyes:o_O] into choosen theme from the themes suggested above.

Just my thoughts and ideas. Looking forward to this contest.
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Level 22
Jan 6, 2017
Okay, number of entries to make an emoji bundle must be between 4 and 24? Is that OK?

That might be too big of a gap between minimum and maximum number of emoticons in the bundle. Might be too hard to judge quality over quantity in this case, since some 4 entries could be amazing in quality but 24 while less impressive could be a way more useful set.
I suggest signficantly reducing the gap so quantity vs quality judging would be easy and fair. If someone wishes to create more they can do so by making multiple entries.

I'd personally make it a fixed number of emoticons, preferably 6. So that a lot of different moods can be expressed with the bundle and so it wouldn't take too much time away from busy artists.

Or 64x64 and import them as vectors or something, so we can compress them without damaging the quality/losing pixels.

Also, it doesn't really matter what size you make the emoji's in, you can convert any size into vector, or you can make a vector drawing off the start. Just the submitted entry size and readability is important.
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That might be too big of a gap between minimum and maximum number of emoticons in the bundle. Might be too hard to judge quality over quantity in this case, since some 4 entries could be amazing in quality but 24 while less impressive could be a way more useful set.
I suggest signficantly reducing the gap so quantity vs quality judging would be easy and fair. If someone wishes to create more they can do so by making multiple entries.

I'd personally make it a fixed number of emoticons, preferably 6. So that a lot of different moods can be expressed with the bundle and so it wouldn't take too much time away from busy artists.
Okay... Hmm... between... Well, 24 gots to be kinda the upper limit. But I feel like an entry really only needs a minimum of 4...

Could do between 6 and 18 to lower the gap... But it still doesnt feel right.

Sure, but the people will poll them anyway.
So quality over quantity wont really affect much, since a poll.

Some might prefer lower numbers of quality ones, some will prefer more variated ones, ect.

I say 4 - 24 is okay, 6 - 18 is fine



Level 32
Sep 23, 2012
We have shit loads of smilies existing on Hive and only about 10% of them are being used in rare cases.
If we're to start a new one, I prefer quality over quantity. By preferring artist to focus their motivation in few and not wanting a long to rotten contest, I agree with Scias and would go with 6.
Level 22
Jan 6, 2017
thats because they're greatly outdated and are quite.... uhhh. shit.

Okay, lets do this then:
Minimum amound is 4.
Suggested amound is 6.
Maximum amound is 24.

Keep in mind possibility of emoticons from top 3 place winners being used in the smiley selection (like it has been in previous contests). Now imagine 3x24 resulting in maximum of 72 new emoticons. It's unlikely but it's gonna be way too much if that happens, and even with lesser numbers it'll end up being a whole lot of new emoticons.

Besdies, like I said you can always make multiple entries of sets of 6.

Perhaps a poll on what the limit should be could be useful.
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I shall close the poll manually near the end of the day on Januari the 30th.
If none of the Staff members decide to bother with this after closing the poll, I will kind of just of move away from this thread, I think.

Up and until then, Im open for feedback and discussion.

Edit: Ive also adjusted the recommended entry requirements above
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Level 7
Apr 18, 2007
I shall close the poll manually near the end of the day on Januari the 30th.
If none of the Staff members decide to bother with this after closing the poll, I will kind of just of move away from this thread, I think.

Up and until then, Im open for feedback and discussion.

Edit: Ive also adjusted the recommended entry requirements above

Might have to call any moderators to see....



Level 49
Jan 25, 2011
Oh good thing someone wants to have this contest. 2 years ago, I opened up a theme discussion however I got lazy and did not start a theme poll (also the amount of themes and people participating into the discussion are few)

IMO, 6 emoticons (with no min and max) would be the one for me since having a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 12 would be just unfair for me since people would vote for someone who have more emotes.

Emoticon Contest #3 - Theme Discussion

I may not be able to host this one tho, maybe @Heinvers can. But there's a possibility for me of joining or judging.

@Archian @Mr.Goblin
Level 7
Apr 18, 2007
Oh good thing someone wants to have this contest. 2 years ago, I opened up a theme discussion however I got lazy and did not start a theme poll (also the amount of themes and people participating into the discussion are few)

IMO, 6 emoticons (with no min and max) would be the one for me since having a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 12 would be just unfair for me since people would vote for someone who have more emotes.

Emoticon Contest #3 - Theme Discussion

I may not be able to host this one tho, maybe @Heinvers can. But there's a possibility for me of joining or judging.

@Archian @Mr.Goblin

Good to hear that. :)
Level 22
Jan 6, 2017
Animated = more points.
Looping = more points.
Wouldn't more points for both animation + looped animation give too much of an advantage to animated? I'm not sure how it would be judged, but it's not that hard to make a looping animation. :p

Can someone elaborate on the reforge theme? I don't really understand what the theme would be, reworking existing emoji's in higher quality?
Level 22
Jan 6, 2017
I don't think 4 is the right amount, since after not having a emoticon contest for so long to do so little is a bit of a shame, I say take advantage of this opportunity and put more effort in it - 6 isn't that much of a difference!
There's also not much different expressions/moods to be created in a "set" of only 4 emoticons, so it wouldn't be all that useful in the end.

Each emoji must be at least be 15x15 pixels, but can be any size (will be scaled down to 24x24)
I would rise the max size to 40x40, like it was in Emoticon contest #2. So there's more space for artists who aren't used to working on tiny scale to work with, and more space for animations. Also we could possibly have some entries that match (at least in size) the winners of emoticon contest #2.
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