----> Spell-/Talentclasses:
-> Spellshifting
-> Battlefury
-> Spelldefense
----> Spells @ "Spellshifting"
---> This Spellcategory should have Spells, which are disrupting other spells, or spells which are stealing Spells/Buffs.
-> Manaleeching Weapon (Lvl.1): Enchants the Owner's Weapon, so it can leech witch a chance of 20% Mana from the enemy and give it to the Spellbreaker.
-> Flat Side (Lvl.6): Bashes the Target with the flat side of the Weapon for 2 Damage and includes Spell interrupting for 8 secs.
-> Steal Buffs (Lvl.10): Allows the Spellbreaker to steal a positive Buff from the enemy and give it to a friend, or stelas a debuff from a freind ad gives it to the enemy. Works only to Mobs with Lvl.5 or lower.
-> Silence (Lvl.30):All enemies in a specific Region can't cast spells for 8 seconds.
-> Steal Spells (Lvl.30): Allows the Spellbreaker to steal a spell, which needs a casting Time (e.g. Frostbolt), and create from it an casting-Item, that on use, will cast the spell. (like Healthstone, but for spells) "Steal Spells" needs to steal the spell as long as the stolen spell will need to cast it. This works also for channeled Spells.
-> Buff slaughtering (Lvl.42): The Spellbreaker summons a Obsidian-Ghost who eats all Buffs and Debuffs in a specific area.
-> Spell Slaughtering (Lvl.62): The Spellbreaker summons a Obsidian-Ghost wo eats all casting/channeling Spells in a specific area.
-> Arcane Transmutation (Lvl.70): The Spellbreaker offers himself, so that in a specific area all channeled spells, casting spells, Buffs and Debuffs will be destroyed, also thee will be a Silence casted for all Units in the Area for over 12 seconds. From the Corpse of the Spellbreaker, will revive a Obsidian-Destroyer who supports the friends of the Spellbreaker. The Spellbreaker will control this Destroyer.
These spells are only some examples to this Spellclass
----> Spells @ "Battlefury"
---> This Spellcategory shoul ave Spells collected which are used in a Battle of the Spellbreaker
-> Slice and Dice (Lvl.1): The Spellbreaker will attack 15% faster than normal for 5 seconds.
-> Whirlwind-Attack (Lvl.12): The Spellbreaker will create a small Bladestorm which attacks all nearby enemies with 50 damage per second. Lasts 3 seconds.
-> Last Wish (Lvl.34): The Spellbreaker offers alls his Mana to cast this Spell, this Spell deals damage as high as the doubled number of the offered Mana.
-> Burst Mana (Lvl.34): The Damage of this Spell will be doubled as high as the lost Mana of the Spellbreaker is. (e.g. 3000/3000 Mana = 0 Damage; 2000/3000 Mana = 1000x2 Damage)
----> Spells @ "Spelldefense"
---> This Spellcategory should have Spells which are defending the Spellbreaker from taken damage.
-> Concentration (Lvl.4): The Spellbreaker deals for 10 seconds the half damage, buts takes also the half damage.
-> Manashield of Physical Damage (Lvl.18): The Spellbreaker can cast a Shield on someone that absobs taken Physical Damage of cost of the Spellbreakers Mana.
-> Manashield of Fire Magic (Lvl.20): The Spellbreaker can cast a Shield on someone that absorbs taken Fire Damage of cost of the Spellbreakers Mana.
-> Manashield of Shadow Magic (Lvl.22): Same as the other Shields, but for Shadow Magic
-> Manashield of Arcane Magic (Lvl.24): Same as the other Shiels, but for Arcane Magic
-> Manashield of Nature Magic (Lvl.26): Same as the other shields, but for Nature Magic
-> Manashield of Frost Magic (Lvl.30): Same as the other shields, but for Frost Magic
-> Manashield of Primary Damage (Lvl.40): The Spellbreaker can cast a shield on someone, that absorbs all taken damage of all types of cost of the Spellbreakers Mana.
That were the Spells...these all spells are only some, and examples. I hope I've balanced them enough. :?