Hero class name: ?
Theme: Tribal
Function: Disabler
Type: Range hero, non magical
Weapons: Spears/Throw axes
I don't want to name it "Disabler", i would like to take something more... Tribal
I think this description could be better:
He becomes from a tribal race (trolls), his tribe uses disabling spells cuz they are againts the unnatural things, they want to keep the nature as it is, they arent druids cuz they dont serve to the nature/forest, all they do is purge/fight all the unnatural things, they arent good, they are neutral but they care about keeping the planet out of any kind of unnatural advantage from any warrior or creature, they return their enemies to what they are without all these buffs n spelld, they also dealt extra damage to buffed enemies.
- no spells names ideas yet so pls help here too
1: disables target's extra magical defense (a passive from some units in my map
2: increases target's spells cooldown
3: time effect, disables target's last casted spell (target needs to cast a new different spell to enable last disabled spell again, new casted spell becomes disabled now
4: gains attack speed
5: every hit silences target for 1,5 seconds
6: every hit disarms target for 1,5 seconds
7: if target moves get damaged
8: kills summoned units in target area (my map have some Summoner heros
9: makes target unable the get buffs, it cant also be healed
Ulti: damage becomes in heal (damage taken becomes hp healed
Ulti: you cant die, u keep taking damage but ur hp cant go under 1, all damage taken while u r under this effect is collected n is deal to you after the effect is over
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