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Need some hero ideas (+REP inside :D)

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Level 9
May 25, 2008
I need some spells for my heroes :p

Ok i know this is an old one and every 2nd person on hive has a 'Need ideas for spells' thread

BUT, i want special ideas, never seen before (but still do-able :p)

Here is the twist, I want 3 versions of each ability, the one must be stronger than the other and they must all be the same kind of spell (so it cant be like 'fire ball', 'poison arrow' and 'mana buff'. But rather 'fire ball', 'fire blast', 'flame nova' etc)

Here is an example:

1. Ice Arrow : Shoots an arrow that freezes your enemy and damages him over time

2. Frost Bolt : Shoots an arrow that explodes and freezes a whole bunch of enemes and damage them over time

3. Cold Arrow Storm : Shoots an Ice arrow that splits up in more ice arrows that split up in more ice arrows etc.

Give me an idea that i WILL use : +REP and Name in credits
Give me an idea that gives me an idea : +REP

thanx :thumbs_up:
Level 6
Oct 4, 2008
Fire: damage over time, damage starts out low and gets higher.
Devouring Flames: returns 50% of damage to caster.
Inferno: anybody that gets within 50 of the target will get a fresh sample of the debuff.
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
It may help if you could tell us what your heroes are or what kind of spell ideas you are looking for like elemental spells or arcane spells or warrior-type spells, stuff like that.
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
Healing Touch - strong single target heal.
Healing Grasp - strong healing over time
Healing Wind - point-blank aoe heal

Fire Barrier - deals Y damage to attackers
Fire Wall - stationary fire wall
Fire Wave - a cross between firewall and shockwave =)

Fire Shield - returns percentage of damage (like spiked carapace)
Fire Ring - circular fire wall around the caster. enemies cant enter without getting damage, caster cannot leave. though a caster shouldnt want =))
Fire Tide - a croww between Fire RIng and Fire Wave =))) fire nova more simply =))
Level 25
Mar 23, 2008
(i suck at names ^^)

"Poison Infusing"- Target spell, a small damage over time that deals X damage over time over (very short time) 1-2 seconds. If the targeted unit dies while under the effect it blows up, dealing damage and puts a damage over time effect on every unit nearby.
"Chain Poison"- Like a chain lightning, but instead of dealing damage it puts a damage over time effect on the targets it bounces on for X seconds, Also slows the movement speed by X %. If they die of the damage or DoT they explode, like in "Poison Infusing".
"Chain Infusing"- Like Chain Poison, but the damage over time effect and slow effect spreads from the targets to nearby units if they come near. And if unit dies while under the effect they blow up, slowing and dealing damage over time for some seconds.
Lightning-Hit one target doing damage
Chain Lightning-Hit 2 or more targets(the nearest to the one selected)
Storm-Hit an area and dealing to all units in it damage

it should not be like chain lightning the lightning should be the model from the cinematic the one that comes from the sky like Froked lightning(sorry for my bad english)
Poisoned Weapon-Inflects when hit a target
Poisoned Armor-Inflects the target when near at a range of xxx(it should be like 300 or less)
Poisoned Body-Inflects the target at long range!

Hope you liked if you need more I will think of it
Level 25
Jun 3, 2008
Last Prayer (Passive spell): When the unit gets under X% of his Life, he has X% chance to get a Divine Shield for some seconds.
Holy Tornado (Offensive spell): Summons a tornado (like the one Sea Witch makes), all friendly units hit will get healed and all enemies hit will get damage.
Divine Freedom (Offensive spell): The unit goes into some stance, reducing damage taken by X%, getting immune to stun and restores X% of his Life and Mana every second for some seconds.
Level 13
Apr 15, 2008
Water of Life: Heals the caster for ### health.
Blessing of the Stars: Heals the caster for ### health and deals damage to the enemies in a range ###.
Nature's Wrath: Heals all the friendly units and deals damage to the enemies in a range of ###.
Level 9
May 25, 2008
Very nice guys :D i like some of the ideas

What is gna happen, is the heroes gets stronger, and when they do, some of their spells are replaced by stronger spells. So i dont want the players to feel like . . . aww i dont want to become lvl 25 because then i have 'Super arrow' instead of 'poison arrow' which is stronger, but i still want the players to know it IS the same spell, just much stronger

I forgot to add, it is for a hero defence type map, so single target spells arent really something to go crazy about (unless you can use it on an ally) so there will be lots of creeps

The heroes im using :

Legionnaire - normal fighter, strong dps etc.
Black Guard - dark warrior, uses dark magic
Dwarven Defender - very strong defensive hero

Drow Ranger - dark ranger, uses dark magic
Arcane Archer - uses her magic to enchant her arrows/ her bow
Flamebow - specializes with fire

Mystic Theurge - Spiritual type caster, lots of healing, buffs etc.
Archmage - Lots of offensive elemental spells
Red Wizard - The human embodiment of a dragon, has lots of dragon related spells
Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
Interesting. As I am quite tired, I will give you a list of spells tomorrow. Sorry about that. xD
Level 25
Jun 3, 2008
Here is some new ideas:

For Legionnaire:
Imperial Strike: Deals damage to 1 enemy, knocking him back and stunning him.
Raging Strike: Deals damage to all enemies in front of the caster, knocking them back and stunning them.
Merciless Strike: Deals damage to all enemies in some range of the caster, knocking them back and stunning them.

For Black Guard:
Dark Slam: An attack that steals instant life from 1 enemy, and then steals some of his life over time.
Shadow Slam: An attack that steals instant life from all enemies in front of the caster, and then steals some of their life over time.
Death Slam: An attack that steals instant life from all enemies in some range of the caster, and then steal some of their life over time.

For Dwarven Defender:
Rock Throwing: Throws a rock on an enemy, dealing damage and taunting him.
Mass Rock Throwing: Throws rocks on an enemy and all enemies nearby it, dealing damage and taunting them.
Rock Spray: Throws rocks on all enemies in a large range of the caster, dealing damage and taunting them.

For Drow Ranger:
Black Shot: Shoots an enemy with an arrow, dealing damage and then slowing him.
Night Shot: Shoots an enemy with an arrow, dealing damage and then slowing him. When the enemy moves, he will leave a shadowy trace after him. Other enemies who enter this trace are also slowed.
Unholy Shot: Shoots an enemy with an arrow, dealing damage and then slowing him. When the enemy moves, he will leave a shadowy trace after him. Other enemies who enter this trace takes a huge amount of damage and gets slowed.

For Arcane Archer:
Flash Arrow: Shoots an arrow into the ground, stunning and dealing damage to all enemies in some range of the arrow.
Jumping Flash Arrow: Shoots a target with an arrow, stunning and dealing damage to him and all other enemies near him. Then the arrow jumps to an other target, doing the same.
Raining Flash Arrows: Calls forth a rain of arrows, dealing damage and stunning all enemies in some range of the caster. The effect isn't cancelled if the caster moves.

For Flamebow:
Hot Arrow: Shoots an enemy and deals instant damage to it.
Fiery Arrow: Shoots an enemy, dealing instant damage and then some damage over time.
Burning Arrow: Shoots an enemy with a burning arrow, dealing instant damage and then some damage over time. If the enemy touches other enemies, they get the damage over time effect too, which also can spread.

For Mystic Theurge:
Spirit of Life: Summons a spirit that heals friendly units.
Spirit of Hope: Summons a spirit that heals friendly units and deals damage to enemy units.
Spirit of Justice: Summons a spirit that heals friendly units and deals damage to enemy units. If any unit is killed near the spirit, another spirit is summoned at the corpse.

For Archmage:
Cold Stance: The caster enters a stance, allowing him to walk through all enemies. All enemies he walk through, are frozen.
Icy Stance: The caster enters a stance, allowing him to walk through all enemies. All enemies he walk through, takes damage and gets frozen.
Freezing Stance: The caster enters a stance, allowing him to walk through all enemies. All enemies he walk through, takes damage and gets frozen. When the caster leaves the stance, all frozen enemies takes a big amount of damage.

For Red Wizard:
Draconic Rage: The caster feels a draconic rage, increasing his damage slightly.
Dragon Within: The caster calls forth the dragon within, increasing his damage and attack speed.
True Form: The caster enters his true form as a dragon, increasing his damage, attack speed and allows him to fly.

These are just a few ideas, hope you like them :)
Level 8
Apr 6, 2009
Ok here i go D:


Iron Strike: Deals XX damage and may stun for X seconds. There is a 30% chance that the casters attack damage will be increased by 20% over X seconds.

Steel Rampage: Creates a shield of small steel bricks, flying fast around the caster. Every attacker will take XX damage and the casters attack damage will be increased by XX%.


Scary Face: Scares the target enemy unit, making it run away. While the target is running, its movement speed will be doubled but after the effect, its atttack speed will be reduced by XX% over XX seconds.

Horror Mind:
Puts terrifying horror into the target enemy units mind, dealing XX damage every second and stuns it. All damage taken will be increased by 40%.
Level 12
Aug 31, 2008
Well some cool spells...

Level 1: Discharge (Non MUI mind that) --- creates a bomb unit that continues to get larger (and maybe more vertex colored) until it explodes dealing Aoe damage to all units around it.

Level 2: Armaggedon ---- (also non MUi or maybe you can make them MUI i just think so) creates 3 bombs that grow until the combust dealing massive Aoe damage.

Variations of this spell include giving use the ability to move the bomb to position it. Pushing the bomb with attacks (like hot potato bomb style.) Or just launching it to the target area.
Level 13
Apr 15, 2008

Blade Throw: The hero throws his blade to the enemy and deals X damage.
Blade Dance: The hero spins at a extreme speed and hits all the enemies in a range of Z dealing X damage.

Red Wizard

Roar of the Dragons: The hero roars to the nearby enemies and decreases their armor with X and XX damage.
Dragon's Tail: The hero spawns a mighty dragon and then hits the enemies in a range of Z with his tail.


Hellish Arrows: The hero shoots burning arrows which deals X damage and deals overtime XX damage.
Meteor Arrow: The hero shoots a huge flaming arrow and damages every unit in a range of Z dealing X damage and leaves the units burning with XX damage.
You may ask yourself about it, but all these spells are possible (and not hard) to be made. They are just damn tricky. ;)


- Fireworks: Creates a random and appealing spell effect, that does no damage, but intimidates and distracts the opponent.
- Illusionary Mirror: Summons an image of the hero, creating an axis of symmetry between the hero and the summon. If the image hits any enemy, it stuns this enemy. (The image isn't controllable, but it will walk symmetrically along with the hero)

Chronomancer: (Time Magic)
- Roll Back: Goes back to the position and the life points had 5 seconds before the spell usage. (Just save both values every second, in an array of 5 values, adding a new one, saving the others one number greater and erasing the last)
- Past Overlap: Summons a clone of the hero at the position of 5 seconds before, with the life points of 5 seconds before. (The clone will return to its original position whenever using Roll Back, and he won't be able to Overlap)

- Pet: Creates a mutant pet that will acquire the fisionomy of any creature it attacks. The biological information of the pet will be stored for the next time it is summoned. (It is a forever level 1 hero with the stats 10/10/10 and life 400/400 - this can be raised with levels. When the pet attacks a normal unit, it will multiply its max mana and health by a small factor of the target's ones, causing it to seem to acquire the same features the attacked unit has. When attacking a hero, the factor is between 3 numbers, multiplying its stats on these proportions. The sum of the attributes and the life/mana will never change, for balancing purposes. If the Pet attacks an intelligent hero, it will gain INT and lose some AGI and STR. Hard to figure out, but awesome in-game)
- Genetic Theft: Gives all the abilities owned by the units in an area to the Pet, for a period of 20 seconds, replenishing instantly the Pet's mana points.
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Level 17
Nov 4, 2008
The Legionnaire
Presence of Authority [PASSIVE]
The Legionnaire's authority influences his allies and fills them up with the strength to focus and pull on. This grants allies with an xx% boost to movement and attack speed as well as an xx% chance of dealing x2 damage when a spell/ability is cast.
The Commander's Word [ACTIVE]
The Legionnaire rallies his allies together and lets out a mighty shout that boosts their morale and focus. This gives allies a xx% chance of ignoring opponent's armour and striking true as well as giving them an xx% of dodging incoming attacks.

The Black Guard
Curse of Guilt [ACTIVE]
The Black Guard curses a target with GUILT. This makes the target guilty of striking any ally of the Black Guard and give up xx health for the target struck over x seconds.
Curse of Promises [ACTIVE]
The Black Guard curses a target by PROMISING it wealth. This bribes the target and causes it to attack his own allies for xx seconds where the target will break down in sorrow and be slaughtered by the Black Guard and his allies.

The Dwarven Defender
The Dwarven Defender raises his shield at his target, intimidating it. This grants the Dwarven Defender an increase in his chance of blocking attacks.
Titanium Enhancement [PASSIVE]
The Dwarven Defender's shield is enhanced with piercing spikes that deal xx damage to a target striking the Dwarven Defender from the front whilst Defend is activated.
Level 12
Aug 31, 2008
Level 1: Quick escape : The hero teleports a short distance, leaving all others that were near him before he teleported, to be trapped in by obelisks. Also, all units within the obelisks are earthquaked and slowed/ stunned.

Level 2: Raise Hell : The Hero teleports a short distance, leaving all other that were around the caster before he teleported to be trapped by fiery obelisks with permanent immolation. The units earthquaked. And a random units are Impaled.
Level 13
Apr 15, 2008
Lawl :xxd:

Soon I'll post some more ideas.
But could you gimme some screenies/links of the models?
Then I'll search for a fitting icon, name and description for you. :wink:

P.S. I will (maybe) check this later,
I'm at my work right now, sneaky sneaky! :smile:
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
Spirit Touch - restores X mana to target ally (not self. mana cost is larger than amount of mana restored)
Spirit Boon - restores a bit less mana, but now also heals the target.
Spirit Tap - restores much more mana than original spell, but now deals some damage to the target.
Level 13
Apr 15, 2008
Spirit Touch - restores X mana to target ally (not self. mana cost is larger than amount of mana restored)
Spirit Boon - restores a bit less mana, but now also heals the target.
Spirit Tap - restores much more mana than original spell, but now deals some damage to the target.

Two levels, not three :wink:
Level 8
Dec 7, 2008
Earth Strike throws a rock at a single target dealing damage.
Rock Blast throws several rocks at an area, dealing damage to those they land on.

Mana Shield causes damage done to you to attack your mana, not hp.
Arcane Armour same as above, but burns a bit of the enemies mana too.

Snakes Kiss Line DoT
Vipers Wish Line DoT + Stun
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Level 22
Feb 3, 2009
Frost Spells:

Freezing Field - An area will of 650 starts freezing, after 1 second every enemy within will get stun freeze for 1.5 seconds and at the same time a 50% move and attack speed reduction for 4 seconds.

Arctic Field - Freeze the air around the caster wich will freeze every unit in 1000 AOE for a smal amount of time and continiuesly freezing demage the units.

Fire Spells:

Devil Explosion - With powerfull mana control the caster realeases a great 750 AOE explosion field wich demages greatly.

Ball of Destroction - Channels an small ball of fire created, it grows with each moment, and when you reach it's maximum or stop channeling it, it is thrown forward dealing line demage and an additional stun demage on the end when it explodes.
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
simple idea:

Battle Shout - increases attack damage of all allies in 500 radius by 2X and reduces attack damage of all enemies in same radius by X. Lasts 30 seconds.

War Shout - increases attack damage of all allies in 500 radius by 2X and reduces attack damage of all enemies in same radius by 2X. Lasts 30 seconds.
Level 12
Aug 31, 2008
How about this...
Cluster Fire ball..
Level one: Throws a fire ball. It exands unitll it explodes, shooting out mini fire balls that deal X damage.
Hot Cluster
Level two: Throws a fire ball. It expands until it explodes, shooting out several mini fireballs that deal X damage. Those Fireballs explode, creating several mini-mini fireballs that deal X damage.
Level 1
Jun 9, 2009
I've got a few.

Dwarven Defender - very strong defensive hero
-Taunt: All enemies within a large area are forced to attack the Defender for 5 seconds.
-Goad: All enemies within a large area are forced to attack the Defender for 10 seconds, as well as taking a debuff to damage for 10 seconds.

Mystic Theurge - Spiritual type caster, lots of healing, buffs etc.
-Overcharge: Target allied unit heals X health, based on their strength, and regain X mana, based on their intelligence. The Mystic Theurge gains half the health and mana the target did.
-Supercharge: Target allied unit heals X health, based on their strength, and regain X mana, based on their intelligence. The Mystic Theurge gains the same health and mana the target did.

-Spirit Drain: Channel. Target enemy unit takes X damage per second and you gain X health per second. The caster takes double damage from enemy attacks.
-Devour Spirit: Channel. Target enemy unit takes X damage per second and you gain 1.5*X health per second. The caster takes double damage from enemy attacks.

-Soul Sacrifice: Channel. Target ally gains X life per second of channel and you lose X life per second. The caster takes double damage from enemy attacks.
-Soul Conversion: Channel. Target ally gains X life per second and you lose X/2 life per second. The caster takes double damage from enemy attacks.

-(Ultimate) Soul Torrent: Channel. Enemies in a large radius around the caster lose X life per second and the caster gains X life per second. The caster takes double damage from enemy attacks.
-(Ultimate) Soul Storm: Channel. Enemies in a large radius around the caster lose 2*X life per second and the caster gains X life per second.

Archmage - Lots of offensive elemental spells
-Fire Bomb: Create a Fire Bomb at target location. After 3 seconds, it explodes in a large radius and deals X damage.
-Orb of Fire: Create a Orb of Fire at target location. This is a unit that you can control. When it runs over an enemy, it deals X damage to it. The Orb lasts for 10 seconds.

-Ice Knife: Shoots an ice knife at target unit and explodes in a small radius. Target takes X damage and units in AoE take X/2 damage.
-Ice Lance: Shoots an ice lance at target unit and explodes in a large radius. Target takes X damage and is stunned. Units in AoE take X damage and are slowed.

-Tremor: Large AoE. Targets in AoE take X damage every second for 5 seconds.
-Quake: Large AoE. Targets in AoE are stunned for the duration of the spell and take X damage every second for 7 seconds.

-(Ultimate) Elemental Storm: Units in large AoE are stunned for 3 seconds, and slowed for an additional 5. All units in the AoE take X damage every second.
-(Ultimate) Elemental Torrent: Units in large AoE are stunned for 5 seconds and slowed for an additional 10. All units in AoE take X damage every second.
Level 4
Jul 30, 2008
Nature Dance - Roots every enemy unit around the hero for 5 seconds and heals you for 4 seconds
(X health every second)

X = Your idea =p could be percent of hero's health,
number of targets that getting tracked by the roots x10, 150 health x level and etc.
Level 11
Apr 5, 2009
stygian rage-the stygian becomes angry and starts attacking everything, friend or foe. .has + 60/80/100 Damage,+4%/10%/11% movement speed and + 60+/100+/120+ attack speed. .but loses 20/40/60 HP on your every attack

no escape!-when an enemy is low in 200HP/400HP/600HP. .stygian suddenly teleport's to that unit,giving stygian 100+/120+/150+ attack speed, ,
Level 11
Apr 5, 2009
haha. .ok thanks! :D

i got more ideas
untouchable aura-when attacked stygian has 3%/6%/10% chance to become invulnerable for 0.60/0.90/1 Seconds.has 120 seconds to become full invulnerable for 4 seconds.

come to me!- ties all enemy units near 500 AoE with shackles,making them spin around till they get near to you, near 100 AoE.

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Level 3
Mar 17, 2009
Impaling Shot - The <caster> shoots an arrow so powerful, that it shoots until it hits a unit, pushing them back til they hit another unit or tree. They are then impaled to this unit or tree.

Power Missile - The <caster> shoots out a missile that homes in on its target. It then knocks them back for a long distance or until they hit a tree or unit. If they hit a tree or unit they will be stunned.

Orb of Blades - The <caster> shoots out a magical orb full of blades. This stuns the first target it hits and then shoots out around itself (fan of knives) with blades pushing hit enemies back a distance or if they hit a tree or another unit they become shackled to that tree or unit. This would be an ultimate.
Shana Urthadur - The Arcane Assassin
Range: 450 | Move Speed: 320
Primary: AGI
Str: 17 + 1.0 | Agi: 26 + 4.0 | Int: 17 + 1.7
Damage: 49 - 52 | HP: 473 | Mana: 221
HP Regen: 1.03 | Mana Regen: 0.87
Attack Speed: 1.18 | Armor: 3

Gifted with fast movement speed and dexterity, Shana Urthadur strikes down any enemy in his way, with great power. Anyone unfortunate to meet him, will be assassinated by his mighty bow.


Arrow Storm
Shana Urthadur is skilled in bowman ship. He shoots a flurry of arrows into the sky. When they descend, they strike a target enemy, dealing damage and slowing the enemy down whilst it tries to remove the arrows.
Animation: He just fires a few arrows into the air and they descend. Like Scattershot, just not AOE.
Level 1 - 100 damage plus 10% slow for 2 seconds
Level 2 - 125 damage plus 20% slow for 2 seconds
Level 3 - 200 damage plus 35% slow for 2 seconds
Level 4 - 250 damage plus 40% slow for 2 seconds


Assassin's Speed [A]
With every shot, Shana has a chance to fire 5 arrows immediately after, at random enemies. These arrows deal 20% damage at all levels. If triggered, Shana's attack speed and movement speed with increase for 2 seconds.
Level 1 - 10% chance, 10% increase in attack speed, 3% increase in movement speed
Level 2 - 20% chance, 20% increase in attack speed, 6% increase in movement speed
Level 3 - 30% chance, 40% increase in attack speed, 9% increase in movement speed
Level 4 - 40% chance, 60% increase in attack speed, 10% increase in movement speed

Manacost: NIL
Cooldown: NIL

Assassin's Dagger [D]
Shana slings his bow over his shoulder, draws his dagger, and dashes towards his unfortunate target. Upon reaching his target, he stabs his opponent, dealing critical damage. After his strike, Shana takes time to re-arm himself with his bow, temporarily unable to attack or move after the assault.
Level 1 - 10% speed increase, deals 150 damage upon hit. Takes 3 seconds to regain composure.
Level 2 - 20% speed increase, deals 250 damage upon hit. Takes 2.75 seconds to regain composure
Level 3 - 30% speed increase, deals 300 damage upon hit. Takes 2.5 seconds to regain composure
Level 4 - 40% speed increase, deals 350 damage upon hit. Takes 2.0 seconds to regain composure (ms does not exceed 522)


Arcane Mist [E]
Whenever the Arcane Assassin does not attack, a mysterious mist surrounds him, making him hard to hit and increases his movespeed and attackspeed. This kicks in even if you are stunned.
Level 1 - 30% dodge in mist, 5% increase in movespeed, 10% in attack speed. Takes 4 seconds for mist to shroud.
Level 2 - 35% dodge in mist, 10% increase in movespeed, 20% in attack speed. Takes 2 seconds for mist to shroud.
Level 3 - 50% dodge in mist, 20% increase in movespeed, 40% in attack speed. Takes 0.5 seconds for mist to shroud.
Level 11
Jul 9, 2009
Blaze Nova
Brings out a fluke of Freezing Flames to damage enemies in an area.
Damage:40 Damage Per Sec Lasts 5 Seconds
Slow:10% Slow
Blazing Chill
Brings Out A Flood Of Freezing Flames To Damage A Whole Group Of Enemies
Damage:65 Damage Per Second Lasts 5 Seconds
Slow:20% Slow
Flaming Glacier
Brings Out A Disaster Of Freezing Flames To Damage A Whole Region
Damage:90 Damage Per Second Lasts 5 Seconds
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