[Development] Need a concept artist.

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Level 7
Aug 19, 2009
Hi every one...

Few months ago I had started working on a 3rd person shooter RPG using Unreal Engine. Currently I have a small but good team and the progress is going in a good pace. We are in need of a good concept artist.

The game's genre is Sci-Fi. We are currently looking for a concept artist who could do good alien drawings either in paper or using any 3d application.

Addition to the concept artist, any 3d or 2d artists who are interested to join could pm me.
Level 7
Aug 19, 2009
Then that becomes harder... most people wants proof that you have already done something in the game before trying to join... and one of the easiest way is to show screenies

Official things need more work and are not complete yet so we don't want to leak incomplete stuff.

So we are planning to release a small game-play of a small map which wont be in game.
Even Concept Arts will work you know?

If you don't wan to show anything, then work on it first using a closed group of friends... You cannot expect random people in the internet to simply join you when you cannot even provide simple proofs of your works. Unless you already have a good portfolio of previous projects.
Level 6
Jan 15, 2010
Concept artists are literally hard to get, even if you have a prove that you work on something! Even when you plan to make their job on 2D animation unnecessary (more easy work for em), they are incredibly hard to get. Trust me, if you dont plan to make money out of it, then you are 99% ensured to fail of finding one.

Im not sure hows things gonna work about your project tho since its 3D, and I never rushed that far away. I keep hearing that 3D modeling and texturing was easier then 2D, for the artists ...
Level 15
Oct 18, 2008
It's not impossible to get people working for you for free (or, rather, a share of the future profit or the promise of being paid IF the crowd-founding or whatever is successful) BUT you need screenshots, ideas, GDD, and a form of explanation of what and how you want to do it.

If you have a concrete plan, game design, some program code/demo to show, and real team members to show around, then you may (or may not) find team members here and there. But not like this. Ever.
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